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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "Lend a ***** a pencil!"
"Lend a ***** a pencil!"
2006-02-08, 11:18 PM #41
Originally posted by Temperamental:
I'll just start calling all the gay people around here f@ggots.

Funny how that word is censored, yet nigger isn't.

Seems even the rules of the great massassi seem to bend towards the opposing side of your opinions.

Keep whining please. We're oppressive. Im out to get you. Anything you say can get you banned.

That word isnt banned because CLEARLY this is a conspiracy.

(P.S. you're paranoid. goodnight)
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-02-08, 11:22 PM #42
Originally posted by darthslaw:
Sometimes I have to laugh at the screwed up world... one of my friends listens to rap. She has gotten crap from some black guys about how she can't listen to rap because she's white.

It's not only white people who can be stupid. :p

Originally posted by MBeggar:
All that would do would spell the word incorrectly. And that has nothing to do with what i said. Are you seriously trying to say that my username is racist?

No, I think he was trying to be funny. :o

Originally posted by Temperamental:
I'll just start calling all the gay people around here f@ggots.

All what, three of them? :p
2006-02-08, 11:24 PM #43
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
No, I think he was trying to be funny. :o

I think i was trying to be funny and failed >.< whoops
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-02-08, 11:35 PM #44
Yeah but you can't ban someone for being unfunny!

2006-02-08, 11:54 PM #45
Whenever I see a 'f' followed by 3 asterisks, I know what the person means. I know the person meant to swear, he meant to show off the fact that he was swearing, and by including the first (and possibly last) letter of his curse he demonstrated his wish to convey that vulgarity to those reading his post. This isn't any different from typing out the whole word. Whenever I see three asterisks, four asterisks, five asterisks, seven asterisks, I still know what the person meant. He meant to swear.

A word isn't censored. That doesn't mean the word is appropriate or acceptable. You can get around the language filter through various means, but you aren't the king of wit for doing it - you're just a kid with no self control.

Instead of relying upon a machine to censor yourself perhaps you should refrain from using those words altogether? There are other ways of expressing your feelings than the use of vulgarity or a racial slur or homophobia. Again: If a 'bad word' isn't censored you still shouldn't be using it.
2006-02-09, 12:03 AM #46
The F-word is too much fun to use for me to give it up.
2006-02-09, 5:28 AM #47
As it can be in any catagory in a sentence >..>
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-09, 7:59 AM #48
I saw this YTMND once... it was awesome.. it had some voiceover explaining all the different uses of the word 'f***'... I wish I bookmarked that one
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-09, 8:18 AM #49
I personally think it was idiotic for that teacher to rationalize that "nigger" and "nigga" weren't the same thing when we all know that they are the same thing. Sure, some people use "nigga" as a slang term instead of using "dude" but its still a racial term. Not only that, a "nigga" is a term that is also used to refer to a low-life black person, just like calling a low-life white person "white trash". The teacher should had kept his mouth shut and do his job rather than trying to level with his students.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-02-09, 8:19 AM #50
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I saw this YTMND once... it was awesome.. it had some voiceover explaining all the different uses of the word 'f***'... I wish I bookmarked that one

I'm almost sure that you mean the soundfile, you can find on wikipedia.

[edit: added quote]
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-02-09, 8:31 AM #51
I think the real question is, why are certain words appropriate or acceptable and some aren't? Honestly, I think everyone is capable of handling hearing/reading pronounciated syllables. If we weren't trained by society to think those words were wrong, there wouldn't be a stigma to them at all.

Seriously, it was laughable when you have 3 grown anchors saying things like "This teacher.... used..... the N-word."

Please, just say "This teacher called a student a 'nigger'," because everyone who is going to be offended by it is going to be offended even if you say "the N-word"

"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-02-09, 8:32 AM #52
Originally posted by genk:
As it can be in any catagory in a sentence >..>

adverb ending in -ly?
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-02-09, 8:38 AM #53
Keep whining please. We're oppressive. Im out to get you. Anything you say can get you banned.

That word isnt banned because CLEARLY this is a conspiracy.

(P.S. you're paranoid. goodnight)

1. You're an ignorant fool

2. That wasnt the point of my post

3. You're making assumptions
2006-02-09, 8:59 AM #54
Originally posted by Temperamental:
1. You're an ignorant fool

Daaamn, nigga, you refuted his post with that one!
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-09, 9:32 AM #55
Originally posted by Schming:
I think the real question is, why are certain words appropriate or acceptable and some aren't? Honestly, I think everyone is capable of handling hearing/reading pronounciated syllables. If we weren't trained by society to think those words were wrong, there wouldn't be a stigma to them at all.

