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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Better getr ready. A REVOLUTION is coming!!!
Better getr ready. A REVOLUTION is coming!!!
2004-06-11, 9:53 AM #41
That's complete bull. Nintendo will not die. Xbox, and even the grand PS2, can not beat Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, and whatever incredibly creative new ideas for play that those wizards create.

I am SICK AND TIRED of people commenting on the Gamecubes apparant lack of adult games. Since when did you have less fun with Mario cause it's a "kids game." Games are games, people, it's ignorant and foolish (yes, both) to write off an incredibly neat new concept like Pikmin as a kid's game, or destroy the new, huge, Zelda because it has Cel-Shaded graphics.

You fools and your realism.

Complexity alone does not make a game fun, it's the experiance YOU have with it.

And, Halo sucks compared to the faster UT2k4, smarter Deus Ex, sneakier Theif series, and all around better story presented by Max Payne. You only like it cause your friends do.


Grow up, get a Gamecube, and support the people who brought more good games into this world than any other company.

/end boot up your butt.

"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
2004-06-11, 9:59 AM #42
I liked Halo, 'cause it was fun... but I waited for the PC version. On the contrary, I've never really liked any of Nintendo's games...

[ Massassiism ] [ Cynicism ] [ Fanaticism ]
Sell your soul for a cookie?
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-06-11, 10:43 AM #43
I like Halo because it's a blast, and the story kicks *** . Max Payne had a good story, but it's hard to compare the two. Halo's is about saving the universe from an alien species....Max Payne's is about a man with a penchant for revenge.

Maxis, for all intensive purposes, you are wrong. You see we're not saying the gamecube games can't be FUN, it's just that they don't appeal to adults, and therefore, don't sell as well as adult-oriented games do. You can call this bull, but it's been proven time and time again--if you don't believe me, just look at the sales of the X-Box because of Halo as compared to the Gamecube because of Mario: Sunshine.

Also, Pikmin didn't seem all that innovative. It keeps time and changes what happens to you as you play according to what time it is. Didn't Animal Crossing (Yes, I know it's for GC) and The Sims do the same thing, only much more fun?

Nintendo has innovation--however with their innovation that doesn't neccesarily mean they have more fun or more appealing games. They don't appeal to me as a gamer--why? Because I'd rather play Doom 3 than Metroid: Prime any day of the year. That's just me, though, I suppose. Not millions of other gamers. And I guess I'm a poser for saying this. Whatever.

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2004-06-11, 11:19 AM #44
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Nintendo needs a miracle. And I don't think they're going to get it. The Gamecube was pretty much a failure to the mainstream audience. It has alot of appeal to kids, but not enough adult oriented games for older gamers. I know I'm not going to buy a console that has been out for years based on the fact that it has 5 games that I want to play. Especially when all of the other games on the console that would appeal to me can be bought for pc or xbox.
The gamecube has failed. They didn't have enough adult oriented games at launch, and even now if they release one per month it's not going to increase sales enough to help them, mainly because they cannot compete with the games being released on the other consoles. They could release some huge fps game, and I know it's not going to cause any Xbod owner to trade in his box because we've got Halo 2 coming. There really isn't anything Nintendo can do at this point other than pray.


You sir are an idiot.

My friends grandpa plays Super Mario Sunshine and Animal Crossing.

Age has nothing to do with it. The games are creative, fun, and entertaining. Nintendo will NOT die any time soon.

Screw the PS2 and screw the XBox with there 10 great games and there 900 other crappy games. PS2 and XBox have always froze or crashed when I played them. The discs always have errors, the DVD players are crap quality. They are rushed pieces of crap. Crappy computers. Gamecube IS a console. PS2 and XBox are NOT. If I want to go online na dplay games, I'll get a PC, if I want to watch DVD's, I'll get a DVD player, if I want a console, I'll get a Gamecube.

"Ever since I was a boy, I have always kept your laws, now I want to follow you and join you in your noble cause. Jesus turned to him and said, 'Sell all you have give to the poor.' Rich young ruler hung his head, not to follow, walked instead." - Vanishing Lesson
Think while it's still legal.
2004-06-11, 11:31 AM #45
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SAJN_Master:
You sir are an idiot.

My friends grandpa plays Super Mario Sunshine and Animal Crossing.

Age has nothing to do with it. The games are creative, fun, and entertaining. Nintendo will NOT die any time soon.

Screw the PS2 and screw the XBox with there 10 great games and there 900 other crappy games. PS2 and XBox have always froze or crashed when I played them. The discs always have errors, the DVD players are crap quality. They are rushed pieces of crap. Crappy computers. Gamecube IS a console. PS2 and XBox are NOT. If I want to go online na dplay games, I'll get a PC, if I want to watch DVD's, I'll get a DVD player, if I want a console, I'll get a Gamecube.


You've got a problem. And you bring up the fact that they include DVD and CD players as if it's a problem. It's an extra feature, whoopdee-doo. It was made what, 4-5 years ago, when not EVERYONE had a DVD player. The fact that it would be easy to make for the PS2 and X-Box because of their configuration just made Sony and M$ push it. They aren't crappy quality either.

