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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Mystery Of How The Hell I Got So Drunk
The Mystery Of How The Hell I Got So Drunk
2006-02-08, 8:47 PM #41
Originally posted by Bill:
One night I drank an entire 750ml bottle of absolut. That was a bad, bad night.

Last night I had nearly a half bottle of Bacardi 151 in around an hour and a half. Then my friends and I went bowling, and this random hottie asked me if I wanted to have sex with her. I just got out of a three month celebate relationship. I don't carry condoms anymore. I was pissed off. None of my friends carry condoms either. Some friends.

That'll teach you good. Also, if this girl is asking random dudes for a shag, she should have condoms too.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-08, 9:11 PM #42
I know that now, but I was wasted at the time.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-08, 9:12 PM #43
eh, you can blame this on on her. :p
Pissed Off?
2006-02-09, 12:06 AM #44
At the moment of this post, I am quite drunk. Jim Beam is my friend.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-02-09, 12:33 AM #45
I'm too hungry to get drunk.

Theres nothing here to eat.. but plenty of booze.
2006-02-09, 12:57 AM #46
rob, alcohol is just as good as food...

trust me. O_o
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-02-09, 3:59 AM #47
Don't they sell condoms in the toliets where you live... or is this just something that happens in my home town.
One should never throw the letter Q into a privet bush
Vin Diesel shot the sheriff, but he did not shoot the deputy; he ate him alive instead.
My Site
2006-02-09, 11:47 AM #48
Originally posted by Joey:
Don't they sell condoms in the toliets where you live... or is this just something that happens in my home town.

Yea... you were either extreeemely (with 3 e's) wasted or where you live sucks :p
2006-02-09, 12:29 PM #49
Originally posted by Joey:
Don't they sell condoms in the toliets where you live... or is this just something that happens in my home town.

We dont use condoms in the South.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-02-09, 12:36 PM #50
I once saw a guy drink a 2-4 of beer in something like 16 hours (2 in the afternoon to 6 in the morning). And he was still coherent and able to walk.

It was absolutely amazing. Every half hour or 45 minutes he'd be opening up a new bottle...
2006-02-09, 12:46 PM #51
VODKA IS ****ING DISGUSTING. if it was anything else that you drank, like jose cuervo or something, i wouldn't be gagging thinking about how several double shots of vodka would feel like going down (well, at least it wasn't skol)

you masochistic fool. drink soco.
2006-02-09, 1:21 PM #52
I can't stand the taste of SoCo.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-09, 1:26 PM #53
Originally posted by Wolfy:
I can't stand the taste of SoCo.

This is why god hates you.

I could take SoCo straight. And LIKE it.
2006-02-09, 2:08 PM #54
Originally posted by ragna:
VODKA IS ****ING DISGUSTING. if it was anything else that you drank, like jose cuervo or something, i wouldn't be gagging thinking about how several double shots of vodka would feel like going down (well, at least it wasn't skol)

you masochistic fool. drink soco.

You must have had some really bad vodka (store brand, or something like it) , b/c the good stuff (Grey Goose, Belvedere, etc.) is really smooth and doesn't burn at all or leave a bad aftertaste. It's like drinking water except if you drink it like water it will knock you on your a**. :p
2006-02-09, 2:22 PM #55
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
It's like drinking water except if you drink it like water it will knock you on your a**. :p

No, it still burns, it just doesn't taste bad AND burn. The best vodka I've ever had was some cheap vodka run through a Britta filter n times, where n is some large prime number.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-09, 2:35 PM #56
Originally posted by Emon:
No, it still burns, it just doesn't taste bad AND burn. The best vodka I've ever had was some cheap vodka run through a Britta filter n times, where n is some large prime number.

I've had vodka that doesn't burn. 50% by volume too. Dunno how they did it, but Smirnoff's is a god among vodka makers, in my experience.
2006-02-09, 3:27 PM #57
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
You must have had some really bad vodka (store brand, or something like it) , b/c the good stuff (Grey Goose, Belvedere, etc.) is really smooth and doesn't burn at all or leave a bad aftertaste. It's like drinking water except if you drink it like water it will knock you on your a**. :p

agreed on the grey goose and belvedere, but still...

i could not drink absolut like that.
2006-02-09, 3:54 PM #58
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]...but Smirnoff's is a god among vodka makers, in my experience.[/QUOTE]

Smirnoff's okay. I'd take Absolut or Ciroc over it any day, any hour of the week.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-09, 4:02 PM #59
Well, vodka by definition is just alcohol and water. If it didn't burn, it probably means you're an alcoholic. ;)
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-09, 5:33 PM #60
Originally posted by Emon:
Well, vodka by definition is just alcohol and water. If it didn't burn, it probably means you're an alcoholic. ;)

Considering it was my first alcoholic drink...ever...I doubt that.
2006-02-09, 6:28 PM #61
I hate vodka.

And yoshi, being able to take SoCo straight isn't that big of a deal... especially after I said I had been drinking 151. Take that straight. You're a man.

