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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Favorite Webcomics
Favorite Webcomics
2006-03-28, 1:39 PM #41
Originally posted by Martyn:

Every time


Cntl-Alt-Del and penny acard whatchamacallit are only funny 10% of the time.

PBF is funny 95% of the time

Do the math, b*tches.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-28, 1:47 PM #42
I agree that CAD is funny about...1% of the time. PA hits the funny quite often though.
2006-03-28, 1:49 PM #43
I laugh at CAD a lot more than I laugh at PA.

Then again, I guess I prefer my humour with more sense in it :p other than "RANDOM INSULT!" "SWEAR WORD!" "GROSS SOMETHING!"

They are both funny, however.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 1:56 PM #44
I love both CAD and PA, you are all a bunch of comic-cry-babies.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 1:58 PM #45
Yeah well, I prefer comics that don't insult my intelligence by telling me the joke twice or three times in a row. So there. >.>

Anyway, I forgot I also love Overcompensating
2006-03-28, 2:08 PM #46
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]I laugh at CAD a lot more than I laugh at PA.

Then again, I guess I prefer my humour with more sense in it :p other than "RANDOM INSULT!" "SWEAR WORD!" "GROSS SOMETHING!"

They are both funny, however.[/QUOTE]
That's not PA's humor, but good try. You just like lame wannabe gamer humor. But then again, the main reason I hate CAD is because I hate Absath to be honest. He's an ***.

[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]I love both CAD and PA, you are all a bunch of comic-cry-babies.[/QUOTE]
2006-03-28, 2:18 PM #47

2006-03-28, 2:23 PM #48
"It's funny that you called us cry babies, because all you do is complain. Even though you haven't been a problem at all for years, I'm just bitter that I'm the new massassi troll and everyone hates me instead of you. lol, irony. I'm so witty."

VG Cats

Those three comics are popular for a reason. They are all funny. Not 1% funny, sometimes...sorta...maybe. Funny. If they weren't funny, they wouldn't be popular.

Then again, funny is an opinion. Humorous is not. You can disagree with me when I say that PA, CAD, and VGC are funny, but you can't argue with me when I say they are all humorous. So to avoid any argument, I'll just say this:

Penny-Arcade, VG Cats, and Ctrl+Alt+Del are all humorous comics.

That's not PA's humor, but good try. You just like lame wannabe gamer humor. But then again, the main reason I hate CAD is because I hate Absath to be honest. He's an ***.

My brother went to Digital Overload and met Tim (Absath). He said he's a really down to earth, cool guy. So far, everyone I've talked to that has met Tim hasn't said anything bad about him. So, maybe it's just you. As for CAD being 'lame wannabe gamer humor', that's your opinion and that's cool, but don't tell people that what they enjoy is infact lame humor.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 2:57 PM #49
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort] "It's funny that you called us cry babies, because all you do is complain. Even though you haven't been a problem at all for years, I'm just bitter that I'm the new massassi troll and everyone hates me instead of you. lol, irony. I'm so witty."

VG Cats

Those three comics are popular for a reason. They are all funny. Not 1% funny, sometimes...sorta...maybe. Funny. If they weren't funny, they wouldn't be popular.

Then again, funny is an opinion. Humorous is not. You can disagree with me when I say that PA, CAD, and VGC are funny, but you can't argue with me when I say they are all humorous. So to avoid any argument, I'll just say this:

Penny-Arcade, VG Cats, and Ctrl+Alt+Del are all humorous comics.

My brother went to Digital Overload and met Tim (Absath). He said he's a really down to earth, cool guy. So far, everyone I've talked to that has met Tim hasn't said anything bad about him. So, maybe it's just you. As for CAD being 'lame wannabe gamer humor', that's your opinion and that's cool, but don't tell people that what they enjoy is infact lame humor.[/QUOTE]
It IS lame humor. CAD really isn't laugh out loud funny like PA is. It's a chuckle here and there funny. The main thing it has going for it is its storyline, which they've been recycling for a good year now. Nothing really interesting or new has happened save the move since I caught up to the comic around a year ago.

Read the earlier stuff from CAD and it's GREAT. The new stuff isn't. It appeals to the gamer who says he's got a 3.6ghz computer that can whoop up on yours and watches Pure Pwnage so he totally r0xx0rz lolz kthx. PA appeals to the more intelligent gamers sometimes, most of the times it just has awesome humor from Jerry and Mike's twisted, but beautifully well-cultured minds, and it happens to do with games most of the time. PA could easily be a political comic if that's what the center of Jerry and Mike's lives were. CAD could never be anything more than a quasi-humorous, slightly story-oriented gaming comic.