Yes, age DOES have something to do with it. Generally speaking, a 20 year old is more likely to pick up an X-Box or PS2 than a Gamecube. Why you ask? Because Gamecubes offer "kiddy" games (the fact that he doesn't know they're not is vital, but not up for argument here), and also the Gamecube is made for a more multiplayer experience, with fewer games, whereas the PS2 and X-Box have a highly singleplayer experience with more games, and the X-Box can even be played online.

Not only that but you talk of "only 10 good games." Megaman collection, ALL previous PSX games, Silent Hill 2 and 3, even 4(up and coming), Resident Evil 4, FFXI, Evercrack(not my personal fave, but admittedly lots of people like it), Splinter Cell, Syphon Filter, Halo, Project Gotham Racing, Gran Turismo, god the list doesn't END.

You, sir, are an idiot.

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2004-06-11, 11:41 AM #46
Yeah the DVD player is crap. Everytime words pup up on the screen the thing goes nuts on one friends. The others reads ERROR OMG!!! half way through movies, (No matter what disc he uses)

And yea PS2 and XBox have A LOT more games then GC, know why? Gamecube chooses quality over quanity. I see so so many XBox and PS2 games that you can tell were just rushed out. GC has them too, but not as many.

GC is based on MP? Why because it has Mario Party, and Super Smash Bros?

Zelda - Singleplayer
Metroid - Singleplayer
Resident Evil - Singleplayer
Resident Evil 0 - Singleplayer
Eternal Darkness - Singleplayer
Viewtiful Joe - Singleplayer
Luigis Mansion - Singleplayer
Super Mario Sunshine - Singleplayer!!!

There is no such thing as a "kiddie game", unless it's something like "Learning to spell with Blues Clues" or some crap. Mario, Zelda, Luigi, they aren't kiddy games, they are damn fun games. "BUT TEH GRAPHIKZ ARENT REAL AND IT ISNT HALO!!!!"

Saying GC is all or even mostly kiddy games is laughable. There are plenty of Teen and Mature GC games. And the ones that are rated E are hella fun. Age has nothing to do with it. It's people who don't have the balls to play a GC because it's for KIDDIES!!!!

"Ever since I was a boy, I have always kept your laws, now I want to follow you and join you in your noble cause. Jesus turned to him and said, 'Sell all you have give to the poor.' Rich young ruler hung his head, not to follow, walked instead." - Vanishing Lesson
Think while it's still legal.
2004-06-11, 11:43 AM #47
The silly thing is, even though almost all of us are in high school and above, games are for little kids as much as they are for older ones.

SAJN has a great example, if an elderly individual buys a video game, it's cause they can access that fun quickly, easily, and without pain. That's ACCESSIBLE game design. We need to stop pulling hairs about what we personally think are the best games, and remember that the few hardcore fans of video games, raised on this action and adventure epics, should not determine the overall direction of a company.

Furthermore, we need to send different messages to game companies. Right now, if it's a tatical based shooter game, it'll sell. That's a tragic form of gaming. As consumers, we need to encourage creativity by spending money on games that take more risks...unless you want to play Rainbow Six 11.5: The Pandora Mission Zero from Outer Space part 3: Hunt for Osama.

Those titles are fine for 1 or 2 outings, but, please, gad, if I have to rescue another hostage under sniper fire, I'm going to go do the real thing, which is what they're training you for.

Let's get the new games to be NEW, unlike stuff we've ever seen before. oh, wait, Nintendo's been doing that for YEARS.

Viva Nintendo!!! I salute your creativity.

By the way. Rare is a perfect example of where the new consoles are wrong. When Microsoft bought them, all the good, cool, amazing ideas that would have gone to the creative team at Nintendo got squashed under the hope they'd make sequels to trash.

And, Mario 64 still kicks your butt, plus, Goldeneye is Halo, 7 years earlier.

"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
2004-06-11, 11:45 AM #48
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SAJN_Master:
Yeah the DVD player is crap. Everytime words pup up on the screen the thing goes nuts on one friends. The others reads ERROR OMG!!! half way through movies, (No matter what disc he uses)

And yea PS2 and XBox have A LOT more games then GC, know why? Gamecube chooses quality over quanity. I see so so many XBox and PS2 games that you can tell were just rushed out. GC has them too, but not as many.

GC is based on MP? Why because it has Mario Party, and Super Smash Bros?

Zelda - Singleplayer
Metroid - Singleplayer
Resident Evil - Singleplayer
Resident Evil 0 - Singleplayer
Eternal Darkness - Singleplayer
Viewtiful Joe - Singleplayer
Luigis Mansion - Singleplayer
Super Mario Sunshine - Singleplayer!!!

There is no such thing as a "kiddie game", unless it's something like "Learning to spell with Blues Clues" or some crap. Mario, Zelda, Luigi, they aren't kiddy games, they are damn fun games. "BUT TEH GRAPHIKZ ARENT REAL AND IT ISNT HALO!!!!"

Saying GC is all or even mostly kiddy games is laughable. There are plenty of Teen and Mature GC games. And the ones that are rated E are hella fun. Age has nothing to do with it. It's people who don't have the balls to play a GC because it's for KIDDIES!!!!


That's early model PS2s, my PS2's DVD player has always worked flawlessly, with everything I put in it.

