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ForumsDiscussion Forum → funniest reasons for getting booted from a game server
funniest reasons for getting booted from a game server
2004-06-13, 10:01 AM #41
Heh, I'll admit they were justified in kicking me, but I used to get kicked for BF1942 for mowing down all my own teammates who would just stand around waiting for a plane to spawn. []

Do you have stairs in your house?
Do you have stairs in your house?
2004-06-13, 11:26 AM #42
I join a game of Tribes 2. I fly over to the vehicle pad. While standing in line, a player runs up, team kills me, then initiates a vote to kick me. I'm still baffled. Got kicked too, because everyone always hits 'yes' anyway, regardless of what the vote is, unless it's a map change.

I have a signature.
I have a signature.
2004-06-13, 11:36 AM #43
I often get kicked from UT2k4 games for constantly getting head shots with the lightning gun. Can't blame them though - the lightning gun really is that awful! []

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-06-13, 11:54 AM #44
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MadQuack:
I join a game of Tribes 2. I fly over to the vehicle pad. While standing in line...

Wow, people actually have the courtesy to stand in line for a vehicle? In UT2004 it is usually a mad dash for crafts.
2004-06-13, 12:21 PM #45
Nope. It's stil mad in Tribes II. Many a time have I been waiting for the vehicle pad, then I finally get on, it opens up and I'm choosing my vehicle, and a teammate freaking pushes me off with his shocklance. So annoying. []
2004-06-13, 9:34 PM #46
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Zy:
Wow, people actually have the courtesy to stand in line for a vehicle? In UT2004 it is usually a mad dash for crafts.</font>

I'm always nice and let people jump on top. Few people offer the same courtesy in return. []
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2004-06-14, 12:50 AM #47
In a CS server, the admin was using the admin command to make white letters appear in the middle of your screen to flood (literally flood) "onley knfi i nteh wster" or something along those lines. After dying 2 rounds in a row because of the stupid messages taking up the entire screen, I told him to shut up because nobody understood him anyway - which was true.

People agreed with me and we were all banned. It wasn't until after I was banned that I figured out what he meant.

I have no idea why I was playing CS in the first place.
2004-06-14, 12:55 AM #48
The vehicle pads are what made the game for me and Tribes 2. All those idiots standing around waiting in line are perfect disc-sniper targets []

Do you have stairs in your house?
Do you have stairs in your house?
2004-06-14, 1:37 AM #49
Funniest reason why I have been booted... hmmmm... oh in WarCraft 3 its hallarious that you can get booted for downloading the level. You come in and start downloading and everyone freaks out with "NO NOOBS!" and it like woah boy relax...

<Outlaw_Torn> you mean your related to that damned sasquatch, Mech?
<MechWarrior> Lets just say the part of the family tree that does fork has bossy the goat in it.

<ubuu> does hitler have a last name?
2004-06-14, 1:47 AM #50
That pisses me off, I have been playing starcraft on and off again for years, each time i uninstall and re-install loosing all my downloaded maps in the proces, when I join a game they declare me a noob since i'm downloading and kick me.

i've been accused of hacking in JK a few times because i dominated a nf sabers game at BGJ, in under an hour I had around 80 kills and the others had maybe 25-30.

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-06-14, 2:34 AM #51
I think alot of people get accused of hacking on the zone because...

1) So many people do it.
2) People on the zone are jerks.
3) JK lag can do some pretty strange things and the zone has lots of it.

<Outlaw_Torn> you mean your related to that damned sasquatch, Mech?
<MechWarrior> Lets just say the part of the family tree that does fork has bossy the goat in it.

<ubuu> does hitler have a last name?
2004-06-14, 4:24 AM #52
I was playing ActionQuake recently, and a lot of broadband people like to use the Sniper rifle in teamplay. this particular game there were a few using full auto guns. the admin was having a winge about all the autos, I said "Deal with it", he said "Wrong answer" and he kicked me. Crybaby.
2004-06-14, 7:20 AM #53
I was kicked from JK for moving too fast, must be cheating (apparently he wasn't aware you can lock 'run').

Less retarded: I think I recall getting kicked from Delta Force (remember that?) for finally locating and grenading a house the host was sniping from, while assuring us all we'd never find him.
Was kicked from a JO server for sniping, no warning given.
And everyone who's played CS has a retarded kick story.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2004-06-14, 8:29 AM #54
I got kicked twice in Tribes 2 just for entering two seperate games.
2004-06-14, 8:35 AM #55
I was kicked in JA for not using a saber, but rather blowing up people with guns. -.-
2004-06-14, 8:36 AM #56
I get kicked from CS for hacking all the time... I'm not even that good.


2004-06-14, 8:42 AM #57
You guys pick the wrong servers. In moh:aa I got kicked cause I got 4 people with me an rushed these two losers in the boiler room in Stalingrad, they were land sharking and camping.... apparently they owned the server... losers. And in CS I've gone 32/2 and most people are like, wow GJ, nice round, etc, not OMFG HAXZZOORRSZZ! and kick. Bw has a good community if you play with the serious LT players,

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Correction:
Probably because the whole point of playing against a computer opponent is to make it challenging, and you were subtracting from that. []


Uhm, COmputers challenging? I think not.

Kenya, Now with lions and tigers.
Kenya, Now with lions and tigers.
2004-06-14, 2:07 PM #58
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Yecti:
I used to get kicked from Quake servers alot as soon as I would join. It sucked because I was No.1 on's list of deadliest players for like 2 years straight. Nobody wanted to play with me. []


change your name in the game...

and mort-hog... i think it involved parking a leviathan over a raptor and using the raptor to fly the leviathan

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-06-14, 2:11 PM #59
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vad:
Uhm, COmputers challenging? I think not.


Okay 1) as I said already, that's totally beside the point, and 2) I would assume that just because you're the coolest person you know and you can beat the crap out of the computers so easily, not everybody else can. Then, read what I said again, and refer to number 1.

Do you have stairs in your house?
Do you have stairs in your house?
2004-06-14, 2:32 PM #60
if you can't defeat a computer in star craft, you don't deserve to play the game... all you need to do is if your terran to build a few supply depos at your chokepoint, research siege tanks and place a them along with a few bunkers behind the supplies... they will try and attack the bunker but can't because of the supplies in the way, leaving your seige tanks to take them out with the bunkers mopping up the exess forces, then all you need to do is ammass a fleet of battle cruisers or other units and all out attack... computer AI in SC never we that smart... but can be aggressive, but either way, once you have your choke points covered, they are easy to take out, slow players get wiped out because they don't build defence quick enough before they are rushed, any noob can kill a comp.

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station

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