Also, Absath's forums used to be hell to post on, and any post that said anything bad about the comic or Absath would be deleted. Even remotely. He may be a "cool down to earth guy", but he sucks as a forum admin. I also hear he's a dick to Mike and Jerry, but that's from rather biased hearsay from a friend who would kill anyone who says PA isn't their type of comic.

And I'm not "the new forum troll"--I've never acted any differently than I do right now. If I'm a "troll", I've been one for years, but by definition I'm not a troll--just the devil's advocate. Imsoshort, SF_Gold, and people like Freelancer are trolls. But hey, at least I don't have a reputation of being a stupid "OMG ADMINS HEY STUFF SUCKS" screaming little kid, and at least I have the balls to put what I said out for everyone to read, instead of keeping it so "cleverly hidden" in spoiler tags.
2006-03-28, 3:00 PM #50
What you hear is wrong. What *I* hear is that they get along well. That'd be sort of obvious when like, PA did the opening for the CAD book.

I was just about to say exactly what you said, except with PA being the 'chuckle here and there'

I enjoy them both, but I prefer CAD.

And purepwnage is awesome.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 3:03 PM #51
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]What you hear is wrong. What *I* hear is that they get along well. That'd be sort of obvious when like, PA did the opening for the CAD book.

I was just about to say exactly what you said, except with PA being the 'chuckle here and there'

I enjoy them both, but I prefer CAD.

And purepwnage is awesome.[/QUOTE]
I enjoy purepwnage as well, but only moderately anymore. Too infrequent of updates, and the crowd that follows it doesn't realize that Kyle and Jeremy don't act like that in real life--only in the video.

And PA is hardly a chuckle here or there, unless you just don't know a damn thing about the gaming world. It usually has to do with current events, or current games.

Also, I said it was a biased source, so don't bite my head off for that. Though didn't CAD release their book quite a while ago? I know they used to be on good terms (I think CAD has a couple comics with Gabe and Tycho in them), but I heard they had a falling out after Absath was a douche to them at some con.
2006-03-28, 3:10 PM #52
I didn't hear anything about that, like, at all, so it'd be interesting to read up on.

I'm up to date on current events in the gaming world, but they're both sort of on the ball in that department.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 3:22 PM #53
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]I didn't hear anything about that, like, at all, so it'd be interesting to read up on.

I'm up to date on current events in the gaming world, but they're both sort of on the ball in that department.[/QUOTE]
Not really. CAD has done very few games in their comics (mostly lame new FPS', WoW, and now Oblivion), whereas PA is all over the map. CoD, KotOR, Shadows of the Collosus, Ico, Quake 3, Tribes, Myst, they've done almost every good/well known game to come out since their inception, and have even done a good job covering a lot of experimental and in the making ones that no one would ever hear about without their promotion. It doesn't make them better just because they cover more games, but to say CAD is anywhere near them in that area is a lie (like I said, as long as the comic is good it doesn't matter what material it focuses around).
2006-03-28, 3:25 PM #54

[Two paragraphs of opinion presented as if it were fact]

[A paragraph of rumors and opinions]

[The first fact posted:And I'm not "the new forum troll"--I've never acted any differently than I do right now. If I'm a "troll", I've been one for years]

[A list of people that most would consider trolls...except for Freelancer who was put there just because the poster hates him]

[Brings up a subject from YEARS ago to try and prove a point. Fails at proving his point beacuse the person he is trying to put down hasn't complained about said topic in ages upon ages]

[Ends by telling us all how awesome he is for putting his thoughts out for everyone to see, and while he's at it, tries for one last insult]

Here is the way you should have said what you wanted to say.

"I think it's lame humor. To me CAD really isn't laugh out loud funny like PA is. It's a chuckle here and there funny. The main thing it has going for it is its storyline, which they've been recycling for a good year now. Then again I can't say for sure nothing really interesting or new has happened beacuse I haven't been regularly keeping up with it.

I really like the old CAD stuff. I don't like the new stuff at all. PA most of the times just has awesome humor from Jerry and Mike's twisted, but beautifully well-cultured minds."

See? Now your post looks like what it really is. Opinion, not fact. Hurrah!
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 3:26 PM #55
I have a feeling most of the people who dislike PA don't read Tycho's insanely verbose rants on the front page, which are really at least half the fun. :p

[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Here is the way you should have said what you wanted to say...See? Now your post looks like what it really is. Opinion, not fact. Hurrah![/QUOTE]

No, it's a given that people post their opinions on boards.
2006-03-28, 3:28 PM #56
DJ Yoshi doesn't pay attention to CAD :)

They do plenty of games, as well. I'd go get examples, but going through ANY web comic archive is a pain to find what you want.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 3:29 PM #57
CAD had this one comic about Thief that had me laughing pretty hard.