That's what...8 games? Those are about the only good singleplayer games too. Multiply that by 10 and you have the amount of good SP games for PS2, and add 20 and you have the amount for X-Box. Gamecube doesn't choose "quality over quantity". They choose face-value fun over long-term fun, unless you're talking Multiplayer. Admit to the PS2/X-Box's strengths and the GC's flaws. Hell I admit the GC easily has the best graphics (note, NOT neccesarily capabilities) out of all three, so why can't you just admit it's not a good adult's console? Because it's not. Stop beating a dead dog.

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2004-06-11, 11:50 AM #49
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MaxisReed:
what he said


Goldeneye != Halo, at all. Halo's got different, more abundant weaponry, it's more stunning, and the vehicles own anything you have to say. Mario 64 is fun, yah, but only for a while. After a while it

Don't take that as Goldeneye isn't fun--it is. Just not like Halo is.

And that's not true. MMORPGs are selling like hotcakes now, while FPS sales are really declining, at least in the console market. Not only that, but TPS, along with RPGs and a few platforms (Ratchet and Clank) make up the rest of the market. A few adventure games still hold in (Zelda series to name one).

And what do you mean the "few" that grew up with epic games? Few? Last I checked it was thousands, HUNDREDS of thousands. Not only that but they're the one that have the MONEY to buy consoles.

Also, just because it's easily accessible doesn't mean it's good. RPGs should take a while to get into, because that's what gives them an epic feel. Same with FPS' with good stories (Deus Ex anyone?). I still fail to see why ANY of your examples makes the GC a good console, and why it makes them better than the PS2 or the X-Box. Think about the fallacies of the statements you say (10 good games 100 crap) before you post again.

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[This message has been edited by Dj Yoshi (edited June 11, 2004).]
2004-06-11, 12:12 PM #50
Sorry, but actually the XBox DOES have the best graphics of all three. The Gamecube makes up for it's graphics with gameplay.

PS2 is a piece of trash on all counts. It's FIRST release had a bad DVD? Wow, that doesn't show that they RUSHED anything now does it? XBox used to overheat and breakdown..but that must of been the FIRST release.

Dreamcast has great graphics, thats why half it's games get ported to Gamecube. I feel bad for sega. :P

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">so why can't you just admit it's not a good adult's console? </font> is. I feel bad for you for thinking otherwise.

"Ever since I was a boy, I have always kept your laws, now I want to follow you and join you in your noble cause. Jesus turned to him and said, 'Sell all you have give to the poor.' Rich young ruler hung his head, not to follow, walked instead." - Vanishing Lesson

[This message has been edited by SAJN_Master (edited June 11, 2004).]
Think while it's still legal.
2004-06-11, 12:42 PM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SAJN_Master:
Sorry, but actually the XBox DOES have the best graphics of all three. The Gamecube makes up for it's graphics with gameplay.

PS2 is a piece of trash on all counts. It's FIRST release had a bad DVD? Wow, that doesn't show that they RUSHED anything now does it? XBox used to overheat and breakdown..but that must of been the FIRST release.

Dreamcast has great graphics, thats why half it's games get ported to Gamecube. I feel bad for sega. :P is. I feel bad for you for thinking otherwise.


So what they messed something up? And it was a bit rushed? EVERYTHING in the industry is rushed. If there wasn't such a thing as a deadline, you know, then they wouldn't be. Then there would be no such things as patches or bugs.

You still haven't told me why it's a good SP console (Oh wow, it's got 10 games that some may or may not like).

And no, the X-Box has the best graphics capaBILITIES, not the best graphics. I've still seen nothing as stunning as F-Zero GX or whatever the name is.

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2004-06-11, 3:33 PM #52
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SAJN_Master:
Gamecube chooses quality over quanity.</font>

Not everyone enjoy the same games as you do. There are games that I like (Time Crisis and Mad Maestro, bet you never heard of those games for the PS2) that I enjoy, while others don't. So basically it goes back to the "one man's trash is another man's treasure".
2004-06-11, 4:26 PM #53
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
Not everyone enjoy the same games as you do. There are games that I like (Time Crisis and Mad Maestro, bet you never heard of those games for the PS2) that I enjoy, while others don't. So basically it goes back to the "one man's trash is another man's treasure".</font>

Time Crisis is for PS2...all 3 of 'em.

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2004-06-11, 4:52 PM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Goldeneye != Halo, at all. Halo's got different, more abundant weaponry, it's more stunning, and the vehicles own anything you have to say.


All right, now you've done it. First of all, Halo had, what, 8 different weapons+2 different types of grenades? Goldeneye had at least twice that many, more if you get into the secret weapons. If you meant visually stunning, I'll give you that, but honestly, Halo was released close to 4-5 years after Goldeneye. That's kind of expected. Vehicles. Well, even if it would have been possible to put vehicles into Goldeneye, it wouldn't have fit in with the Bond theme very well, not to mention the fact none of the levels could accomidate vehicles.
And GC games aren't "kiddie". They just seem that way to emotionally insecure pricks who think that playing games like Pikmin and Animal Crossing would make them seem "less cool". This concludes my involvement with this thread.
[God, how the **** could I forget about the tanks?]
"I sound like angry chickens, or maybe a space robot."
-Les Claypool of Primus

[This message has been edited by JediHunter_X (edited June 11, 2004).]
2004-06-11, 5:00 PM #55
Goldeneye had tanks. Those were fun.

