If you're an avid photographer and after reading the topic thought "Hey, great, I'll participate!" I'm sorry, but for now this is just an idea.
I was wondering if you guys are interested in such contests, where your only prize would be fame among Massassians, and...that's it, really. Oh, and you'd gain experience and probably learn from others. I know a lot of you have digital cameras by now. I'm thinking of organizing it so I'm supposed to know a lot about photography...well, guess what? I don't. In fact, I'm a newbie. I mean, I know the basics and then some, but that's it.
Here's how it'd work:
The winner of each contest decides on the theme for the next contest, as long as the majority of those interested agree, so it shouldn't be impossible like "the now-abandoned space station MIR viewed from the Earth's moon". You may not use a picture that you, and only you, didn't take specifically for the contest, between the date of its beginning and deadline (how this can be monitored is beyond me, so I guess it'd be based on trust). You may only enter with one picture. You can, however, post multiple pictures, provided you choose only one that will enter the contest. Massassians will vote on the winning photograph. The voters will, however, be limited to those who enter the competition, this is to avoid cheating by voting multiple times or voting for yourself with an alias. You may not vote for yourself. You are allowed to crop your pictures, I haven't decided on more evident forms of digital manipulation. Pictures will have a filesize limit.
I'm pretty sure I left out things that I forgot to add, but I think you get the picture, if you'll excuse the pun.
If you can read this, you need better glasses.
I was wondering if you guys are interested in such contests, where your only prize would be fame among Massassians, and...that's it, really. Oh, and you'd gain experience and probably learn from others. I know a lot of you have digital cameras by now. I'm thinking of organizing it so I'm supposed to know a lot about photography...well, guess what? I don't. In fact, I'm a newbie. I mean, I know the basics and then some, but that's it.
Here's how it'd work:
The winner of each contest decides on the theme for the next contest, as long as the majority of those interested agree, so it shouldn't be impossible like "the now-abandoned space station MIR viewed from the Earth's moon". You may not use a picture that you, and only you, didn't take specifically for the contest, between the date of its beginning and deadline (how this can be monitored is beyond me, so I guess it'd be based on trust). You may only enter with one picture. You can, however, post multiple pictures, provided you choose only one that will enter the contest. Massassians will vote on the winning photograph. The voters will, however, be limited to those who enter the competition, this is to avoid cheating by voting multiple times or voting for yourself with an alias. You may not vote for yourself. You are allowed to crop your pictures, I haven't decided on more evident forms of digital manipulation. Pictures will have a filesize limit.
I'm pretty sure I left out things that I forgot to add, but I think you get the picture, if you'll excuse the pun.
If you can read this, you need better glasses.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.