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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Why do Mexican people?
Why do Mexican people?
2006-04-18, 9:29 AM #41
There are truly some absolute fools in this thread. Anyway, bueno just kind of evolved as a greeting... it doesn't mean 'good' in this sense. I think that's been covered though. It's kind of a 'yes?'... so if you say a few things, THRAWN, and she says 'yes?/well?' after each one, she's just giving some feedback, ala 'yes, go on?'... not really sure why you hung up... I can understand it being awkward, but...?

I... like... many types of... pie because... it's so good... and i like to eat it, but you'd think that... after a while... i'd get... tired of it... and well... if that's what you think.... you'd be.... wrong. WORLD RECORD = MINE.
2006-04-18, 9:56 PM #42
[QUOTE=Numenor King]that sounds like the: "I'll pretend I don't speak english so I can get this sales man to hang up." I don't know what you were calling for but thats what it sounded like to me.[/QUOTE]

You're right. The thign is though, is I am not trying to sell them anything. It's like if SBC calls to make sure you're service is ok. I gotta spend about 1 hour each shift calling old customers to make sure they are doing ok and answer questions. (Well it can take 2 if I get people asking me questions). If a person answers that speaks Spanish, I just write "Spanish" next ot their name and submit it to someone else in the office that speaks Spanish and they call the person back to be sure they are alright. After I get done with my list, I go do the stuff I actually want to do.

It's like this one time when I was at Cracker Barrel and this lady calls and goes "What kind of food do you sell there?" She wanted me to read the entire menu. I just hung up.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-18, 9:58 PM #43
i disagree.

I think Mexican women are pretty hot.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-04-18, 10:03 PM #44
Originally posted by THRAWN:
You're right. The thign is though, is I am not trying to sell them anything. It's like if SBC calls to make sure you're service is ok. I gotta spend about 1 hour each shift calling old customers to make sure they are doing ok and answer questions. (Well it can take 2 if I get people asking me questions). If a person answers that speaks Spanish, I just write "Spanish" next ot their name and submit it to someone else in the office that speaks Spanish and they call the person back to be sure they are alright. After I get done with my list, I go do the stuff I actually want to do.

See, now that makes more sense. You don't come across like an *** when you give just one extra detail. I don't know that thatreally justifies you being annoyed that Mexican people answer the phone with a different greeting though. Anyway, sorry for the stuff before.
Pissed Off?
2006-04-18, 10:56 PM #45
It's alright. Took me by surprise cause I've never really been yelled at by you though :p

I actually am not annoyed though that they do it. I was just curious is all, I asked some coworkers and no one really knows though why exactly.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-18, 10:58 PM #46
It was the hanging up part that did it for me. In the context I had, it came across as being kind of rude. Oh well.
Pissed Off?

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