Smash Brothers and Mario Party rock. I want to get a Gamecube, and if I do those will be the first ones I get. My only problem is that the controller feels a little funky. Not as funky as the Xbox though.

Also, just as a note, I hate all first person shooters on console. I must have a keyboard and mouse for first person shooters. There are some exceptions though.

The sooner you realize I'm right the better off you will be.

[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited June 11, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-06-11, 5:50 PM #56
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Kieran Horn:

Also, just as a note, I hate all first person shooters on console. I must have a keyboard and mouse for first person shooters. There are some exceptions though.


Like Halo. :P

Also, I'll admit Goldeneye had more weapons, don't know why I said Halo's weaponry was more abundant. But Halo has different weapons, different kind of fun. The vehicles are a level of that fun, and whether or not they would have "fit in the bond theme" don't matter, it's just that they're THERE and they're FUN. Heh. And often people mistake me--I'm not saying the GCN sucked. I'm just saying for the most part it was a failure because of those insecure people that Jedi was talking about, and that it wasn't the best of the consoles.

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2004-06-11, 6:56 PM #57
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Like Halo. :P</font>

Halo is not an exception, and this is coming form aguy who plays quite a bit of it. Sensativiy plas a big, big part in this. try sniping with a controller. Now, if you're a sniper like me, you either a) have the sensativity low so you can actually target someone without spending five minutes going back and forth over your target and then Oh, No! looks like someone just pistol whipped you. or b) have it high so you can actually fight in a melee, and, like i said above, spend five minutes targeting to get shot in the back. I surrently use choise 3, only because i want to beable to attack when someone is shooting me, and so i get frustrated as hell when trying to snipe. i know i'm a good sniper, i can take out huge amounts of people in BF1942. Put me in Haloi and i suck. This really doesn't matter in otehr guns, becasue they well, to put it simply, dont need aiming! the assault rifle and plasma rifle are automatic weapons, you can aim on the fly with them, heck sweeping the area will work, the shotgun, well, aiming is a luxery with that gun, just get close and you'll hit your target, and the pistol, well, if you hadn't noticed, the game targets for you, which is why its such a *****y weapon. a self-targeting sniper weapon. no wonder people have a problem with it. and the rocket launcher, if you do end up using the zoom, its still a matter of simply hitting the general area. In other words, they require very little skill. msot melees i'm involved with end up in a 'who's gun reloads faster' situation. [/rant]

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-06-11, 8:24 PM #58
The Halo/Goldeneye connection I was refering to is that without said Goldeneye, no one would have stuck around to make Halo for a console. Where did Goldeneye ONLY appear? A Nintendo Console.

The point is, Nintendo's new Revolution, whatever it may be, should be supported to its fullest, cause it might be the last chance any of us has to play an original game.

With the sheer amount of sequels, almost-clones, and largely unoriginal gametypes/gameplay/objectives/storylines, on the systems that you're supporting, it's a wonder you don't just want to play three games, "Race", "Shoot", or "Role Play"

Don't nit pick my reference, or claim all my details to be wrong. Just answer the question: Without Nintendo, where the hell would video games be?

Second Question: Can you honestly say you want less originality in games?

Revolutionary Games, Revolutionary Ideas. Nintendo is still at the top of my list.

"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
2004-06-12, 8:29 AM #59
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MaxisReed:
The Halo/Goldeneye connection I was refering to is that without said Goldeneye, no one would have stuck around to make Halo for a console. Where did Goldeneye ONLY appear? A Nintendo Console.

The point is, Nintendo's new Revolution, whatever it may be, should be supported to its fullest, cause it might be the last chance any of us has to play an original game.

With the sheer amount of sequels, almost-clones, and largely unoriginal gametypes/gameplay/objectives/storylines, on the systems that you're supporting, it's a wonder you don't just want to play three games, "Race", "Shoot", or "Role Play"

Don't nit pick my reference, or claim all my details to be wrong. Just answer the question: Without Nintendo, where the hell would video games be?

Second Question: Can you honestly say you want less originality in games?

Revolutionary Games, Revolutionary Ideas. Nintendo is still at the top of my list.


Um....I said nothing of this. I love nintendo, and what they've done for us, but for god's sakes realize when they're DYING. The N64 would've been a failure if anyone could have seen past the "better" graphics and the fact that Nintendo had a legacy all its own. The PSX was, and IMO always will be, a better console. That doesn't mean the N64 didn't have ANYTHING going for it.

The same has happened with the GCN. It's not that great, not that revolutionary, and people still flock to it. Why? A few fun games, a low price, and for parties. Okay, yay, but what about after all your friends leave, and you beat the 4 or 5 good SP games out for it exclusively. Where do you turn?

They aren't that revolutionary. You want revolutionary, look at the Eye Toy. You want revolutionary, look at X-Box live (based on the internet, but still revolutionary in the way it handles P2P connections so flawlessly). You want revolutionary, look at the X-Box's system for storing things on its HDD, and its interface. GCN has what...something that hooks up to a GBA? Wonder where they got that idea from. It starts with an S and ends with an ega.

