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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "Lend a ***** a pencil!"
"Lend a ***** a pencil!"
2006-02-08, 3:55 PM #1
hahahaha aha

Real smooth, teacher! Real smooth!
2006-02-08, 4:05 PM #2
Haha. I love that. "Can you lend a n***a a pencil?"

(When I saw your topic, I thought it was "Lend a b**** a pencil.)
2006-02-08, 4:07 PM #3
haha thats awesome. "sit down white trash"
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-08, 4:26 PM #4
if i was in that class, even though im white, i would of told the teacher to stfu u stupid untoasted cracker
2006-02-08, 4:56 PM #5
That guy does not understand the double standard involving who can use the word as slang and who cannot. Old, white teacher = no.

For some reason, his defense is hilarious, especially since I've been finally introduced to the Chappelle Show.
2006-02-08, 4:57 PM #6
Please, anyone who goes to high school knows nigga is used all the time. My guess is the kids are just getting back at a teacher who they don't like.

EDIT: Looks like we found out who messaged ubuu.
2006-02-08, 5:04 PM #7
But tofu, teachers don't know how to use instant messengers!
2006-02-08, 5:05 PM #8
Everyone knows teachers can send instant messages with their minds
2006-02-08, 5:14 PM #9
Originally posted by tofu:
Please, anyone who goes to high school knows nigga is used all the time. My guess is the kids are just getting back at a teacher who they don't like.

EDIT: Looks like we found out who messaged ubuu.

I totally have to agree with tofu here.

And I DON'T think the double standard is at ALL sensical. If I didn't want people calling me crippled, I wouldn't use the word. If you use the argument that it's intent is different between 2 black students, then I think the intent should be considered in all instances.

I don't think using the term is logical in ANY instance, but I definetly see where this taecher is coming from.

Furthermore, this boils all the way down to the concept of offense. Honestly, you were offended because he said 'nigga?' Then be offended. That's as far as it should go. Fire him for saying it? People can't handle being offended, and it's silly. People are going to offend you your entire life. Deal.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-02-08, 5:14 PM #10
I'm teacher, and that guy (the teacher) is a moron.

I'm not perfect either, though. I told a kid last week who was goofing off for the 90,000th time to "quit dicking around". :)
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-08, 5:17 PM #11
And his response/ the school board's response? :D
2006-02-08, 5:22 PM #12
I hate that word
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-02-08, 5:22 PM #13
In 8th grade, my latin teacher pretended to stab a kid in the front row in the face!

It was funny.
2006-02-08, 5:30 PM #14
The fact is, that kid was probably acting like a prick, and he probably did say something using the word "nigga."

That's the problem with the media. There's a chance to sensationalize this story by making this kid out to be some sort of angel. And then we've got the part where the kid says at the end how the teacher should be fired. Right. Maybe you should sit down and shut up during class.

Last semester my motion graphics teacher was a guy named Riener Zeihm. He's a german national. I can't count the number of times I told him "shut up you ****ing kraut." Or he'd tell my one jewish friend if he wasn't careful he was going to prepare a "special shower" for him.

OOooooh... wow... Big deal, huh? This could spur a debate: Which is worse, a white guy insulting a black guy with a racial slur, or a german guy telling a jew he's going to gas him?
>>untie shoes
2006-02-08, 5:32 PM #15
Haha, I would have joined in on the jokes. I love jew jokes with people who understand the concept of humor. I have several jewish friends who make the jokes themselves. It's not right for a gigantic crowd, but if it's amoung friends and it's HONESTLY jokingly [Like, I don't have anything against jews] than I don't find it offensive at all.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-02-08, 5:38 PM #16
Our motion graphics class was insane. My jewish friend and another guy in the class are very good at staged combat... they make their own sound effects and everything.

One day they stand up in class and just start (fake) slugging each other. Our teacher freaked.

I went to that class hammered at least 20 times.

I skipped class one time to shag a random freshman... My friends told the instructor what I was doing. My teacher calls me via a friend's cell phone and tells me "keep up the good work."
>>untie shoes
2006-02-08, 5:39 PM #17
well if the news report says they should ban it in schools, even black kids saying it to one another should be expelled.
2006-02-08, 5:42 PM #18
I also love how they give the story to a black woman, so we can have cuts of her giving the teacher dirty looks throughout the interview.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-08, 5:43 PM #19
Originally posted by Bill:
I also love how they give the story to a black woman, so we can have cuts of her giving the teacher dirty looks throughout the interview.

Haha, that part was great. With his little diagram and hurried explanations.