Take everclear straight, you're a god.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-09, 6:29 PM #62
Originally posted by Bill:
I hate vodka.

And yoshi, being able to take SoCo straight isn't that big of a deal... especially after I said I had been drinking 151. Take that straight. You're a man.

Take everclear straight, you're a god.

That's exactly my point Bill ;)

I've taken Vodka and Ancient Age straight. I think I qualify as a man. God Ancient Age sucks.
2006-02-09, 6:33 PM #63
3/4 Everclear + 1/8 Lemon juice + 1/8 Sugar = Awesome lemon shots.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-02-09, 6:34 PM #64
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I've had vodka that doesn't burn. 50% by volume too. Dunno how they did it, but Smirnoff's is a god among vodka makers, in my experience.[/QUOTE]

Dear God, Smirnoff is terrible. Give me Skyy or Absolut (if we want to talk about cheap vodka) any day over Smirnoff.
2006-02-09, 6:35 PM #65
Wait, since when is Absolut cheap vodka? A fifth of it runs about $18 here.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-09, 6:36 PM #66
You know, honestly... I can't really be impressed by anyone drinking any alcoholic beverage after having everclear. It doesn't really get more powerful than that.

You must impress me with quantity. If you've consumed an entire 1/5 of Maker's Mark. Good job.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-09, 6:38 PM #67
Originally posted by Shintock:
Dear God, Smirnoff is terrible. Give me Skyy or Absolut (if we want to talk about cheap vodka) any day over Smirnoff.

Since when is ANY of this cheap.

Bill-how's a fifth of whiskey on my own in one night? I would boast about a liter of SoCo on my own in one night...but it's SoCo.
2006-02-09, 6:39 PM #68
Originally posted by Wolfy:
Wait, since when is Absolut cheap vodka? A fifth of it runs about $18 here.

There's only about $2 difference here between a 40-oz of Smirnoff's and a 40-oz of Absolut, IIRC.

Edit: a little more. 1.14L of Absolut for $34.50, same of Smirnoff for $31.75.
2006-02-09, 6:44 PM #69
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Since when is ANY of this cheap.

Bill-how's a fifth of whiskey on my own in one night? I would boast about a liter of SoCo on my own in one night...but it's SoCo.[/QUOTE]
That's pretty good.... I've done it... once. Never again. But I did it.

What kind of whiskey?
>>untie shoes
2006-02-09, 6:45 PM #70
I've gotten used to Fleischman's....horrible stuff.

So at this point anything better than it tastes AMAZING. I had skyy last weekend which was quite nice.
2006-02-09, 6:49 PM #71
Originally posted by Bill:
That's pretty good.... I've done it... once. Never again. But I did it.

What kind of whiskey?

Ancient Age. 40% by volume, kentucky mash, 17 for a half gallon, and absolutely disgusting.
2006-02-09, 7:15 PM #72
Originally posted by Shintock:
There's only about $2 difference here between a 40-oz of Smirnoff's and a 40-oz of Absolut, IIRC.

When was it established that Smirnoff is cheap? Aristocrat, that's cheap. But Smirnoff...? :confused:
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-09, 7:40 PM #73
Originally posted by Bill:
You know, honestly... I can't really be impressed by anyone drinking any alcoholic beverage after having everclear. It doesn't really get more powerful than that.

Or any more disgusting. I mean, it's not like there's much in there to make it taste bad (what with the 5% left over) but the way it burns, all the way down your esophagus and into your stomach, is just gross.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-09, 8:46 PM #74
To those of you who insist on drinking vodka, I'd recommend Svedka. Only marginally more expensive than Smirnoff, and much, much better.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-02-09, 8:49 PM #75
Originally posted by Wolfy:
When was it established that Smirnoff is cheap? Aristocrat, that's cheap. But Smirnoff...? :confused:

If it comes in a glass bottle, it isn't the cheap stuff. I did get a fifth of Shmirnoff for $7.99 once, but that was on the Safeway Club card.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-09, 9:05 PM #76
Originally posted by Avenger:
If it comes in a glass bottle, it isn't the cheap stuff. I did get a fifth of Shmirnoff for $7.99 once, but that was on the Safeway Club card.

Well, smirnoff comes in a plastic bottle (at least liters do), but it's not what I'd call cheap.
2006-02-09, 9:44 PM #77
It comes in glass here.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-09, 10:11 PM #78
I remember back when I was drinking nightly. Quite the alcoholic -- and I never drank mixed drinks. I think it was because I didn't have a gag reflex. Anyways, my friends had some nice 190 Everclear bought down in Connecticut. I drank that straight. Closest to gagging I've ever come. Got nicely drunk, too.
"And lo, let us open up into the holy book of Proxy2..." -genk
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2006-02-10, 4:10 AM #79
my gf got drunk all the time and wanted sex.

I said no.

I have too much dignity to shag a drunk chick.

(i mean, if u did a really good job, and took her to heaven and back, she wouldnt even remember... BAH!)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}

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