There is no signature
2004-06-12, 8:51 AM #60
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Noble Outlaw:
Halo is not an exception, and this is coming form aguy who plays quite a bit of it. Sensativiy plas a big, big part in this. try sniping with a controller. Now, if you're a sniper like me, you either a) have the sensativity low so you can actually target someone without spending five minutes going back and forth over your target and then Oh, No! looks like someone just pistol whipped you. or b) have it high so you can actually fight in a melee, and, like i said above, spend five minutes targeting to get shot in the back. I surrently use choise 3, only because i want to beable to attack when someone is shooting me, and so i get frustrated as hell when trying to snipe. i know i'm a good sniper, i can take out huge amounts of people in BF1942. Put me in Haloi and i suck. This really doesn't matter in otehr guns, becasue they well, to put it simply, dont need aiming! the assault rifle and plasma rifle are automatic weapons, you can aim on the fly with them, heck sweeping the area will work, the shotgun, well, aiming is a luxery with that gun, just get close and you'll hit your target, and the pistol, well, if you hadn't noticed, the game targets for you, which is why its such a *****y weapon. a self-targeting sniper weapon. no wonder people have a problem with it. and the rocket launcher, if you do end up using the zoom, its still a matter of simply hitting the general area. In other words, they require very little skill. msot melees i'm involved with end up in a 'who's gun reloads faster' situation. [/rant]


<3 Noble Outlaw

dude, this is how I've felt forever but no people are to stupid to realize that Halo isn't perfect or even that special. It took a Computer fps took out all the freedom and added vehicles. Sure Halo can be fun, but it might be the most overrated game of all time. I have played a ton of it, but its just not that magnificent piece of art work that people make it out to be. Revolutionary shooter for consoles... maybe.

People are to cought up in blood and guts to get back to oldschool gameplay I actually know someone who said "Man, I can't play Gamecube games, not enough guns in them". This makes me weep for humanity. Though I may be young, I have been playing video/computer games my entire life starting from the NES. I have played hunderds and hundreds of games, and well the video game industry is getting pretty pathetic these days. I don't remember people thinking a good argument point was "More games". I mainly played SNES, so call me a fan boy, but at least I can admit how good somethings are. PS2 is an amazing system, though not the best stats it has some wonderful games. This is how Gamecube is, except like PS2 is with exclusive RPGs, Gamecube is with exclusive Adventure games. I don't see what Xbox has, really I don't. Any good Xbox game is better somewhere else, there are very few exceptions.


When you expect the pain - nothing left to ascertain
When you respect the lie - Deadly chasm open wide
---Circle of Dust "Chasm"
He's Watching you
…( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : : o`-, ….
2004-06-12, 11:26 AM #61
I said Halo is because it's better on the X-Box than it is on the PC. I didn't say you liked it for chrissakes, just that it's better on the X-Box. I believe everyone agrees to that.

I love Halo. I don't love it because everyone else does, I love it because when you get a Halo party going, it's one of the most fun things in the world. Not only that, but they're easy to set up, albeit they DO need multiple TVs and consoles etc. There are many other reasons, but I don't feel like elaborating on them ATM.

Also, I don't know what you're talking about with the pistol and sniper rifle. I can snipe just fine and I'm an avid PC gamer. Maybe it's just you. Crazy idea.

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2004-06-12, 9:39 PM #62
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
You want revolutionary, look at the Eye Toy. You want revolutionary, look at X-Box live (based on the internet, but still revolutionary in the way it handles P2P connections so flawlessly). You want revolutionary, look at the X-Box's system for storing things on its HDD, and its interface. GCN has what...something that hooks up to a GBA? Wonder where they got that idea from. It starts with an S and ends with an ega.


Eye Toy is revolutionary. But where did the first Pad based game come from, or the Power Glove? Or how about 4 game ports on one system?

X-Box live? ARE YOU JOKING? Jedi Knight was being played online in *gasp* an MSN (Microsoft) Gaming Zone before the PS2 was even developed, much less the X-Box. Or I guess you could say taking disks and INSTALLING THEM ON YOUR BOX is revolutionary, just because PC games did it years ahead of that.

Go back. Look at the key games on PC, X-Box, Ps2, and Gamecube. Then look at the differences between all of them. Oh, wait, GC titles will have much more originality, revolutionary gameplay, and quality.

Stop it, stop it, stop it. The PS2 and X-Box consoles would never have even existed without Nintendo, and whatever they've got up their sleeves...will change things.

"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
2004-06-13, 12:11 AM #63
This is what? The fifth time that "Nintendo is dying"?

The first was the Genesis vs. the SNES, where the Genesis (Long live Sega!) outsold the SNES in the U.S. (Worldwide, though, the SNES topped the Genesis). The second was the original Playstation. Yeah, it had 650MB of game space, but the 150kb/sec load rate was lethal to the player, and it had little more power than the SNES; most "high-polygon models" were actually sprites, but you couldn't tell on a TV. The Third was the N64, when it faced competition from first the PS (again!), and the Dreamcast. The fourth was with the PS2 and XBox. Currently, in the total tally of units sold, the XBox is last, though many don't realize it. The fact is, The XBox hardly sells outside of North America.