Seriously, it was laughable when you have 3 grown anchors saying things like "This teacher.... used..... the N-word."

Please, just say "This teacher called a student a 'nigger'," because everyone who is going to be offended by it is going to be offended even if you say "the N-word"



any one who's read the Harry Potter books knows that within the world of the book there is a raceal slur used all though out it [muttle blood, or something like that]. but no one who actully reading the book will be offended by that statement. why? because we as a society were not trained to be offended by the phrase.

i had never herd the word 'nigger' untill i was 7 or 8, my grandmother said it while talking to me (cant rember abou what). anyway, i didnt undersand that it was a 'bad word' or that it could offend people, so i started usuing it in everyday speech, till i was promply 'corrected', and so i dident use the word any more. but no one bothered to explain to me why the word was considered bad, so i just forgot about it all together for a while.

later then i moved to the south, and i found out what racesim was really about. people haiting groups of people becasue there parrents tought them too. i still done understand why this goes on. i do understand that no group benifits from this type of thing, and that both groups want this to end. to me, if people would drop the issue completly, the next generation of children would never pick up this bad habbit, and these raceial issues would die. then both groups would, could live with out silly disputes about words offending them, or being 'rong'.

Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2006-02-09, 9:48 AM #56
Daaamn, nigga, you refuted his post with that one!
2006-02-09, 9:54 AM #57
That clip is funny more than anything else, but I know most people seeing that on TV are going to be persuaded by the liberal media into thinking that the teacher is a racist. The media thrives on sensational stories, so it's really in their interest to make this into something. TV News is just another reality TV show.

And I'm with the teacher on this one. The kid was most likely being a punk, and I'll bet he did say 'nigga' to the teacher (although maybe not in that sentence). Yes, the teacher should have been a little more sensible, and not used it right back at the kid. But either way, this is really trivial.
Historians are the most powerful and dangerous members of any society. They must be watched carefully... They can spoil everything. - Nikita Khrushchev.
Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. - Jean Rostand.
2006-02-09, 10:04 AM #58
Exactly. I was actually literally crying when he was saying Lend a nigga a pencil and NIGGAHHHH
2006-02-09, 10:23 AM #59
Originally posted by Temperamental:
1. You're an ignorant fool

2. That wasnt the point of my post

3. You're making assumptions

1. You're an ignorant fool

2. That wasnt the point of my post

3. You're making assumptions
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-02-09, 10:24 AM #60
Wow. Have you hit puberty yet?
2006-02-09, 10:33 AM #61
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-02-09, 10:37 AM #62
Originally posted by Temperamental:
Wow. Have you hit puberty yet?

.. you wrote .... the same. .... thing .................................
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-09, 10:59 AM #63
Originally posted by MBeggar:

Your post actually WAS fairly clever, I just don't think he's smart enough to get it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-09, 11:02 AM #64
Hahaha, MBeggar gets an extra point for style.
2006-02-09, 11:04 AM #65
the video clip doesnt even work.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2006-02-09, 11:19 AM #66
It doesn't work for you because you're colored! :rolleyes:
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-02-09, 11:28 AM #67
Originally posted by Impi:
It doesn't work for you because you're colored! :rolleyes:

2006-02-09, 11:45 AM #68
Originally posted by Schming:
adverb ending in -ly?

If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-02-09, 12:47 PM #69
[QUOTE=Michael MacFarlane]F***edly?[/QUOTE]

"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-02-09, 1:41 PM #70
Wow. You guys ARE ignorant fools.
2006-02-09, 1:52 PM #71
Originally posted by Temperamental:
Wow. You guys ARE ignorant fools.

To a point, I actually agree.

But MB's been like that lately.

And the guy is either a racist or an idiot. You don't try to level with black people by using a racial slur in any way/shape/form unless you plan on getting your *** kicked. You wouldn't do it to a group of black guys that look like they're mean as hell, so why would you do it to anyone else?

PS--Cussing doesn't denote stupidity. It's just another choice in expressing yourself. People who go out of their way to do it (Em Playa) are stupid, but people who just use it in passing shouldn't be considered stupid.
2006-02-09, 1:52 PM #72
Originally posted by Schming:
adverb ending in -ly?

not all adverbs end in -ly though.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-02-09, 2:14 PM #73
Originally posted by Temperamental:
Wow. You guys ARE ignorant fools.

