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ForumsDiscussion Forum → If you could by a Star Wars ship...
If you could by a Star Wars ship...
2006-02-21, 1:11 PM #41
It would depend on my needs. =D If I just need to get myself around I'll be budget conscious and get myself a nice speeder or one-man-craft-that-is-not-a-starfighter.
If it's to get me and my friends/family around a bog standard YT-1300.

I'm surprised that in six movies we never saw something that could pass as the Star Wars variant of a family saloon.
Seishun da!
2006-02-21, 2:41 PM #42
Imperium-Class Ultra Star Destroyer

F. T. W.
2006-02-21, 2:59 PM #43
When did the Empire build that? Is that one of those EU post RotJ "look, another super weapon" ships?
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-21, 3:00 PM #44
Probably a Dunelizard or an A-Wing. I had many fun hours cruising around SWG in the former and XvT in the latter - white with green markings on both.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-02-21, 3:37 PM #45
It was never built, it was only a plan during one of Palpy's reincarnations, or whatever. I think it's just another bull**** design someone came up to try and compensate.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-02-21, 4:12 PM #46
Originally posted by Delphian:

Ummmm I see a production problem...

much less the fact that it would take a crew of about 3 small systems worth of people, and it would take about 10 years to walk to the bathroom.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-02-21, 4:19 PM #47
Bathrooms! Bathrooms everywhere!

You could fit a mall or two in that thing. e_e;;
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-21, 4:26 PM #48
A couple of malls some ***teriods. But sadly you'r mamma wouldn't fir ;)

Oh and its bigger then most ship yards so WHAT THE HELL!
2006-02-21, 4:29 PM #49
No no, they could carry small portable toilets with them in which your crap is vaporized in an instant. Thus eliminating the need for large bathroom facilities and plumming, and freeing up space for more weapons and hangars for ships.

Well, the whole plan never made it off the Palpatine's drawing board, but it's still an impressive idea, don't you think? Plus it could operate virtually forever because of it's supply of world devastators, which would create energy. It's crew would also be "importal" thanks to cloning machines. Yes yes, the idea is far-fetched to say the least, but I still say it's my imaginary ship of choice. :confused:

[edit]Oh and Tiberium, learn to spell. ***teroids...and fir? :rolleyes: [/edit]
2006-02-21, 4:32 PM #50
It IS it's own shipyard! That's the beauty of it!
2006-02-21, 4:34 PM #51
Originally posted by Homicide:
Bathrooms! Bathrooms everywhere!

You could fit a mall or two in that thing. e_e;;

1 or 2 malls?!?!

that's a 260KM long ship... that's ~166 miles... the largest malls in the world (these are kinda rare) are about a mile long. not to mention that's only length.. there's also width and depth... so that's like 300 (very very large) malls.
2006-02-21, 5:21 PM #52
That's a lot of metal. It would seem that after building the two Death Stars the Empire would be out of steam.
2006-02-21, 5:24 PM #53
I'd buy a Venator-class Star Destroyer(the coolest of the lot, in my opinion), filled to capacity with starfighters, painted in black and silver, and crewed by clone troopers in Phase II armor. And I'd buy an X-wing for myself.
2006-02-21, 5:42 PM #54
[QUOTE=Chaz Ghostle]What, your quoting of Everclear's "I Will Buy You a New Life"? I didn't know we were supposed to point it out.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if people actually listened to Everclear, someone would have noticed.
2006-02-21, 6:19 PM #55
Originally posted by Cazor:
1 or 2 malls?!?!

that's a 260KM long ship... that's ~166 miles... the largest malls in the world (these are kinda rare) are about a mile long. not to mention that's only length.. there's also width and depth... so that's like 300 (very very large) malls.

