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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So... I'm starting WoW today...
So... I'm starting WoW today...
2005-12-24, 7:07 AM #41
Well then. I made a characther, Fishstickz on Dragonmaw or Dragonpaw or something. All the populated servers were PVP, so I went with the PVP server. Got level 9 in one session, having a blast.

What I meant about a compendium of knowledge is like acronyms and stuff. I've played MMOs for years, and I know almost all the general MMO terms, but when I see "21 Warrior LFG VC", I just don't know what VC means, that kind of thing.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-12-24, 7:35 AM #42

Details of all the instances in WoW except for the raid instances.
2005-12-24, 8:05 AM #43

OH my god, this coming from the guy who laughed at WoW players a month or 2 ago. :gbk:
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2005-12-24, 8:26 AM #44
Originally posted by JediKirby:

OH my god, this coming from the guy who laughed at WoW players a month or 2 ago. :gbk:

It seems a lot better than it really is. Trust me.
2005-12-24, 8:31 AM #45

HATE wailing caverns.
2005-12-24, 10:28 AM #46
Me and some other long time wow players discovered you don't even need a warrior for most instances before the 5+ people ones. It turns out a paladin, a priest, and 3 hunters can level most instances in record time and have few if any wipes. As proof my guild and I ran maradon and cleared orange, purple, and princess (all the quests) in a couple hours and wiped once from like 3 patrols hopping on us. So play something cool like hunter :P /bias
A dream is beautiful because it remains a dream.
2005-12-24, 10:37 AM #47
Originally posted by Gettleburger:
Me and some other long time wow players discovered you don't even need a warrior for most instances before the 5+ people ones. It turns out a paladin, a priest, and 3 hunters can level most instances in record time and have few if any wipes. As proof my guild and I ran maradon and cleared orange, purple, and princess (all the quests) in a couple hours and wiped once from like 3 patrols hopping on us. So play something cool like hunter :P /bias

You do realize there's other combinations that can do just as good a job, and they don't recquire inflating one's ego for their own class.

Druid, druid, druid, druid and druid. Best combo
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-12-24, 10:38 AM #48
good point

also, if you're still considering classes, druids are probably hands down the best 1v1 class
A dream is beautiful because it remains a dream.
2005-12-24, 10:42 AM #49
Oh, and gettle, as soon as I get my RAM tomorow, I'm going on a hunt. I'd ask you to come along, but sadly you're on my list :(
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-12-24, 2:31 PM #50
Originally posted by Yecti:
So by that extreme measure, yes, you're losers because you play a game I don't care for. And no, I'm not joking.

So what about that paramedic who plays WoW in his/her spare time that just saved your sorry *** from a car accident? What a loser.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-12-24, 3:22 PM #51
The only thing I hate about World of Warcraft is the people who play it. To most of them, it's the only game on earth. If I even mention the fact that I really enjoy playing Battlefield 2, I get laughed at and told "you should be playing wow. you'll never stop playing it." Yeah, cause that's really what I want. I want to play a dull game which I'll never want to turn off. Thanks, but no thanks, I'll stick to planting C4 on tanks any day. At least I don't have to wait for my C4 to recycle before I can plant another.
>>untie shoes
2005-12-24, 3:32 PM #52
2005-12-24, 8:46 PM #53
Got to level 14 today, having a blast.

I'm thinking of rolling a new characther though, priests seem alot more in demand than mages, and may be more fun to party with. We'll see tomorrow.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-12-24, 9:01 PM #54
Originally posted by fishstickz:
Got to level 14 today, having a blast.

I'm thinking of rolling a new characther though, priests seem alot more in demand than mages, and may be more fun to party with. We'll see tomorrow.

Priests control instances. Literally. You don't piss the priest off, or you're gone.
2005-12-24, 9:39 PM #55
I just got level 29 on my Forsaken Rogue (Uther server).

Priest are great crowd controlers.

WC is better than BFD at least.

PVP is fun.

That is all I have to say in replies to this thread so far. :D
2005-12-25, 6:40 AM #56
i'm looking around for some good character building guides... any suggestions?
for melee classes i'm fine... but i've never played casters seriously until WoW and i'm a level 10 warlock and needing to figure out what to do to make her more independant (right now i almost rely on my imp as a tank; but he doesn't last long)
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-12-25, 8:03 AM #57
Originally posted by fishstickz:
priests seem alot more in demand than mages

True, they are more in demand than mages, but, not by alot I always see "Looking for priest and mage [someinstance]".

Mages are pretty high in demand for our super awesome sheeping abilities.

<3 my frosty mage
2005-12-25, 8:19 AM #58
Originally posted by Is_907:
i'm looking around for some good character building guides... any suggestions?
for melee classes i'm fine... but i've never played casters seriously until WoW and i'm a level 10 warlock and needing to figure out what to do to make her more independant (right now i almost rely on my imp as a tank; but he doesn't last long)

If you are level 10, you can go pickup a quest for your Voidwalker I believe. Go see what your trainer has to say. He'll be a nice tanking buddy for the long grind ahead to 60 :P
2005-12-25, 8:50 AM #59
I just made a Dwarf Priest on Uther, named Drushean (PvE). I think I'll alternate between the two characthers, Ill see which I like more and play that.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-12-25, 12:48 PM #60
[QUOTE=Connection Problem]If you are level 10, you can go pickup a quest for your Voidwalker I believe. Go see what your trainer has to say. He'll be a nice tanking buddy for the long grind ahead to 60 :P[/QUOTE]
Yes, level 10 = voidwalker. The voidwalker is your bff so make sure to give it an occasional soul shard to keep its coat shiny.

