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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Torino 2006
Torino 2006
2006-02-12, 3:30 AM #1

I see no olympics thread. Here it is.

All I have to say is that I'm waiting for hockey, although Canada has practically won already.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-02-12, 3:45 AM #2
No one asked for an olympics thread, so why did you make one?
2006-02-12, 3:55 AM #3
Because it's the olympics...everyone cares about the olympics.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-02-12, 4:11 AM #4
I only care if Jamaica still have a bobsleigh team. ;)
2006-02-12, 4:17 AM #5
Australia has only ever won 1 winter olympics gold medal. Steven Bradbury for speed skating in 2002.

He was running absolutely dead last when a massive crash saw everyone else sprawled over the ice on the final turn of the race. Bradbury was the only competitor so far behind to not get caught up in it. He cruised over the finish line while the other racers lay bleeding. It remains the southern hemisphere's only ever winter olympics gold medal.

Thereafter in Australia watching everyone else crash out and stealing a win is known as 'pulling a Bradbury'.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-02-12, 4:19 AM #6
I don't have any other interest than actually hearing russian anthem in TV for the first time.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-02-12, 5:18 AM #7
I'm hoping that Anja and Anna-Carin and all the other great Swedish skiers take at least one gold medal, pref. more.

Go Sweden!
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2006-02-12, 10:01 AM #8
I hope America comes in dead last in everything.

Mainly for political reasons.
2006-02-12, 10:18 AM #9
MMMmmm Canada kicks Italys asss in hockey...
[Wheresa the mafia?]
2006-02-12, 10:24 AM #10
The olympics is one of those things that even though I hate most every event in it, I'll still watch it. It is just past that point in which it still "entertains" me enough to leave it on.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-02-12, 11:41 AM #11
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2006-02-12, 11:51 AM #12
Originally posted by Wikipedia:
Jamaica has competed in every Winter Olympics since 1988, but failed to qualify for the 2006 Winter Olympics

No Jamaican bobsled team this year. :(
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2006-02-12, 5:58 PM #13
my bro and i found it funny how the german girls kept fallin so easy on the ice going agaisnt the USA girls in hockey
2006-02-12, 6:16 PM #14
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I hope America comes in dead last in everything.

Mainly for political reasons.[/QUOTE]

What about all the hard work athletes had to do to get into the Olympics?
2006-02-12, 6:24 PM #15
Originally posted by Spork:
Australia has only ever won 1 winter olympics gold medal. Steven Bradbury for speed skating in 2002.

He was running absolutely dead last when a massive crash saw everyone else sprawled over the ice on the final turn of the race. Bradbury was the only competitor so far behind to not get caught up in it. He cruised over the finish line while the other racers lay bleeding. It remains the southern hemisphere's only ever winter olympics gold medal.

Thereafter in Australia watching everyone else crash out and stealing a win is known as 'pulling a Bradbury'.

Wow, that's a pretty amusing piece of info. I'll have to remember that. ;)

As for the Winter Olympics, I may watch some, but the real sports highlight for me this year will definately be the FIFA 2006 World Cup in Germany! :D
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-02-12, 7:15 PM #16
Dont really care or know anything about it, but surely the USA will walk away with dry rotting anal flesh on their boots from all the *** they stomped.
2006-02-12, 7:17 PM #17
Just watched short track speed skating, 1500m, and American favorite Apollo Ono, gold medalist from Salt Lake, lost it and is out of medal contention.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
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2006-02-12, 7:18 PM #18
2006-02-12, 7:37 PM #19
Originally posted by Dash_rendar:
Dont really care or know anything about it, but surely the USA will walk away with dry rotting anal flesh on their boots from all the *** they stomped.
If only the Olympics had a rule that you had to be born in the country you're playing for, eh?
2006-02-12, 7:58 PM #20
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If only the Olympics had a rule that you had to be born in the country you're playing for, eh?

