any one who's read the Harry Potter books knows that within the world of the book there is a raceal slur used all though out it [muttle blood, or something like that]. but no one who actully reading the book will be offended by that statement. why? because we as a society were not trained to be offended by the phrase.
i had never herd the word 'nigger' untill i was 7 or 8, my grandmother said it while talking to me (cant rember abou what). anyway, i didnt undersand that it was a 'bad word' or that it could offend people, so i started usuing it in everyday speech, till i was promply 'corrected', and so i dident use the word any more. but no one bothered to explain to me why the word was considered bad, so i just forgot about it all together for a while.
later then i moved to the south, and i found out what racesim was really about. people haiting groups of people becasue there parrents tought them too. i still done understand why this goes on. i do understand that no group benifits from this type of thing, and that both groups want this to end. to me, if people would drop the issue completly, the next generation of children would never pick up this bad habbit, and these raceial issues would die. then both groups would, could live with out silly disputes about words offending them, or being 'rong'.
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.