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ForumsDiscussion Forum → *maevie emerges from the basement*
*maevie emerges from the basement*
2006-03-25, 3:40 PM #41
Originally posted by Ruthven:
He was a man into Deth metal.... and cooking.

Well he was an angry man... but you gotta eat.

The ads for Paramount Comedy frown upon you and your home! :mad:
2006-03-25, 4:10 PM #42
When I move out my priorities will be:

1. Awesome PC and fast interweb
2. Food
3. misc. (Furniture, heat ect.)
2006-03-25, 4:13 PM #43
4. Rent.
2006-03-25, 6:44 PM #44
You go, girl!
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-03-26, 1:32 AM #45
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]buy a george foreman, it will make your solo life beautiful.[/QUOTE]
yeah, my bf at uni had one, it did make the whole cooking experience much easier. one of the girls I'll be living with is a vegesaurus, so it'll probably be more a cheese toasty machine than anything else, but still worth it.

we're gonna make a deal that each of us cooks once a week, to get us all in the habit.

Originally posted by Martyn:
Also, for gaming goodness, Megadrives are cheap and awesome.

sadly, I have no megadrives. but I have a master system (alex kid, baby!!) and my NES, which will both be joining us. oh, and a PS2.

Thanks, all of you, this has been really touching.

oh, and sugarless, ach, quesidilla_red etc.... don't even think about it! :p
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-03-26, 1:41 AM #46
Chuck peppers, mushrooms and carrots onto the formanator for veggie goodness too! They go all gooey and awesome.

The only meat I tend not to put on mine is chicken - it means I have to thoroughly disinfect it (which takes longer than just giving it a proper clean) and chicken tends to go tough on them I find.

If you have chicken breasts to cook, my fave at the moment is to get a non-stick (and I can't stress non-stick enough) frying pan nice and hot, then just chuck your breasts on skin down for about five mins, leave 'em on, then turn over and cook for about 8 or 9 more - chuck in some carrots and peppers, then chuck on half a pint or so of bisto (or whatever - we use asda's own gravy granules). Leave it for 10 more mins and it's done!

The chicken goes soooooo soft, takes up loads of gravy, and the whole thing takes about 5 mins prep, and very little looking after so it's ideal if you can't be arsed!

If I you want a proper recipe for Yorkshires, let me know and I'll share my secrets! :D
2006-03-26, 2:30 AM #47
I can't imagine being able to pull off Yorkshires, but if you're willing to share, I promise to give it a go at some point
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-03-26, 2:57 AM #48
Right, while this might look complicated cos it's a bit long, it's actually dead simple to make good yorkshires:

There are three main things - get the batter full of air, get the trays and fat really hot, and don't open the oven when they're cooking.

Serves 4 to 6:


Right, you need flour, eggs and milk:

(8 spoons of plain flour, 3 eggs, and about a pint of milk)

Stick your oven on about 220 degrees - nice and hot.

Take 8 heaped tablespoons of flour, bung it into a bowl and make a hole in the middle, crack the eggs into the hole. Take a whisk, and mash up the eggs, they shouldn't mix too much with the flour until you bring them together. Add in the milk in a bit at a time and mix everything up slowly into a batter, make you sure beat the living **** out of the mixture to make it light. Add in a bit of salt, pepper and a splash of vinegar.

Next, put a dollop of olive oil (or whatever - me mum uses lard!) into the holes in your bun tray (or whatever, just make sure you grease it up gooood) and shove it in the oven for about ten minutes.

Right, when you take the tray(s) out, the oil should be *smoking blue* - that means it's hot enough. Ladle the batter into the hot trays, and get them straight in the oven. Leave it at about 220, and they should come out after about 20 minutes.

If you've done it right, they should rise a LOT and be all fluffy, crispy, and gooey all at once :D

In fact, if you've beat the mix a lot, and think they will rise a lot, you need to make sre there's room in your oven to let them rise - I burned a set when they hit the top of my oven once :(

Also, no matter how tempted you are don't open the oven if you can help it, because all the heat escapes, and they'll sink into yorkshire pancakes :D

(Oh, and if you leave out the salt, pepper and vinegar the batter makes great pancakes too - but if you want better pancakes use self raising flour instead of plain, and you don't need to bother beating the mix up, just mix it)

This recipe is at least 3 generations old on my mum's side of the family - and it's awesome :D
2006-03-26, 4:47 AM #49
martyn you fiend, now i'm gonna be wanting yorkshires all day.
2006-03-26, 4:48 AM #50
so go cook some, you ninny, now you know how!
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-03-26, 4:52 AM #51
they will be ultimate ruination, my cooking is akin to a fist in the neck
2006-03-26, 5:11 AM #52
Originally posted by Ruthven:
Moving in with people away from parents is great, parties, booze, late nights, girls staying over (or boys in maeves case..... i hope :em321: )

I intended to reply to this earlier, kinda forgot. But yeah, that's kinda been my lifestyle since about 16 anyway (my mum travels alot and is pretty liberal).

I've never been that into throwing parties due to the cleaning up after, although living without my mother's insane standards of cleanliness will help. One of the girls I'll be living with is practically OCD when it comes to tidying ("if it's not a right angle..."), and the other is pretty good with cleaning, so I'll just be sitting back! :p
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-03-26, 7:37 AM #53
Originally posted by Ruthven:
He was a man into Deth metal.... and cooking.

Well he was an angry man... but you gotta eat.

hey ruth. i think you should know me better before making assumptions! ;)

and obi, beleive me, your priorities will change. unless you're spoiled.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-26, 1:49 PM #54

*me breaks down and cries*

*me calls a tow-truck*

(See ya around, Maeve. I'll miss you like a zealot misses a carrier)
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2006-03-27, 11:24 AM #55
aah, nothing like starcraft talk to make a girl cherish her nerds :)
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-03-27, 2:29 PM #56
Psh, I win the uber-nerd contest of this thread :p

When I read you were leaving, I instantly thought of this game. Not sure why. Either way, about 45 minutes of photoshopping later, and voila.
Attachment: 11162/mavie.jpg (57,493 bytes)
2006-03-27, 6:51 PM #57
Good luck Maeve poo!

If there is one tip I can give is : Know to cook. Because until you learn you'll be eating microwaved crap or ordering food constantly like me. And you'll pack on pounds after pounds of fat like me! DAMN I WISH I COULD COOK GOOD FOOD! SODIJDOJSOJ *tears hair out, eats a sock and calls mom and dad for moral support*

Oh and if you get cold at night think of me. (o.O)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-28, 2:13 AM #58
lmao CMatty
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-28, 5:09 AM #59
Originally posted by Jepman:
Good luck Maeve poo!

If there is one tip I can give is : Know to cook. Because until you learn you'll be eating microwaved crap or ordering food constantly like me. And you'll pack on pounds after pounds of fat like me! DAMN I WISH I COULD COOK GOOD FOOD! SODIJDOJSOJ *tears hair out, eats a sock and calls mom and dad for moral support*

Oh and if you get cold at night think of me. (o.O)

Isn't that what Jepwife is for?

2006-03-28, 5:13 AM #60
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Isn't that what Jepwife is for?



<3 Jep

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