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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Most annoying line in all of Star Wars (movies)
Most annoying line in all of Star Wars (movies)
2006-02-07, 12:28 PM #41
George ruined the "bad feeling" lines in episode 2 and 3. The previous 4 movies had some element of mystery to them. But in episode 2, the reek comes out, Anakin sees this big bull/rhino monster and says "I have a bad feeling about this". GEE, YOU THINK? I MEAN YOU'RE ONLY CHAINED UP AND THEY MARCHED A BIG MONSTER WITH A HORN CAPABLE OF STABBING INTO THE ARENA!

Then in Episode 3, Obi-Wan has a bad feeling about trying to fly into a hangar bay that has a door quickly closing, meaning he is likely to crash... brilliant "bad feeling" there too... also Obi-Wan already got to say it in a previous movie, ruining the pattern of a new person every time. It went Han, Leia, C3PO, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Obi-Wan. I mean come on, one last movie and you couldnt give the line to Mace before he went to fight Palpatine, forcing Anakin to stay behind. It would have been perfect.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-07, 12:54 PM #42
Originally posted by Bill:
It's a movie where firey explosions exist in space, as well as swords composed entirely of energy... oh... and you know... that whole "force" thing.

Let's not get to picky about what would "really" happen.

Some Far Eastern practices believe in harnessing an internal universal power that is the key to keeping people alive. Some believe as far as the ability to control objects without touching them or even "psychic" powers like detecting danger before it occurs. Lucas based the Force off this.

Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']"I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything’s soft... and smooth..."

He was talking about her boobs.

Exactly. The dude has pretty much vowed a life of celibacy, the guy has absolutely no pick up lines, no game what-so-ever, no womanizing skills at all. For such a line to work on her suggests one thing alone:

Padme is easy.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-02-07, 1:22 PM #43
I'd do her.

... :p
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-02-07, 1:34 PM #44
The fact that so many people are saying star wars has some of the worst dialogue ever tells me you all have never seen many movies. I have seen some truly abysmal dialogue and acting. Star Wars isn't that bad.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-07, 4:38 PM #45
Originally posted by Centrist:
I want my giggle back! :o

hehe hehe hehe hehe

Touch your tongue to mine. :em321:
"The solution is simple."
2006-02-07, 6:21 PM #46
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
Ooh, or "Around the survivors a perimeter create!"

yeah, seriously. lucas totally overdid the backwards yoda talk in episodes 1-3.

he doesnt talk like that ALL THE TIME. watch the empire strikes back again. if i remember correctly, most of the stuff he tells luke about the force and his training.. he's speaking completely normal. and thats like 4 paragraphs of dialogue. and most of his lines in the orignal trilogy.
2006-02-07, 6:52 PM #47
Originally posted by Cazor:
yeah, seriously. lucas totally overdid the backwards yoda talk in episodes 1-3.

he doesnt talk like that ALL THE TIME. watch the empire strikes back again. if i remember correctly, most of the stuff he tells luke about the force and his training.. he's speaking completely normal. and thats like 4 paragraphs of dialogue. and most of his lines in the orignal trilogy.

Maybe he picked up a book on "English for Dummies" lying around the ship in EP3 before he left for Dagobah.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-02-07, 7:06 PM #48
It was a thing to test students, throw them off balance
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-07, 8:05 PM #49
Originally posted by Cazor:
yeah, seriously. lucas totally overdid the backwards yoda talk in episodes 1-3.

he doesnt talk like that ALL THE TIME. watch the empire strikes back again. if i remember correctly, most of the stuff he tells luke about the force and his training.. he's speaking completely normal. and thats like 4 paragraphs of dialogue. and most of his lines in the orignal trilogy.


Although I cringed throughout most of EP 1-3 whenever somebody opened their mouth, I still think they should have done something different than the vader NOOOOO scene. That almost made me feel sick.
2006-02-08, 1:08 AM #50
"Dark and disturbing this puzzle is."
That's one of those lines where you can almost hear more being said. MST style.
"Dark and disturbing this dastardly despicable puzzle declaratively is."

"Only a Jedi could have erased it from the temple archives. But who? And why? And how and when? Harder to answer."

Obi Wan turns to leave, then stops, turns back to Padme:
"Anakin is the father, isn't he?"
Padme begins to cry.
Obi wan sighs.
"I'm so sorry."
Obi Wan takes a few more steps, turns, and adds:
"You sure know how to pick 'em, don't you?"

-Of course, it's not like the dialogue, or, more specifically, the ACTING in the Millenium Falcon during ESB is all that great either. The "Excited" and "Nice Men" lines are... goofy, and they'd have done better with a Real Doll rather than Fisher in a few of those scenes when she was really loaded.

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