So the best overall game could only be based upon MP experience?
That's just plain wrong. Yes,
Battlefield 2 may have had some addictive qualities to its MP games, but everywhere else it was exceptionally poor, particularly graphics. A GOTY should be an all-around great balance that you'll never forget. And the fact that they limited it to MP games is inexcusable, even though the games that I considered actually worthy of the GOTY title were multiplyer anyway. (
Call of Duty 2,
Age of Empires III, and particularly
Civilization IV)
But, really...
Battlefield 2 was badly over-hyped in my opinion. Yes, you can go in as the US Army and beat the snot out of a pseudo Al-Qaeda. Yes, there are vehicles, a variety of types of soldier, etc. But the game would've only looked good had it been released in the year 2002, and after a while, I actually found it boring. That, and the horrifically poor programming hurt it a lot. (NO other game has any use for more than 1GB of RAM, yet this won't run quite well enough unless you have 2GB)
Easily the best-looking game of 2005 was
Call of Duty 2; I was breathless when I saw the Stalingrad maps.
F.E.A.R. also looked good, though they lose points for calling their "AA/FPS-killer" option "soft shadows."
Age of Empires III did well, but perhaps kind of dissapointed in the face of all that was expected out of it. Lastly,
Civilization IV shows why unlike most other beaten-to-death franchises, everything Sid Meyer is different.
I would also give some kudos to
Indigo Prophecy; I recently picked it up, and a lot of it is quite intruiging. However, a lot of the scenes are repetitive, and it's visual quality is on a par with
Battlefield 2. (in other words, limited to the capabilities of the original Xbox) But there's something to be said for scenes to cover-up a bloody murder.