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ForumsDiscussion Forum → omg angry german kid. (video)
omg angry german kid. (video)
2006-02-20, 8:41 PM #41
Thanks for the translation Impi. Fake or not that was awesome. GODDAMN did he get angery.

What sucks is that German is no longer offered at my school for a second language. :( Only french, Japanesse, or Spanish.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2006-02-20, 8:50 PM #42
Originally posted by DesertPike:
I dont know how things work in Germany but that video should be used against him if he attempts to get a drivers licence

That is perfectly [ordinary] behaviour behind the wheel
2006-02-20, 8:53 PM #43
Originally posted by Jessgirl:
How the heck do my breasts look fake?

Don't worry, it's probably just because he's never seen real ones.
2006-02-20, 9:12 PM #44
Originally posted by Jessgirl:
How the heck do my breasts look fake?

It was the only ammo I had.

Personally, I've never seen your bewbies.
2006-02-20, 10:22 PM #45
i still think that the video from x-box live of the eight year old cussing up his mother to get him some chocolate milk was better than that, mostly because it was definately real.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-02-20, 10:29 PM #46
Man, I bet Jack Thompson would just LOVE to have these videos. Too bad the video was done by a german kid though.

But then again... video games don't make kids violent, stupid, and temporamental. It's just that violence, stupidity and lack of anger management is a common male adolecent trait :p
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!

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