I'm not wrong though. Why would you need more than 1 or 2 though? HOT TOPIC FOR ALL
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-21, 7:16 PM #56
with force fields protecting that silly exaust port

That would defeat the purpose. I mean, it's ray shielded to protect from lasers, but to particle shield it would... yeah, defeat the purpose of an exhaust port.
You don't put condoms on your exhaust pipe on your car, do you?
I dunno where that came from.
And that Imperium-class star destroyer... that was clearly made by someone with an infintessimal penis.
If I were gonna go SSD, I'd stop at Sovereign. That's the one that carries Star Destroyers in it's hangar. You could easily cram an interdictor in there, charge it up, and get the drop on some wankers in a major strike force.
And yeah, a skipray does sound like fun all of a sudden. Maybe ask my World Devastator to start churning out Neuranium Skiprays. Neuranium and cortosis. Neuranium/Cortosis with Durasteel reinforcments. Yeah.
Take potshots at the World Devastator every couple days to keep it limber, keep it on its toes.
Name it... the Phantasm or the Underlight or the Shroud of Darkness or soemthing... get some charming, roguish pirates... make the Hydian my own personal playground... get some of that Bakuran anti-interdiction field crap, and avoid the athuroties. Raid an Ubiqtorate, build a superlaser. Steal a cloaking device and lay siege to Coruscant for a fortnight. Or Denon, I guess, if this is post-NJO. Cloak... some Skiprays, or some Venators, or some Victory's... imagine the shock of stepping out of your office and staring into a turbolaser. Like the Lusankya, but worse, because they're everywhere. Get dozens of em. Ionize and capture anything that tries to take off. Drop some MT-ATs on the surface, steal some valuables from the banks... yank a few skyhooks down... etc.

-Yeah... that's nice... mmmmmmm...
2006-02-21, 9:48 PM #57
A sun crusher, and I'd name it "I didn't do it..."
Ya know? Common sense? Not really that common...
2006-02-21, 10:12 PM #58
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
That would defeat the purpose. I mean, it's ray shielded to protect from lasers, but to particle shield it would... yeah, defeat the purpose of an exhaust port.
You don't put condoms on your exhaust pipe on your car, do you?
I dunno where that came from.
And that Imperium-class star destroyer... that was clearly made by someone with an infintessimal penis.
If I were gonna go SSD, I'd stop at Sovereign. That's the one that carries Star Destroyers in it's hangar. You could easily cram an interdictor in there, charge it up, and get the drop on some wankers in a major strike force.
And yeah, a skipray does sound like fun all of a sudden. Maybe ask my World Devastator to start churning out Neuranium Skiprays. Neuranium and cortosis. Neuranium/Cortosis with Durasteel reinforcments. Yeah.
Take potshots at the World Devastator every couple days to keep it limber, keep it on its toes.
Name it... the Phantasm or the Underlight or the Shroud of Darkness or soemthing... get some charming, roguish pirates... make the Hydian my own personal playground... get some of that Bakuran anti-interdiction field crap, and avoid the athuroties. Raid an Ubiqtorate, build a superlaser. Steal a cloaking device and lay siege to Coruscant for a fortnight. Or Denon, I guess, if this is post-NJO. Cloak... some Skiprays, or some Venators, or some Victory's... imagine the shock of stepping out of your office and staring into a turbolaser. Like the Lusankya, but worse, because they're everywhere. Get dozens of em. Ionize and capture anything that tries to take off. Drop some MT-ATs on the surface, steal some valuables from the banks... yank a few skyhooks down... etc.

-Yeah... that's nice... mmmmmmm...

The thoughts that go through your mind during sex.
2006-02-22, 11:46 AM #59
I already own one. Its a YT-2400 transport, the Outrider.

She's brought me home when any other ship would have scattered me across space...

2006-02-22, 11:48 AM #60
XJ-Series StealthX fighter.
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2006-02-22, 11:50 AM #61
Never thought the massassians were so budget unconscious.
Seishun da!
2006-02-22, 3:25 PM #62
I win and you all lose.
Attachment: 10627/slave2a.jpg (21,385 bytes)
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-23, 6:16 PM #63
Z-95. I want to die in 3 hits.
You could no more evade my wrath than you could your own shadow.
2006-02-23, 6:36 PM #64
sun crusher
2006-02-23, 8:47 PM #65
Originally posted by Delphian:
No no, they could carry small portable toilets with them in which your crap is vaporized in an instant. Thus eliminating the need for large bathroom facilities and plumming, and freeing up space for more weapons and hangars for ships.

because they obviously need all the space they can get on that tiny little ship

Palpy's Grandad:
"Back in my day we'd make ships that were 1000 miles long just to go grocery shopping. And we used U.S. units instead of Metric b\c we could do all the harder calculations in out heads"
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton

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