Yeah, seriously. America = The Borg. The country is a giant melting-pot that is assimilating our planet, arrrgh!!!! :p
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-02-12, 8:02 PM #21
Originally posted by Daft_Vader:
Yeah, seriously. America = The Borg. The country is a giant melting-pot that is assimilating our planet, arrrgh!!!! :p
The melting pot died the second someone started calling themselves hyphenated Americans.

These aren't immigrants I'm talking about, they're ringers.
2006-02-12, 8:08 PM #22
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The melting pot died the second someone started calling themselves hyphenated Americans.

These aren't immigrants I'm talking about, they're ringers.

Woah, attack of the sophisticated lingo, I had to look a few of those terms up, but now that I'm on the same page: are you saying there were some people entered illegally into the Olympics for America? Could you give some specific examples?
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-02-12, 8:17 PM #23
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If only the Olympics had a rule that you had to be born in the country you're playing for, eh?


They dont have that because we have to be fair and give everybody else a chance by allowing some of their own to play on our team to bring us closer to their level, you know, just to even out the playing field a bit. And also because it might be boring choosing the city in which they are going to award the Americans medals every 4 years.

(Hey, you wanted an Olympics thread....)
2006-02-12, 8:17 PM #24
Originally posted by Daft_Vader:
Woah, attack of the sophisticated lingo, I had to look a few of those terms up, but now that I'm on the same page: are you saying there were some people entered illegally into the Olympics for America? Could you give some specific examples?
...For instance?
Though they earned silver medals for the United States at the 2005 World Figure Skating Championships, until recently the pair was ineligible to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics as Belbin was not yet an American citizen. However, by a special act of Congress on December 28, 2005, which Pres. Bush signed December 30, 2005, Belbin was made a U.S. Citizen, effectively making her able to compete for the United States at the 2006 Winter Olympics.
Edit: Belbin is a Canadian. She is a resident of Canada, she's dating a Canadian who lives in Canada, and has nothing to do with the United States apart from being a gigantic phoney ringer.
2006-02-12, 8:19 PM #25
Originally posted by Dash_rendar:
And also because it might be boring choosing the city in which they are going to award the Americans medals every 4 years.
Right, and your athletes are being gigantic dicks already. Nothing's quite as fun as cheering "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" while another athlete is making a run, eh? Your athletes are representing your country in an international event and they're making you look like a bunch of childish fools. This happens every time.
2006-02-12, 8:26 PM #26
Wow, that's pretty unfair. I'm a British citizen under 18 living in the U.S., and my fanily had to wait years to get our green card and even more years to be eligible for citizenship (it's terriblt that I can't remember how many it was, but probably a good decade). Kinda sucks that the whole system can be "magically" bypassed for the sake of athletes just because they can bring glory to the U.S. Yeah, it definately sucks for the rest of us.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-02-12, 8:36 PM #27
Originally posted by Rob:
No one asked for an olympics thread, so why did you make one?

why do you post at massassi?
2006-02-12, 9:02 PM #28
Hey Jon, how about we also make it so you can only train in the country you represent? That would eliminate lots of athletes as well. :rolleyes:

Hell, even at the Super Bowl - they boo'd previous MVP's regardless of the honor they were receiving. For instance, Tom Brady. Why? Because Patriots and Steelers were in the same division. It doesn't matter what the situation is, you stick for your team.

**** this being considered an 'international' event. You know what? I consider WORLD POLITICS AND LIFE an international event. Do we get respect in that sense? Burning flags is respect all right! The world hating us is respect all right!

Yes, the Olympics are different - but is it the atlethes being rude and disrespectful or the fans (who could be complete rednecks being drunk over there).
The few fans shouting USA while other athletes are on far underweighs the US fans there cheering for all teams. (Do you have sources for this anyways? I haven't heard of this occuring at this Olympics)

I mean honestly, should we judge the entire country by the fans who are wild and rude? If we all did that in different situations, I'd think Massassi was all snobish and elitist after reading posts by people like yourself.
2006-02-12, 9:30 PM #29
I just found out today I can pick up Hi Def channels using a piece of coax cable and speaker wire.