As for the new console, Nintendo's being as vague as usual. We'll be having to wait almost a full year for E3, when they'll give a jaw-dropping display, as usual. Although I'm still unsure of how they would add something new that would be "revolutionary", one must remember that a key element of a successful revolution is that you don't realize it until it arrives.

Nintendo's got a major thing going for it, graphics-wise over the other two consoles. It's OpenGL, or some variation of it. The XBox is still stuck with crappy Direct3D 7, which has NO support for pixel shaders whatsoever. I don't care how many polygons-per-second the GeForce3 gets (equivalent to my Radeon 7k, and far less than my bro's 9600XT), or it's increased capacity for textures. The fact that it lacks Pixel shaders makes a glaring flaw in the XBox version of 2002's Game of the Year (Morrowind).

I also don't know WHY Id chose the XBox over the better candidates of the Macintosh (go 64-bit computing!) and GameCube. Converting parts Doom III's engine to DirectX must've been the source of much of Doom III's delay, as I'm fairly certain that the built-in DX would not be sufficient for running it; John Carmack has always written his Windows-based engines in OpenGL. Perhaps John Carmack's loyalty can be bought?

While I'm mentioning them, the GC has numerous good games for it. While I must admit that Mario Sunshine might not be the best of game ideas, Luigis' Mansion is a nice break from the endlessly-used idea of "blow up the aliens before they kill Earth!" game, which definitely takes points away from Halo, among thousands of other games. The F-Zero series of games has been perhaps my favorite, and the appearance of F-Zero GX blows the other systems away. Of course, I personally think that no fighting game can match Super Smash Bros.; it's become the only fighting game I play, and I've played countless incarnations of the various other series. The Metroid games all rock, as the people at Nintendo have have perfected the art of playing as a walking WMD store. Sonic The Hedgehog is easily among the best series ever created, and It's also exclusively for the Nintendo. I don't think I need to mention the Zelda Series, or Pokemon, or the increasing possibility of SquareEnix moving back to the Nintendo Consoles.

If a new 3D game "looks childish", that isn't reason to abandon it. If a new 3D game "lacks pixel shaders", then it is a reason to abandon it. Morrowind is perhaps the best example. I'm still unsure if any of you people ranting here have ever bothered to look at the beauty of the outdoors, you'd know how difficult it would be to replicate it with a 3D engine. It seems that Morrowind's engine does seem to do a good job on the water, however - only if you have pixel shaders turned on (not an option for the XBox). If PS are off, then it looks jsut like any other animated transparent water texture: bland. I'd also hate to see Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast attempted on the XBox.

Whenever I hear "Nintendo's dying", I know that I can expect Nintendo to make something truly A$$-Kicking in the forseeable future.

"I know there's got to be some sort of mathematical equation for this sort of thing, but I prefer trial and error. It's one of the advantages of having a socialized health care system."
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-06-13, 7:42 AM #64
But the point of this is--the new "revolutionary" console is so vague that nobody knows what it is. Not only that, but the fact that Nintendo is heavily investing in this console as their next generation one and that they're going all the way with it. This is unlike the Virtual Boy, or any of their other failures. Sure they offered new revolutionary ideas which created the console world as it is today--but realize the only real opponent they had back in the day was Sega and to a certain extent Atari. These guys just pumped out, as you said, titles and consoles that were recycled garbage with new spiffy stuff added to them. They aren't doing that with today's consoles.
Sony's PS2 isn't very revolutionary, but the Eye Toy and the online networks for it and X-Box are.
The X-Box's X-Box Live is very revolutionary, along with its system for storing games on the HDD. Why do you say the X-Box Live isn't revolutionary? It's a VERY low-latency form of gaming, which takes your average broadband line and makes it so that you can play almost lag-free in any online game in many places all over the world. I've never heard complaints of lag, etc.

I'm not going to say the GCN sucked, or that its games sucked because they were a little kiddish. But many OTHERS will. What you guys don't understand is that the uninformed populace is what makes the decisions for the survival of consoles. Yesterday's gamers are today's adults and teens. They make the decisions of life or death for the next generation. They don't want a kiddy game that doesn't seem like it'll appeal to them. They don't know any better.

I'm not going to say Nintendo WILL die with this next one if it flops. I'm saying if this next one flops, their steps towards death just became a lot shorter.

There is no signature
2004-06-13, 8:09 AM #65
Yeah, but what if I'm not worried about getting the most revolutionary new gameplay? I mean in Halo 2 they could change it so you play as Cortana and you have to manage all of the power and whatnot in the Master Chief's suit, but I wouldn't find that fun, because that's not what I'm looking for when I pick Halo up. I'm looking to blow things up, see cool battles between great ai on both sides, and play a really sweet story.

It's the same with how you talk about Mario Cart DD. I don't want that in a racing game. I want to be able to slide my car around countless turns and be rewarded for my skill. I want to link combos together and gain massive amounts of kudos for it. I want things like this. I want Project Gotham 2. Or I want to be able to tweak my suspension. I want to change gear ratios. I want to change tire compounds, and downforce, weight ratios, and things of that nature. I want Toca Race Driver 2.