Hehe, Temperamental said "fools."
2006-02-09, 2:24 PM #74
the way I see it, the student probably said something along the lines of "give a nigga a break" or something.. and referred to himself as a nigga first, so the teacher repeated it... and the fact that no one else heard it could be because

1. no one likes the teacher

2. it was outside the classroom

3. (he said "no one in the classroom heard me say it... umm.. cause I DIDN'T say it..."
-I think that kinda gave him away.

I have seen people use that before, including at my job at universal...

some kids were tearing up stuff inside the attraction, and my manager kicked them out and was talking to them, an done of them says this is "f***ing bull****!" to him, and he said back, "no, you know what's f***ing bull****? you guys tearing up stuff"

I don't find it odd that this happened at all.. but the teacher should have known better then to say anything close to that.. cause you have to be careful with the whole "racism" thing nowdays, cause ANYTHING can be drawn to racism....

my brother works in security at Universal, and there were these two black men that punched a woman in one of our parks, so security was escorting them out to the police.. one stops at the gate and walks up to the wall and starts peeing infront of everyone... and they yelled "you know they be doin this cause we black"... it was a black security officer that was escorting them...
2006-02-09, 2:27 PM #75
Originally posted by Spiral:
the way I see it, the student probably said something along the lines of "give a nigga a break" or something.. and referred to himself as a nigga first, so the teacher repeated it... and the fact that no one else heard it could be because

1. no one likes the teacher

2. it was outside the classroom

3. (he said "no one in the classroom heard me say it... umm.. cause I DIDN'T say it..."
-I think that kinda gave him away.

Except you made most of that up in your head, so it's not really solid grounds on which to base an opinion. :p
2006-02-09, 2:30 PM #76
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Cussing doesn't denote stupidity. It's just another choice in expressing yourself. People who go out of their way to do it (Em Playa) are stupid, but people who just use it in passing shouldn't be considered stupid.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. Its understandable for someone to cuss a lot when they are angry or agitated (which I so happen to do) but to cuss a lot for the sake of cussing gives me the impression that the person lacks manners or lacks vocabulary skills. Its also extremely rude for a man to do it a lot in front of women and makes women look unclassy when they do it. Seriously, if you're gonna throw the F-word around, do it only when you're really pissed.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-02-09, 2:34 PM #77
Originally posted by SavageX378:
I disagree. Its understandable for someone to cuss a lot when they are angry or agitated (which I so happen to do) but to cuss a lot for the sake of cussing gives me the impression that the person lacks manners or lacks vocabulary skills. Its also extremely rude for a man to do it a lot in front of women and makes women look unclassy when they do it. Seriously, if you're gonna throw the F-word around, do it only when you're really pissed.

This assumes it's for the sake of cussing. I cuss because it's a way of expressing what I'm thinking. I made the distinction in my post--people who try to cuss are cussing for the sake of cussing. People who cuss because it fits shouldn't be demerited at all in any way because cusswords exist in their vocabulary.

And I didn't say anything about the F-word. You're making assumptions throughout your entire post, and wholly wrong ones at that.
2006-02-09, 2:37 PM #78
Originally posted by SavageX378:
Its also extremely rude for a man to do it a lot in front of women and makes women look unclassy when they do it.

Because women are extremely delicate creatures whose ears should not be soiled by such things? :p
2006-02-09, 3:00 PM #79
Originally posted by Bill:
Our motion graphics class was insane. My jewish friend and another guy in the class are very good at staged combat... they make their own sound effects and everything.

One day they stand up in class and just start (fake) slugging each other. Our teacher freaked.

I went to that class hammered at least 20 times.

I skipped class one time to shag a random freshman... My friends told the instructor what I was doing. My teacher calls me via a friend's cell phone and tells me "keep up the good work."

Thats pretty cool Bill. I had that kind of relationship with my computer teacher. he would make bad jokes all the time and id just laugh at face and call him an idiot. one time he said he was this awesome kung fu expert and tryed to kick me in the face while i was sitting in my chair.
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-09, 4:50 PM #80
Originally posted by SavageX378:
I disagree. Its understandable for someone to cuss a lot when they are angry or agitated (which I so happen to do) but to cuss a lot for the sake of cussing gives me the impression that the person lacks manners or lacks vocabulary skills. Its also extremely rude for a man to do it a lot in front of women and makes women look unclassy when they do it. Seriously, if you're gonna throw the F-word around, do it only when you're really pissed.

Go watch a Kevin Smith movie. They're intelligent (well, maybe not Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back), and filled with cursing.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."

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