2006-02-08, 5:49 PM #20
The worst part is, that shows the network set out to ruin that man in the public eye. The point of that whole story was to make him look as bad as possible.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-08, 5:57 PM #21
Originally posted by Bill:
The worst part is, that shows the network set out to ruin that man in the public eye. The point of that whole story was to make him look as bad as possible.

Yeah, especially with the end..."Tune in next week for MORE destruction of this man's character!"
2006-02-08, 6:01 PM #22
Originally posted by MBeggar:
I hate that word

thak the MB out of your name and place it with a N :p
2006-02-08, 6:42 PM #23
black people call each other N*gga all the time.

So why cant a white person call them a N*gga?



Political Correctness eats wang.

The teacher tried to be Hip and cool, and so he called you N*gga? BIG F***KING DEAL!

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-08, 6:55 PM #24
Originally posted by Bill:
I also love how they give the story to a black woman, so we can have cuts of her giving the teacher dirty looks throughout the interview.
Yeah, but most news interviews are like that.

Originally posted by Avp2MattJa:
if i was in that class, even though im white, i would of told the teacher to stfu u stupid untoasted cracker

It's pronounced "cracka."
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-08, 7:05 PM #25
My reactions, in order:
1. I don't think anyone, black or white, ought to use that word, but I'm certainly not going to use it just because I feel there's an unfair double standard.
2. If the student used the word first, then yes, I think the whole thing's a little overblown. The teacher was still stupid to repeat it.
3. Somebody tell these n****s who Paul Dawson is.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-02-08, 7:19 PM #26
Well, the teacher did make a difference by putting an 'h' on the end and exclaiming n****HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I don't know what to think. The teacher has been suspended before, though.
2006-02-08, 7:49 PM #27
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']Haha, that part was great. With his little diagram and hurried explanations.


I thought for sure the anchorman was going to turn to her at the end and be all "nigga please!"
2006-02-08, 7:54 PM #28
Nig*a is the dumbest word ever invented. I don't get how you can consider nig*er offensive, but not nig*a. It's like saying f**ker is offensive but not f**ka. That shiz is WACK.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-02-08, 7:59 PM #29
God that was priceless. His defense literally made me laugh out loud. And the interviewer's "not impressed" face was pure gold.
2006-02-08, 8:05 PM #30
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Nig*a is the dumbest word ever invented. I don't get how you can consider nig*er offensive, but not nig*a. It's like saying f**ker is offensive but not f**ka. That shiz is WACK.[/QUOTE]
You can't really compare a racial slur and a derivation to a cuss word and a derivation. They're not the same thing, really. They are insults, but they're not the same thing.
2006-02-08, 8:43 PM #31
Then change it to cracker and cracka.

I here black people call each other n***a all the time. I think it makes them look incredibily stupid. And some wonder why no one will take them seriously.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-08, 8:44 PM #32
Originally posted by Avenger:
Then change it to cracker and cracka.

I here black people call each other n***a all the time. I think it makes them look incredibily stupid. And some wonder why no one will take them seriously.

Honestly, I don't consider cracker a racial slur. There's nothing really on the level of Nigger vs Nigga, mainly because there's no words or derivations used to demean others that were once slaves, etc.
2006-02-08, 8:45 PM #33
Of course it's not the same level, but it's a racial slur, none the less.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-08, 8:49 PM #34
Originally posted by Avenger:
Of course it's not the same level, but it's a racial slur, none the less.

Is it really? What white guy takes being called a "cracker" seriously? Usually it's said in joking manner. It's like calling a white guy a honkey. They probably won't take it seriously. However, almost anyone calling some black guy a nigger is bound to have dire repercussions.
2006-02-08, 9:45 PM #35
Haha, honkey.
2006-02-08, 10:31 PM #36
I swear, every news story that deals with a topic of race features a reporter who is a minority.
2006-02-08, 10:52 PM #37
Sometimes I have to laugh at the screwed up world... one of my friends listens to rap. She has gotten crap from some black guys about how she can't listen to rap because she's white.

Oh, and the foamy episode with the Hatta comes to mind :p
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2006-02-08, 11:01 PM #38
I'll just start calling all the gay people around here f@ggots.

Funny how that word is censored, yet nigger isn't.

Seems even the rules of the great massassi seem to bend towards the opposing side of your opinions.
2006-02-08, 11:15 PM #39 what you're saying is that the admin staff around here is biased and racist because one slur is not covered by the swear filter?
2006-02-08, 11:16 PM #40
Originally posted by Avp2MattJa:
thak the MB out of your name and place it with a N :p

All that would do would spell the word incorrectly. And that has nothing to do with what i said. Are you seriously trying to say that my username is racist?
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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