I have never been interested in "new and innovative" games. I don't give a rat's *** about pikmin. You know why? It doesn't make my heart race like the other games I listed. Same with ANY of these super innovative games that gamecube releases. Hell that old fish game for Dreamcast was innovative, that doesn't make it fun. Games like those do not make me have fun, and that's what I want out of a game.

Racing around a german roadcourse in a Ferrari Enzo at breakneck speeds is fun. Hooking up 4 consoles with 16 of your friends is fun.

I have played MANY Gamecube games, and I have only ever enjoyed ONE that cannot be found on another system. I LOVED the Resident Evil remake. I thought it was amazing. But that doesn't mean I'm gonig to go buy a Gamecube, because that is the only game I enjoyed.

Oh and as far as whicher nintendo fanboy was criticizing the number of Rainbow Six games, consider this. How many Zelda's and Mario's are there out there? There are 3 R6 games.

And I bought my Xbox about 3 weeks after the launch of the system. I have been having 8 hour marathons ever since. I have been watching dvd's ever since. My Xbox has NEVER overheated. And I have NEVER had a problem with the dvd playback. Then again, at least I can watch dvds, and I have games that last more than 8 hours. You Gamecube guys should really come try this.

I don't want your signature on the same page as mine. It's talking to my signature, and making it feel bad about itself.
2004-06-13, 9:00 AM #66
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MeLoN:


There is no signature
2004-06-13, 9:58 AM #67
If Nintendo REALLY needs to catch up, they really need to release a whole bunch of Bemani games, like Dance Dance Revolution, IIDX, Mambo a Gogo, Samba de Amigo, DrumFreaks, GuitarFreaks, etc. I mean, I dont think Donkey Konga is enough.

Why Did the Chicken Cross The Road?

>>The Bible's Answer:
And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2004-06-13, 10:02 AM #68
I have a question: Snake-eyes, how are you doing? I remember that you posted about having a tumor (?) a while ago, and I just saw in some other thread that you had brain cancer.

Dude I've seen girls and I've seen lobsters, and that is totally a lobster.

2004-06-13, 8:32 PM #69
Melon said the X-Box surpassed the WHO on sales? The PS2? ****s to that, whatever stats those are, those are bull. I'd bother to refute further... but Xbox beating the Playstation 2? Blimy, they must have read 1,000,000 as 100,000,000.

I hate Fanboy wars, stupid, so very stupid.

Well, as long as I have my PC, I'm covered for all games, *wink, wink*.

Apart from that, I actually own a gamecube. I really... just don't like the other consoles. My friends have both of them, and I just don't like them. As far as games go, I like the PS2 better than the Xbox. The X has nothing I haven't seen before, not yet anyway. I think Fable has some great promise though.

And MeLoN, stop being a belligerent prick. What would get my "heart racing" as you so nicely put it is you shoving your bloody console in your mouth. Your opinions are not all that important. Say what you like, but you are crossing a fine line between giving your "opinion" and "annoying people by acting like a jerk". Calm down son, this isn't a war. It's alright, your Xbox won't die...


Addendum: I think everyone has their niche now though. PS2 has the mainstream/people who want RPG's, Xbox has some excellent online games and shooters, and GC is a great platformer/party console. However, I don't see the Xbox or Nintendo making a big dent over Sony. After the next gen, yes, but right now, Sony has the lion's share, deserved or not. Innovation doesn't really matter, what matters is how fun it is. In that vein graphics don't matter that much either. If it sucks, it sucks. GTA isn't exactly all that pretty, but it's sales aren't suffering for it...

------------------ -No porn. We promise*

[This message has been edited by Lord Kuat (edited June 13, 2004).]
2004-06-13, 8:44 PM #70
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Lord Kuat:
Melon said the X-Box surpassed the WHO on sales? The PS2? ****s to that, whatever stats those are, those are bull. I'd bother to refute further... but Xbox beating the Playstation 2? Blimy, they must have read 1,000,000 as 100,000,000.

I hate Fanboy wars, stupid, so very stupid.

Well, as long as I have my PC, I'm covered for all games, *wink, wink*.

Apart from that, I actually own a gamecube. I really... just don't like the other consoles. My friends have both of them, and I just don't like them. As far as games go, I like the PS2 better than the Xbox. The X has nothing I haven't seen before, not yet anyway. I think Fable has some great promise though.

And MeLoN, stop being a belligerent prick. What would get my "heart racing" as you so nicely put it is you shoving your bloody console in your mouth. Your opinions are not all that important. Say what you like, but you are crossing a fine line between giving your "opinion" and "annoying people by acting like a jerk". Calm down son, this isn't a war. It's alright, your Xbox won't die...



Or maybe he's just explaining the reactions of NORMAL people. Just because he's saying how he feels and how MOST people feel doesn't mean he's being an *** . By the way, if you think the X-Box has nothing the PC doesn't you're wrong. Just truly wrong. Halo Co-Op, which if you don't know is probably the BEST part of Halo, Jet Set Radio Future, Project Gotham...etc.

However the Gamecube does have more titles than either console that are solely its own. That doesn't mean that they're all very good, though.

There is no signature
2004-06-13, 8:50 PM #71
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Or maybe he's just explaining the reactions of NORMAL people. Just because he's saying how he feels and how MOST people feel doesn't mean he's being an *** . By the way, if you think the X-Box has nothing the PC doesn't you're wrong. Just truly wrong. Halo Co-Op, which if you don't know is probably the BEST part of Halo, Jet Set Radio Future, Project Gotham...etc.

