Originally posted by sugarless5:
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN While I've been trying in vain to hop up and down the stairs all over the place?
Thanks milady. really. It warms my heart to have such kind and noble friends. and you wouldn't have to get me cookies if you did yell at me everytime I tried to get them myself! I could carry them in my mouth, it would have worked! :p
Thanks milady. really. It warms my heart to have such kind and noble friends. and you wouldn't have to get me cookies if you did yell at me everytime I tried to get them myself! I could carry them in my mouth, it would have worked! :p
See, this is what happens when you go to an all-girls school -- no swarms of guys at every turn offering to carry you :p
And carrying cookies in your mouth? You mean eating them, then having to turn right back around to get more
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