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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Language
2005-12-13, 8:36 PM #41
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Th---there's still jews.

You obviously missed the part where I said genocide, not just the holocaust. And the jewish population has been greatly diminished because of the holocaust. Hell, the end-event of any form of genocide will be the death of a race.

Either way, you lose. Godwins Law.
2005-12-13, 8:43 PM #42
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Mom and I swear in front of each other no problem. We don't ****ing care. :p

About the god-damned-mother****ing same here.
MithShrike: First Mateneer
Pimpin' Yerba Mate Drinker
2005-12-14, 1:38 AM #43
I'm going to see how many of the following words are censored

t[BREAST] **** *** **** **** ***** ******* ******* mother****er ****brick elephant************licker c[WHOA] *** ch[BLAH] g[BLRF]
2005-12-14, 1:58 AM #44
So you don't care about other people? Guess what? Your entire existence on this planet is defined by other people. You rely on other people to pay you for your work, you rely on other people to sell you your food and home, that other people harvested and built. You rely on other people to protect you and your freedom. You relied (or perhaps still do, depending on your age) on your family to raise you and provide for you, and you are by no means self sufficient. The world is filled with these other people, and you're hardly worth a thing to most of them.

If you don't show respect to other people, and respect to what's important to them, then they won't respect you in return. And without them, you're absolutely nothing.

To think that yours is the only viewpoint that matters is the epitome of short-sighted selfishness, and with that kind of attitude you won't make it anywhere in the real world. Looking tough is not a free ticket towards being successful.

That said, you don't need to cater to everyone, especially when they're not around. But the least you could do is show some decency towards your fellow men and women, for their sake as well as your own, because you need them more than they need you.
2005-12-14, 3:51 AM #45
is ****** still cencored?
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2005-12-14, 5:51 AM #46
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
So you don't care about other people? Guess what? Your entire existence on this planet is defined by other people. You rely on other people to pay you for your work, you rely on other people to sell you your food and home, that other people harvested and built. You rely on other people to protect you and your freedom. You relied (or perhaps still do, depending on your age) on your family to raise you and provide for you, and you are by no means self sufficient. The world is filled with these other people, and you're hardly worth a thing to most of them.

If you don't show respect to other people, and respect to what's important to them, then they won't respect you in return. And without them, you're absolutely nothing.

To think that yours is the only viewpoint that matters is the epitome of short-sighted selfishness, and with that kind of attitude you won't make it anywhere in the real world. Looking tough is not a free ticket towards being successful.

That said, you don't need to cater to everyone, especially when they're not around. But the least you could do is show some decency towards your fellow men and women, for their sake as well as your own, because you need them more than they need you.

I don't care what others You're taking things out of context, blowing them out of proportion, and generally making a horrible argument. Not to mention Godwin's Law, so you've already lost. Honestly, just give up.
2005-12-14, 6:00 AM #47
The third paragraph of that post is the only part that's not very good. I would say he's right about everything else, as much as it sucks.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2005-12-14, 6:08 AM #48
I agree... you should really be mindful of what you say around other people. Having a"I dont care" mentality is cool and all, but sometimes you should care :P especially since youll end up offending someone you didnt mean to.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-12-14, 6:21 AM #49
Originally posted by MBeggar:
I agree... you should really be mindful of what you say around other people. Having a"I dont care" mentality is cool and all, but sometimes you should care :P especially since youll end up offending someone you didnt mean to.

There's some (very few) exceptions, but for the most part while I'm out in public I'll say what I will. I never say anything offensive on purpose, just say what I think and what I mean. Honestly, if you're a decent person at all you'll have a sense of humor about it. I know plenty of Chrisitians who joke about Jesus' death, have lots of Jewish friends that joke about killing Jesus, etc etc. Now, if I was going around trying to make people pissed off that'd be different, but I'm not. I'm just saying what I think when I think (for the most part).
2005-12-14, 7:00 AM #50
pissing off a couple of christians with no sense of humour or tolerance does not equal to not caring about the whole human race and failing at life god dammit.
2005-12-14, 7:27 AM #51
Originally posted by Pommy:
I'm going to see how many of the following words are censored

t[BREAST] **** *** **** **** ***** ******* ******* mother****er ****brick elephant************licker c[WHOA] *** ch[BLAH] g[BLRF]

Um, what were those last two?
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2005-12-14, 7:36 AM #52
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]pissing off a couple of christians with no sense of humour or tolerance does not equal to not caring about the whole human race and failing at life god dammit.[/QUOTE]
spe wins
2005-12-14, 8:01 AM #53
I don't say c[shun]t because it offends some people. I don't refer to all women as b[snitch]es because it offends most women. I don't refer to Arabs as towelheads, because it would offend them. I don't refer to black people as n[fig]ers, because it would offend them.

Has my lifestyle been radically changed by my inability to incorporate these words into my daily vocabulary? Not in a negative way, no. Simply avoiding the use of those words around people who have asked you to (with a reasonable justification backing it) is not a difficult thing to do.

Call me a crazy conformist desperately seeking the approval of others if I care what other people think of me.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-12-14, 1:52 PM #54
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]There's some (very few) exceptions, but for the most part while I'm out in public I'll say what I will. I never say anything offensive on purpose, just say what I think and what I mean. Honestly, if you're a decent person at all you'll have a sense of humor about it. I know plenty of Chrisitians who joke about Jesus' death, have lots of Jewish friends that joke about killing Jesus, etc etc. Now, if I was going around trying to make people pissed off that'd be different, but I'm not. I'm just saying what I think when I think (for the most part).[/QUOTE]

You realize that that is exactly what I was saying, right?

I wasn't saying that you should never ever say anything that anyone might possibly ever find offensive. I said that you shouldn't say blatantly offensive things around people who would be offended. Yes, a lot of people don't care, but if you're around someone that does, you should be respectful of that. It's not that hard.

And when I said that, you responded saying that you didn't care about what anyone else thinks, hence my last post. And now you're agreeing with me. Please, if you're going to argue with me, be consistant.

And Godwin's Law can shove it. Stop trying to weasel your way out of the corner you've backed yourself in. And that goes for ending your posts with "You lose." and other similar phrases. Typing up a bull**** argument and then saying "You lose." or "Give up." does not make you right.
2005-12-14, 1:56 PM #55
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
You realize that that is exactly what I was saying, right?

I wasn't saying that you should never ever say anything that anyone might possibly ever find offensive. I said that you shouldn't say blatantly offensive things around people who would be offended. Yes, a lot of people don't care, but if you're around someone that does, you should be respectful of that. It's not that hard.

And when I said that, you responded saying that you didn't care about what anyone else thinks, hence my last post. And now you're agreeing with me. Please, if you're going to argue with me, be consistant.

And Godwin's Law can shove it. Stop trying to weasel your way out of the corner you've backed yourself in. And that goes for ending your posts with "You lose." and other similar phrases. Typing up a bull**** argument and then saying "You lose." or "Give up." does not make you right.

What? You aren't even consistent. I said I don't try to be offensive--but if I want to say something, and it might offend someone, I'm not going to stop myself. You would. There lies the difference. I merely said I'm not going around PURPOSELY being offensive, and that there are VERY few exceptions where I would avoid it (work is really the only one that comes to mind). My argument is consistent, yet you're claiming that now I agree with you. Whatever dude, next time you're going to argue with me make sure YOU at least know what the **** you're talking about, especially if I don't.

Godwin's Law was a joke. If I actually believed that you automatically lost because of it, I wouldn't have responded at all afterwards. So stop taking everything so goddamn seriously.

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