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ForumsDiscussion Forum → For all of us who don't own an X-Box 360
For all of us who don't own an X-Box 360
2006-03-07, 9:29 AM #41
/me is jealous of Jon C's 2405fpw.
2006-03-07, 9:30 AM #42
2006-03-07, 2:05 PM #43
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I have a 24" LCD monitor and a 50" HDTV. Any guesses on which one I'll be playing Oblivion? Hint: It's not the HDTV.

There's one very important hole in your theory: The psychovisual impact of interlacing. 1080i actually appears lower-resolution than 720p in most situations, because you're getting less of the complete picture at once. The Xbox 360 doesn't support 1080p, so your theory about why the Xbox is better is blown out of the water right there. Unless you're stuck on a crappy monitor that can't go higher than 1280x720, your PC monitor will look better than a HDTV. 100% of the time, no ifs ands or buts.

So yeah, enjoy playing your singleplayer RPG with your internet buddies or whatever you said. I'll be playing it in my comfy operator chair at about twice the resolution.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
You've never seen a good 19 inch moniter. 1600x1200 and a properly set up CRT is way better than 720p.

Guys, guys.. calm down. I did not say that the big TV had better image quality. In fact I even said that a 19" monitor has "superior" image quality. The quotations are there for satirical emphasis -- not sarcasm.

I just mean, that honestly, I would MUCH rather play the game on that huge TV, 5-10 feet away from it, than play it on a 19" monitor in super high rez. It's just a completely different experience, one that I prefer.

This coming from someone who has a PC powerfull enough to run and play HL2 and Doom 3 at 1600x1200 with anti aliasing and all that jazz... so don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. It's just an opinion. I find the experience to be better on the huge HD TV.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2006-03-07, 2:06 PM #44
Oh look.

You're playing the "OMG MISINTEPRETATION!" card to cover your ***.

I don't buy it. Try a different argument that doesn't suck.
2006-03-07, 2:10 PM #45
... rob, grow up.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-03-07, 2:17 PM #46
If he were going to make that argument, he would have made it right when I called him out.

Not when he was factually proven WRONG.

I hate people that play the misinterpretation card.
2006-03-07, 2:23 PM #47
There is no hope for you. :rolleyes:
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-03-07, 2:24 PM #48
It's not about size- it's about how the device take up of your field of vision. Of course I high FOV two inches away is annoying, and it all comes down to taste, but no matter what the screen size, 1600x1200 is a better picture than 1280x720. (Assuming both display units are of equal quality.) If you prefer looking at something far away than up close in spite of the lesser IQ that's one thing. Nevertheless the higher resolution will have the better image. And that has nothing to do with opinion, it simply has a better picture. Period.
2006-03-07, 4:54 PM #49
Originally posted by Rob:
Oh look.

You're playing the "OMG MISINTEPRETATION!" card to cover your ***.

I don't buy it. Try a different argument that doesn't suck.

Dude. What do you want me to say? I was "factually proven wrong" in a point that I never argued. I just AGREED with what you guys are saying. I simply like the big screen better.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
It's not about size- it's about how the device take up of your field of vision. Of course I high FOV two inches away is annoying, and it all comes down to taste, but no matter what the screen size, 1600x1200 is a better picture than 1280x720. (Assuming both display units are of equal quality.) If you prefer looking at something far away than up close in spite of the lesser IQ that's one thing. Nevertheless the higher resolution will have the better image. And that has nothing to do with opinion, it simply has a better picture. Period.

Yeah, and again I'm not arguint that the big HD TV screen has better image quality. It simply delivers a better experience, in my opinion.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2006-03-07, 7:14 PM #50
how is this game different from geometry wars? im looking at the screenshots for geometry wars and grid wars looks exactly like it...

am i missing something? why is geometry wars better?
2006-03-08, 1:01 AM #51
Gameplay is moderately different. Geometry wars is much smoother, and much more intense.
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