"Prune fingers!"
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 3:44 PM #58
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]DJ Yoshi doesn't pay attention to CAD :)

They do plenty of games, as well. I'd go get examples, but going through ANY web comic archive is a pain to find what you want.[/QUOTE]
I've read every single CAD comic to date. I read it regularly, because like I said, they sometimes strike gold. There was one recently that was good, can't remember it.

But honestly, CAD really doesn't do that many games compared to all. Because they're story oriented.

And SAJN--I merely said the humor isn't as refined as PA's, and that I really don't find it as humorous as PA. At all. But, please, continue to be a fanboy and read what you want to read, then repost what I posted in your own words. Really, it's witty and it TOTALLY gets your point across.


If anything, there's one thing you guys have to agree with--PA does random a HELLUVALOT better than CAD. Seriously, Chef Brian got old in comic #23595923586 with him in it. I really hope Absath caught that too.
2006-03-28, 3:45 PM #59
Not really. CAD has done very few games in their comics (mostly lame new FPS', WoW, and now Oblivion), whereas PA is all over the map. CoD, KotOR, Shadows of the Collosus, Ico, Quake 3, Tribes, Myst, they've done almost every good/well known game to come out since their inception, and have even done a good job covering a lot of experimental and in the making ones that no one would ever hear about without their promotion. It doesn't make them better just because they cover more games, but to say CAD is anywhere near them in that area is a lie (like I said, as long as the comic is good it doesn't matter what material it focuses around).

Republic Commando, Halo, Thief, Resident Evil, God of War, World of Warcraft, Half Life 2, Americas Army, Oblivion, Star Wars Galaxies, Starcraft, City of Heroes, Splinter Cell, Zelda, Everquest, Counter-Strike, Morrowind, Painkiller, Guild Wars, etc... Those are just a FEW of the games that have been poked fun at by CAD.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 3:48 PM #60
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Republic Commando, Halo, Thief, Resident Evil, God of War, World of Warcraft, Half Life 2, Americas Army, Oblivion, Star Wars Galaxies, Starcraft, City of Heroes, Splinter Cell, Zelda, Everquest, Counter-Strike, Morrowind, Painkiller, Guild Wars, etc... Those are just a FEW of the games that have been poked fun at by CAD.[/QUOTE]
No, that's pretty much it. I couldn't even begin to list the ones at PA. I don't know why you're fighting me on this--it's not good or bad, it's just the truth. CAD's subject matter comes from a few games...not nearly as many as PA's. I even said in my original post--it's not good or bad. But it is a fact.
2006-03-28, 3:49 PM #61
Don't forget the DooM 3 rehibilitation centre!

EDIT: How about we all just get along and agree that the best comic ever is Sherman's Lagoon?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 3:53 PM #62
And SAJN--I merely said the humor isn't as refined as PA's, and that I really don't find it as humorous as PA. At all.

But, please, continue to be a fanboy and read what you want to read, then repost what I posted in your own words. Really, it's witty and it TOTALLY gets your point across.


What?! How am I twisting anything? You are posting your personal opinion as if it were fact! Stop it!
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 3:55 PM #63
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]What?! How am I twisting anything? You are posting your personal opinion as if it were fact! Stop it![/QUOTE]
I'm not posting personal opinion as if it were fact...the humor isn't as refined. Like I said, PA and CAD targets fairly differing markets. My representation of these markets is the only opinionated factoid there. PA targets the intelligent, up to date gamer that keeps track of games and technology. CAD targets the average gamer who doesn't know that much about new games and technology except for the big hits (WoW, CoD, Thief, all big-time games in their own rights).
2006-03-28, 3:57 PM #64
You just did it again. How do you know that Absath is targeting the average gamer, and not the 'smart' people? He's never said it, as far as I know.

You're just assuming things, and saying that your opinion of CAD not being as refined is fact :\
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 3:59 PM #65
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]You just did it again. How do you know that Absath is targeting the average gamer, and not the 'smart' people? He's never said it, as far as I know.

You're just assuming things, and saying that your opinion of CAD not being as refined is fact :\[/QUOTE]
Well, let me put it this way then--it may not be TARGETING it, but that's definitely its major audience.

And PA is more refined...they interject a lot of advanced vocabulary, allusions to novels and other rather lofty literature, poetry, and other such stuff into their comics. Granted they do have the "**** PISS **** COCK WHORE DAMN" comics, but they usually interweave the two...genres?...geniously. Not to mention Tycho's news posts are definitely not for the novice of English.
2006-03-28, 4:02 PM #66
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]You just did it again. How do you know that Absath is targeting the average gamer, and not the 'smart' people? He's never said it, as far as I know.

