Hey Demon_Nightmare, how about your country stops buying athletes from other countries? There's a distinct difference between relocating to a country and having the US Congress
pass an act specifically so a foreigner can compete in the Olympics for the United States.
Right. So that's one for "Don't care why world hates USA".
Respect goes both ways, Demon_Nightmare. I don't see Canadians sewing American flags to their backpacks after all. Why should you be entitled to special treatment when your citizens don't show respect to us? ...Oh right, you aren't.
The world doesn't burn the US flag to stay warm. The first world hates your tourists and the third world hates you because of your souless, predatory corporations. But to avoid derailing the thread further off the Olympics,
yes, your athletes
and the fans who followed them most certainly
are representing the United States in the eyes of the world.

My mistake: I was led to believe they were the athletes, but it turns out it was just a bunch of fans who flew to Italy. I respectfully withdraw that statement.
Oh that's right, I forgot: the US is the best country on Earth. God Bless America and may the Lord strike her enemies down and everybody who says something un-American is a terrorist. Or whatever.
Edit: Hey look, I can

too. That makes my point more valid right?