However the Gamecube does have more titles than either console that are solely its own. That doesn't mean that they're all very good, though.


I've played Halo Co-op, I like Sven Co-op Better. I didn't like JSR on the DC, so meh. Haven't gotten to try Gotham yet.

Number two, nice little red herring you got there. Where did I mention the gamecube apart from the fact I had one and liked it? I was saying that MeLoN was acting a bit superior. And what do you mean NORMAL opinions? Those were his. As far as the "how I feel" thing goes:


Passible: "I don't belive in God"

See, two ways of expressing, yet, you see a difference, no?

And if you think Halo Coop is better than Sven Coop. You are just wrong man. Plain wrong. Wronger than wrong. With tatar sauce.

------------------ -No porn. We promise*

[This message has been edited by Lord Kuat (edited June 13, 2004).]
2004-06-13, 11:59 PM #72
With all due respect, for what it's worth, I'm sure we'd all agree that we've heard the same argument before, with regard to "the death of Nintendo" - when are the sceptics going to accept that Nintendo is not going to vanish into the ether... []

Whilst it's true that Nintendo (or 3rd party companies) don't always make a huge number of games for the platform of choice (more specifically the N64 and GC - there were numerous high quality games for the N64's 3 predecessors), they do excel in quality games. To be sure sure, this is a marketing trade-off but as a consumer, I'd rather play several high quality games than many games of sub-par quality. Classic examples (to name but two) over the years are the Zelda series (all consoles) and Super Mario (in all his various incarnations + portable versions on Gameboy etc). Oh and there's the Mario Kart series for the "fluffy" people ( []) and the F-Zero range for the fast, fun aspect.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
Originally posted by Maxis Reed:
That's complete bull. Nintendo will not die. Xbox, and even the grand PS2, can not beat Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, and whatever incredibly creative new ideas for play that those wizards create.

I am SICK AND TIRED of people commenting on the Gamecubes apparant lack of adult games. Since when did you have less fun with Mario cause it's a "kids game." Games are games, people, it's ignorant and foolish (yes, both) to write off an incredibly neat new concept like Pikmin as a kid's game, or destroy the new, huge, Zelda because it has Cel-Shaded graphics.

Personally, I agree completely with Maxis - you pinned it down perfectly! []

For me, the emphasis on games has always been "fun" - not necessarily graphics or whatever "fancy fx" (JK being a prime example, as isn't that what we're all here for []). <warning> Nostalgia Moment</warning> Nintendo looked the best around when I was 11 back in '92 (ahh - vintage gaming [] []). I've seen (and experienced) some of the best gaming of the last 10 years solely on Nintendo products and I can't see them "disappearing into the mist" anytime soon. Every company has its highs and lows. Nintendo have been there before and they've bounced back, equal to the needs of the gamer. Just hang in there you Nintendoids and I'm sure we'll see the return of the glory days again []


"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." - gothicX
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"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
("Ye Wearie Wayfarer" - by Adam Lindsay Gordon)
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
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2004-06-14, 5:23 AM #73
1)MeLon, you obviously have no idea what the article said, do you? It was saying the Xbox outsold the PS2 in the US for ONE month. Woopty-freakin-doo. That completely renders what little point you had moot. Secondly, it doesn't mention worldwide sales, does it? Because the PS2 and GC have been kicking the crap out of it in that market from day one. Finally, in terms of overall units sold, the PS2 and GC still beat out the Xbox. So, frankly, the loser of this console war is the Xbox, hands down. Am I saying it's a bad system? No, I actually like some of it's games, but I'd rather have a PS2 or a GC, due to the larger amounts of exclusive titles(which they DO have, BTW).

2)Sorry haters and haterettes, but Nintendo isn't dying. Everyone thinks this because Nintendo isn't completely dominating the console market like they did with the SNES, and to some extent, with the NES. Well, folks, they can't. No one can. The PS2 came close, but it wasn't able to do it. Why? The are three different consoles on the market. This means that neither company is going to be able to control a majority of the market, because there is too much competition. Which is good. And Nintendo is still dominating the handheld market, which is producing huge profits for them. Sega was in the red for years. The DC was just the final nail in the coffin.

3)If there's increased competition, each company will have to bring something to the table that other one's don't have. So far, all the PS3 and the NextBox(or whatever it's called) are promising is prettier graphics. Wow, amazing. So, all they're doing is putting more powerful hardware into their systems? Sorry, that's not gonna cut it kiddies. Graphics aren't selling games anymore. Yeah, FarCry had nice graphics. I nearly bought it myself. But then friend's told me that the game wasn't that great. So, I didn't buy it. That's what happens. Then there's game mags, and if they rate a game low, then it's not gonna sell that well. Look at the PSP and the DS. Graphically, the PSP is superior. But developers are more excited about the DS. Why? Because it's innovative, and opens up new gameplay possibilities. The new Nintendo console could very well do the same thing. We'll have to wait and see before passing judgement.

Summary: MeLon is flat out wrong, graphics don't sell games, and Nintendo isn't dying.

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