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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What are you guys doing this weekend?
What are you guys doing this weekend?
2006-03-26, 11:45 AM #41
Hmm lets see, Friday I was playing some poker - can't go wrong with some blind man's bluff (basically texas holdem but you hold your cards on your head, so everyone else sees them but you - its golden, i suggest you poker players out there try it)

Saturday I went to a house party which involved lots of alcohol and thrown in for a laugh some more poker. We made up some weird version involving tequila slammers. I didn't get much sleep. That leaves today, Sunday, where I've mostly been playing guitar and watching tv.
2006-03-26, 12:01 PM #42
Originally posted by Rob:
We drove to white castle.

We live in Maryland.

The closest White Castle is in New Jersey.

Really? What town was it in? My friends and I are from Jersey. We went looking for White Castle the night we saw Harold and Kumar, but we couldn't find it. It certainly isn't in Cherry Hill, nor are there cliffs.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-03-26, 12:44 PM #43
im betting it's gonna be a ska band!

uhm. well i finished reading fight club again this weekend, went on a date with a pretty girl from my photo class, and hopefully will be doing illegal things tonight. pretty good start to spring break if i do say so myself.
2006-03-26, 12:49 PM #44
Originally posted by Cazor:
im betting it's gonna be a ska band!

K, Einstein.
2006-03-26, 1:03 PM #45
The weekend is over! It's Monday morning and I gotta go to work in 20 min...

The weekend was night and cheap and quiet. Friday night at the pub, Saturday saw Inside Man and then got Thai takeaway and played with my friends new kitten and played Katamari, Sunday went for a test drive then played boule in the park with a few friends. Nice relaxing weekend.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-03-26, 1:06 PM #46
is Inside Man any good?
2006-03-26, 1:16 PM #47
Yeah I really liked it. Great cast and a good story, the bank job they pull is very classy. If you like heist movies and / or Denzel Washington, check it out.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-03-26, 2:53 PM #48
i played Violin, and pined over my lost love :(
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-26, 3:20 PM #49
Left home to go back to school. Got back into my room about five hours ago.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-03-26, 6:53 PM #50
Originally posted by gbk:
I let a precious, priceless opportunity pass me by. :(

2006-03-26, 7:58 PM #51
Originally posted by Spook:
I saw V for Vendetta last night.

Oh. My. God.

Isn't it just? I saw it twice.

I also threw a surprise 18th birthday party for MadQuack. It went perfectly.

The highlight was either the pinatta (we went apes*&t on that poor thing) or the Mashed Potato and Pea cake.
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2006-03-26, 8:04 PM #52
Well heres how I SPENT my weekend:
Friday Night: Sat home and watched TV. Yeah, I'm cool.

Saturday: Woke up at 8, went to work from 9AM-1PM.
Got off work, my friend picked me up and then we went to
another friends house, talked about out plans for
the day and then left. We came back through
the main strip of town and then got something to eat.
After that we cruised for an hour, then we went
to this girls house and hung out there for a little bit.
After watching a movie, we went to my friends house,
got his homemade "hummer" (basically a homemade steel frame on a
chevi chassis made to look like a military vehicle, it's spraypainted
camouflage and everything) and then we went cruising in
that beast for a while. We picked up some more friends and continued
cruising in it. Once we got bored, we dropped our friends off,
then went back to his house, got his normal vehicle, then went
to his brothers girlfriends house to hang out with his brother
and his bro's girlfriend. We hung out there for about 3 hours (until
9:00), after which we went for a quick pop run, and called a girl
and informed her we were gonna head over there to hang out,
then we got there about a quarter after 9, and stayed till twelve.
He dropped me off and I hit the hay.

Sunday: I woke up, went to church, and then went out to
eat with my family. After that, me and everyone in my
band went to the vocalists house and recorded a demo
for an EP we're working on. After that he dropped me off,
and here I've been since.
2006-03-27, 2:44 AM #53
[QUOTE=Chaz Ghostle]Really? What town was it in? My friends and I are from Jersey. We went looking for White Castle the night we saw Harold and Kumar, but we couldn't find it. It certainly isn't in Cherry Hill, nor are there cliffs.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember.

It wasn't too far off of the Jersey turnpike though.

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