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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Shoes indoors?
Shoes indoors?
2006-04-09, 4:16 PM #41
I always wear my shoes inside. My friends all wear their shoes inside. The only time I've seen people take their shoes off is when they think they'll be more comfortable, or when they've been marching through the mud.

The only people I know that take their shoes off are Asian. So... yeah.
2006-04-09, 6:21 PM #42
I take my feet off indoors.
I'm just a little boy.
2006-04-09, 6:53 PM #43
I usualy leave mine on. but oh well.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-04-09, 7:05 PM #44
I always take them off when I'm indoors. There never really are any special cases. I just always take them off no matter what.

The only few, rare special occasions are:

-When I need to break in new parts of the shoe (say I bought a new sole)
-New snowboard boots (hurts like heck if you don't break in new snowboard boots before going out riding)
-Breaking in brand new shoes (the shoes I buy, skate shoes, always feel much, much better after breaking them in)

That's about it.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2006-04-10, 10:37 AM #45
I just do what my host does. Unless it's a good friend whose house I go to all the time. Then it depends on how comfy I want to be.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-04-10, 11:06 AM #46
Winter, obviously they are removed. In the summer, I rather people that them off at my place because I don't want sand/dirt/dust on/in the carpet, but I wont throw a fit about it unless they are leaving a mess. If that is the case they realize that all the cooking knives aren't only for cooking.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-04-10, 11:49 AM #47
Off in my house, always. I have slip ons anyway, so meh.
2006-04-10, 12:24 PM #48
I definitely take my shoes off indoors. Not only does it feel weird for me to wear them inside, but I can't get comfortable with shoes on.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-04-10, 12:53 PM #49
This thread just blew my mind. I have never heard of this being a major cultural thing in america. I never take my shoes off when i go inside...unless I see a big pile of shoes in the entryway like at my friend's grandma's house. And I've lived in Bakersfield, CA, Antioch, CA, Phoenix, AZ, and Bartlesville, OK....I've enver encountered this. What the heck.
2006-04-10, 12:54 PM #50
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
This thread just blew my mind. I have never heard of this being a major cultural thing in america. I never take my shoes off when i go inside...unless I see a big pile of shoes in the entryway like at my friend's grandma's house. And I've lived in Bakersfield, CA, Antioch, CA, Phoenix, AZ, and Bartlesville, OK....I've enver encountered this. What the heck.

cue eff tee.

cue eff tee...
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-04-10, 12:55 PM #51
Shoes come off. Inside and out. *see sig*
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2006-04-10, 1:26 PM #52
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
This thread just blew my mind. I have never heard of this being a major cultural thing in america. I never take my shoes off when i go inside...unless I see a big pile of shoes in the entryway like at my friend's grandma's house. And I've lived in Bakersfield, CA, Antioch, CA, Phoenix, AZ, and Bartlesville, OK....I've enver encountered this. What the heck.

Guess America is becoming more civilized.

2006-04-10, 1:43 PM #53
I dont take my shoes off until I feel that my feet need to breath. Until then, they stay on whenever I come home. For other peoples houses though, it depends on their rules.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-04-10, 2:06 PM #54
I rarely if ever take off my shoes. Amazingly, Converse are really really comfortable and you get used to having them on. I even sleep with them on sometimes.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-04-10, 3:12 PM #55
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]Guess America is becoming more civilized. [/QUOTE]
Your arbitrary definition of "civilized" offends me. ;)
2006-04-10, 3:15 PM #56
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]Guess America is becoming more civilized.


Yes, because so many uncivilized people wore shoes back in the caveman times.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-04-10, 3:18 PM #57
Your homes must have absolutely disgusting floors.
2006-04-10, 3:42 PM #58
I wipe my feet before I enter a home. Also, I don't make it a habit to jump into mud puddles all the time. We've got pavement and grass in America.
2006-04-10, 3:50 PM #59
I keep my shoes on. Unless I take them off for whatever reason. I don't take them off because I've entered the house though.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2006-04-10, 10:49 PM #60
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
I wipe my feet before I enter a home. Also, I don't make it a habit to jump into mud puddles all the time. We've got pavement and grass in America.
We have pavement and grass in Alberta, too. The difference is that we don't have grass-stained carpets.
2006-04-10, 11:11 PM #61
I hate wearing shoes, I take them off whenever I can.
But a lot of people seem to view taking your shoes off in someone elses house is rude, so I don't do it if I think they're the sort that would.

I'm either going to become a hippy or move to japan.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-04-11, 12:13 AM #62
Originally posted by Jon`C:
We have pavement and grass in Alberta, too. The difference is that we don't have grass-stained carpets.

Touche, my friend, touche.
2006-04-11, 1:16 AM #63
I'm in England and I don't take my shoes off indoors, but around a lot of my mates houses I have to.
Visit: the Alcoholic Encyclopedia

The user formerly known as EL3CTRO.
2006-04-11, 1:25 AM #64
if im at my house I norm. take my shoes off just cuz i wanna be comfy, but if im going to go out soon again then i'll leave them on. If at a friends house I norm. leave them on, unless the friend requests that I take my shoes off at the door. Sometimes u know when people dont like shoes in the house. For example the guy im "talking" with, when I went to his house, I saw a whole bunch of shoes at the front door, so I asked if he'd like me to take off my shoes, to which he replied yes, and I did so.

Doesnt really bother me either way. but norm. my preferences is ... shoes off at my house to be comfy, shoes on at strangers house. meh

Its just not so big of a deal here in the states, I dont really see whats so impolite about leaving your shoes on, when the person doesnt have a white rug, or has tiels or something, I mean unless im wearing heels that could possibly scuff the tile, but honestly im a chick who loves sneakers unless im going out and absolutely have to dress up (im pretty low maintanence) and well now that i've given useless info noone cares about I shall end my rant and call it a night lol

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