As for the mage/priest thing..... Mages have direct damage and AOE spells. Warlocks have summons and DOT spells. Priests have support and regenerative spells. Rogues can cloak and do a large amount of melee damage. Warriors can manage aggression and tank.

The two most unique classes are the Hunter and the Druid. Hunters have pets and can do ranged physical attacks. Druids are flexible for different situations and can polymorph.

The two most generic classes are the Paladin and the Shaman. Good at everything, but not the best at everything. Most of the shamans I know end up doing support/healing during raids. Paladins can wear plate, but their DPS and tanking skills are typically quite poor compared to the rogue and the warrior, respectively.
2005-12-25, 12:55 PM #61
I had the most fun with my undead warlock. My warrior, however, was fantastic for soloing.
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2005-12-25, 1:00 PM #62
As mentioned, those were the two classes I played.

Although I had the opposite experience. My warrior was fun to play, especially once I got a hang of aggro management - however, he tended to be quite weak at soloing.

My warlock, on the other hand, completely annihilated everything. DOTs are handy because they're 'fire and forget' - most of a warlock's damage comes from them and they keep doing damage while you switch to another target.

The only thing keeping warlocks from being overpowered is the insanely long spell windup. You definitely have to be a patient man to play that class.
2005-12-25, 1:14 PM #63
awesome, i'ma go get the voidwalker thing done in a few mins, then ;D

i'm actually really enjoying 'lock... just learning patience, hehe
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-12-25, 1:16 PM #64
Originally posted by Jon`C:
As mentioned, those were the two classes I played.

Although I had the opposite experience. My warrior was fun to play, especially once I got a hang of aggro management - however, he tended to be quite weak at soloing.

My warlock, on the other hand, completely annihilated everything. DOTs are handy because they're 'fire and forget' - most of a warlock's damage comes from them and they keep doing damage while you switch to another target.

The only thing keeping warlocks from being overpowered is the insanely long spell windup. You definitely have to be a patient man to play that class.

See, I'm talking early game. I only got to level 12 with my warrior, 9 with my warlock. Damn 12 days.
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2005-12-25, 4:27 PM #65
The only classes generally not in high demand by groups are Hunters and Rogues. But they are probably the best soloers.

Lowbie groups are usually looking for tanks and healers, at higher levels Mages and Warlocks are in demand.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-12-25, 6:20 PM #66
Just played a bit of WoW, and got my Whirlwind Sword for my warrior. Such a great reward... :D
2005-12-25, 8:44 PM #67
Got nearly to level 18 today. Did my first instance today (The Deadmines, why do people call it VC?), was a hell of alot of fun, although we didn't finish because our priest was an idiot.

Mage is so much fun, It isn't purely damage like I first though. Polymorph, the freeze spells and the arcane abilities are great in a pinch. Polymorph can singlehandedly turn the tide in a bad situation, and it's funny to turn everything into a sheep >.>.

I've gotten some great equipment.. I think. Mages are supposed to stock up on Intellect, right? What does it do? Reduce resists, increase damage?
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-12-25, 9:02 PM #68
Originally posted by fishstickz:
Got nearly to level 18 today. Did my first instance today (The Deadmines, why do people call it VC?), was a hell of alot of fun, although we didn't finish because our priest was an idiot.

Mage is so much fun, It isn't purely damage like I first though. Polymorph, the freeze spells and the arcane abilities are great in a pinch. Polymorph can singlehandedly turn the tide in a bad situation, and it's funny to turn everything into a sheep >.>.

I've gotten some great equipment.. I think. Mages are supposed to stock up on Intellect, right? What does it do? Reduce resists, increase damage?

VC is short for Van Cleef, the boss of the Deadmines. You can't call The Deadmines DM, because DM could also stand for Dire Maul.

Mages are supposed to stack up on intellect because it gives them mana, 10 intellect gives you 100 mana. You also get a plus crit chance every 59.5 intellect you get.
2005-12-26, 3:25 PM #69
So on christmas day blizzard released gifts under the trees in IF and Org. Among these were christmas helper pets, so to speak, tiny gnomes that you could summon at the cost of a snowball.

Want to know how much they are going for?

200-300 for a red, 150-200 for a green.

Jesus christ.
2005-12-26, 3:26 PM #70
Wow. That's easy money.
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2005-12-26, 4:09 PM #71
lol i got a snowman summon and some lousy soulbound cookies and eggnog...
snowman went for just over 1g in the auction house (good money for a newbie like me ;))
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-12-26, 4:10 PM #72
I got some of that preserved stuff that turns your mount into a reindeer. Going to save it so I can chase people down a couple of monthes from now on a reindeer. Heh
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-12-26, 4:42 PM #73
Are the presents still there? I went to Org yesterday, but couldn't find any presents in the sea of people. My ping goes well into the thousands when I go there, so I'd need a good reason to go again.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-12-26, 5:03 PM #74
Yes they are.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"


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