It's amazing. The olympics look awesome in Hi Def.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-12, 9:35 PM #30
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
Hey Jon, how about we also make it so you can only train in the country you represent? That would eliminate lots of athletes as well. :rolleyes:
Hey Demon_Nightmare, how about your country stops buying athletes from other countries? There's a distinct difference between relocating to a country and having the US Congress pass an act specifically so a foreigner can compete in the Olympics for the United States. :rolleyes:

**** this being considered an 'international' event. You know what? I consider WORLD POLITICS AND LIFE an international event. Do we get respect in that sense? Burning flags is respect all right! The world hating us is respect all right!
Right. So that's one for "Don't care why world hates USA".
Respect goes both ways, Demon_Nightmare. I don't see Canadians sewing American flags to their backpacks after all. Why should you be entitled to special treatment when your citizens don't show respect to us? ...Oh right, you aren't. :rolleyes:

The world doesn't burn the US flag to stay warm. The first world hates your tourists and the third world hates you because of your souless, predatory corporations. But to avoid derailing the thread further off the Olympics, yes, your athletes and the fans who followed them most certainly are representing the United States in the eyes of the world. :rolleyes:
Yes, the Olympics are different - but is it the atlethes being rude and disrespectful or the fans (who could be complete rednecks being drunk over there).
My mistake: I was led to believe they were the athletes, but it turns out it was just a bunch of fans who flew to Italy. I respectfully withdraw that statement. :rolleyes:

I mean honestly, should we judge the entire country by the fans who are wild and rude? If we all did that in different situations, I'd think Massassi was all snobish and elitist after reading posts by people like yourself.
Oh that's right, I forgot: the US is the best country on Earth. God Bless America and may the Lord strike her enemies down and everybody who says something un-American is a terrorist. Or whatever. :rolleyes:

Edit: Hey look, I can :rolleyes: too. That makes my point more valid right?
2006-02-13, 12:38 AM #31
Good sportsmanship is for suckers. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-13, 1:15 AM #32
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Edit: Hey look, I can :rolleyes: too. That makes my point more valid right?

I frikkin' hate that emoticion as well...
2006-02-13, 1:43 AM #33
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I hope America comes in dead last in everything.

Mainly for political reasons.[/QUOTE]

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-13, 4:53 AM #34
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I hope America comes in dead last in everything.

Mainly for political reasons.[/QUOTE]

We already won a couple Gold, so we've already beaten Australia.
2006-02-13, 5:35 AM #35
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]We already won a couple Gold, so we've already beaten Australia.[/QUOTE]
Big surprise. Aussies are about as comfortable on ice as a hemophiliac in a razor blade factory.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-02-13, 6:24 AM #36
Originally posted by Spork:
Big surprise. Aussies are about as comfortable on ice as a hemophiliac in a razor blade factory.

That's a keeper.
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2006-02-13, 6:28 AM #37
Hehe. I just watched some Women's Olympic Curling. The excitement was so thick you could cut it with a knife. On the upside, one of the girls was a hottie.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
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2006-02-13, 6:54 AM #38
Awesome Jon! A brilliant comeback post full with sarcasm!

And I used one :rolleyes:, do we call you out for elite use of italics to emphasize a point?

I mean, honestly, whenever I read your posts, the italics makes my brain realize that you are stressing a point.

Does that make my point more valid as well?! :rolleyes: (Uh oh! I used it again!)
2006-02-13, 7:49 AM #39
U.S. Women lost curling to Norway. :gbk:

[/trying to keep thread on rails]
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-02-13, 7:52 AM #40
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
Awesome Jon! A brilliant comeback post full with sarcasm!

And I used one :rolleyes:, do we call you out for elite use of italics to emphasize a point?

I mean, honestly, whenever I read your posts, the italics makes my brain realize that you are stressing a point.

Does that make my point more valid as well?! :rolleyes: (Uh oh! I used it again!)

Well the way you post is stupid!

No the way you post is stupid!


In other news, 8th grade graduation will be coming up in about 3-4 months.
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