You're just assuming things, and saying that your opinion of CAD not being as refined is fact :\[/QUOTE]

Well, it's a fair point. Compare:
Originally posted by Tycho:
You might recall that last year at Sakuracon, Gabriel was hauled by guile into the sensual world of Yaoi. We were not aware that Yaoi was but one deity in a greater pantheon of erotic gods, each with radically different domains. Looking back on two-thousand and six, it will forever be known as the year we broke The DouJinshi Code.

Originally posted by Asbath:
Gonna make this short and sweet today. I'm battling a bit of a head cold (heh, almost typed head crab there. "You know you're a gamer when...") and I want to try and get some rest to prevent it from getting worse.

I have a couple things I could say about these two but I'm not going to because this thread has become dumb. :p
2006-03-28, 4:02 PM #67
It's ALL opinion being posted as FACT. You just did it again!

I'm not posting personal opinion as if it were fact...the humor in [Topic A] isn't as refined (as the humor in [Topic B].)

[Topic B] targets the intelligent, up to date gamer that keeps track of games and technology.

[Topic A] targets the average gamer who doesn't know that much about new games and technology except for the big hits.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 4:03 PM #68
I um...just posted some quotes
2006-03-28, 4:06 PM #69
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]It's ALL opinion being posted as FACT. You just did it again!

I'm not posting personal opinion as if it were fact...the humor in [Topic A] isn't as refined (as the humor in [Topic B].)

[Topic B] targets the intelligent, up to date gamer that keeps track of games and technology.

[Topic A] targets the average gamer who doesn't know that much about new games and technology except for the big hits.[/QUOTE]
That's not an opinion, that's just fact. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Take a look at what you're posting. CAD does NOT include a lot of allusions to famous literature, our government, etc, with witty riposte to some of the injustices in the technological/gaming field. It's based solely around the (lacking) storyline and the gamer aspect of said storyline. CAD has said nothing about the Sony DRM bit, the Starforce incident, or anything like that. PA has. It's different types of humor--more refined humor isn't neccesarily better. Take it as you will.
2006-03-28, 4:22 PM #70
How can you be better at being random? :\
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 4:26 PM #71
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]How can you be better at being random? :\[/QUOTE]
By not sucking at it? I dunno, I've just never met anyone who actually likes Chef Brian as compared to, say, Twisp and Catsby.
2006-03-28, 4:38 PM #72
I like them the same. There's no rankings of random, there's random and not random

There's no difference between saying "I like table poetry that considers kittens" and "This orange salsa hippo tastes like nails" They are both random.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-28, 4:38 PM #73
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]How can you be better at being random? :\[/QUOTE]

Because you're not ACTUALLY being random, you're only pretending to. The better you are at being random, the less forced it comes off as to the readers. People who are bad at being random usually rely on the same non-sequiters. Like fruit, for example.
2006-03-28, 4:43 PM #74
Not forced random, forced random, anything random. It's all the same. Random is random. The only difference between PA random and CAD random is the artwork, and the readers. If you took some of PA's random and put it in a CAD strip and vice versa, people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. They would just be like "Oh Twisp you sill *******, you." or "Oh Chef Brian, you are crazy!"
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 4:49 PM #75
SAJN, that wasn't a rebuttal at all. It was just a contradiction.

It feels like you don't even care. :(
2006-03-28, 4:56 PM #76
How wasn't that a good reply?

The topic: CAD sucks at being random
Response: You can't suck at being random [example to back up my claim]
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 5:08 PM #77
The topic wasn't "CAD sucks at being random," it was "Here is exactly how you can suck at being random" and then you responding with "You can't suck at being random, you could switch any random cartoons around and they would still be just as funny."

In other words, I said it is possible to be bad at being random, and explained how varying degrees of humor can be achieved in non sequitur-oriented comics. You then said that it wasn't possible to be bad at being random, without addressing my explanation at all.

Heck, even that comic we discussed earlier contradicts your claim:
2006-03-28, 5:15 PM #78
That comic is meant to be ironic. It's a random and crazy character, talking about how people suck at being random and crazy, which is a crazy statement to make. That's why that strip is supposed to be funny. It doesn't contradict my claim. I said that I think you can't suck at being random, I don't care what Chef Brian thinks. :p
Think while it's still legal.
2006-03-28, 5:18 PM #79
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]It's a random and crazy character, talking about how people suck at being random and crazy, which is a crazy statement to make.[/QUOTE]

No it isn't. It's a PSA.
2006-03-28, 5:40 PM #80
Comics are serious business.

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