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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Finaly... a new Star Wars game to speculate about...
Finaly... a new Star Wars game to speculate about...
2006-04-19, 6:02 PM #41
Originally posted by Ruthven:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say....

Darth Vader comes out of the closet in the closing scene.

Vader already came out of the closet in Gold's dream, remember?

Although, I think it was more literal.
2006-04-19, 6:17 PM #42
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']How often do they make video games based on EU books? Usually the games just make up their own EU and the fans do all the work fitting it into the "timeline" and making it work. Suckers. :p

Yeah, but they're still nestled comfortably in to certain times and eras (with the exception of JK, which kinda comes out of nowhen). Like MotS, set sometime after the end of the Thrawn Trilogy, I assume. Or all those classic trilogy games and clone wars games and prequel trilogy games and games set in the ToJ/KotOR era (bad example since the era is now named after one of said games).

-I could really sink my teeth into a game that had Yuuzhan Vong falling before the might of my lightsaber! (or not, as the cae may be, damn crab armor)
2006-04-19, 6:26 PM #43
But you're missing an important difference here—namely, that the video games rarely make much of an effort to go beyond pre-prequel era, prequel era, OT era, and post-OT era. The empire is still the empire, they're not getting that from the EU—it was in the movies. The games just grab whatever they want from the movies and add in some of their own characters. Usually it falls into one part of the EU timeline or another. :p

So essentially, that's why they won't make a game about the "Vong." Because they're not in any Star Wars movies. And the 90% of people who played the game who don't read all the Star Wars books would be all like, "wtf is a vong."
2006-04-19, 6:29 PM #44
That's why you'd have a series of games with some storyline. :p

And I'm interested in seeing how this Vader game will be.

If it's on a console, I'm forked. The last SW title to come out on the GameCube was like, Rogue Leader 2 afaik. :(

*starts chanting 'PC'*
-Hell Raiser
2006-04-19, 6:30 PM #45
Let me elaborate.

"wtf is a vong, i want to shoot some storm troopers like in the movie"

2006-04-19, 11:56 PM #46
Whoever thought up the Vong needs to die anyway.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-04-21, 8:16 AM #47
Darth Vader is a wuss.
2006-04-21, 12:49 PM #48
I don't like the idea of playing a Darth Vader focused game. I like non-main characters like Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn as a better focus.
2006-04-21, 2:56 PM #49
But there's so much unexplored time for Vader between the end of RotS and ANH. It would be cool to play as Vader bing the Emperor's guy doing all the dirty worlk to form the Empire.
Pissed Off?
2006-04-21, 3:30 PM #50
I like how they did the Single Player in Battlefront 2. It kinda revealed and made sense to alot of stuff. Like using different templates for clones instead of just Jango.
-Hell Raiser
2006-04-21, 5:26 PM #51
Originally posted by Anovis:
I like non-main characters like Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn as a better focus.

Yeah. If I want to see main characters, I'll watch the films.
2006-04-21, 7:38 PM #52
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Whoever thought up the Vong needs to die anyway.

Triple-Concurred. I think NJO needs to pull a G-Savior(Canon to AU shift).
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-04-21, 8:02 PM #53
Heh, if this game is for real, the first thing I'm gonna do when I play is have Vader jump off a cliff and see if he shouts "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-04-22, 6:13 AM #54
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
It's true. There's no NJO stuff. The closest so far has been, what, a single mention in KotOR?
You mispelled Zonama.

-I'd play an NJO game. Well, not an NJO RTS, but pretty much anything else. Except Kart racing.

I thought Jedi Academy was NJO?

Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Whoever thought up the Vong needs to die anyway.

Quoted for absolute brilliance and truth.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2006-04-22, 9:23 AM #55
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
-I could really sink my teeth into a game that had Yuuzhan Vong falling before the might of my lightsaber! (or not, as the cae may be, damn crab armor)

I always imagined that fighting your first Yuuzhan Vong should be like the first time you fight a Skaarj in Unreal.
After you have completed an objective, the door in front of you closes, one by one all lights go out as you frantically run back but the door at this end of the corridor closed, too. As you stand alone in the dark corridor you light your lightsaber to be able to see bit and all of the sudden it's MOTHER****ING YUUZHAN VONG IN A MOTHER****ING CORRIDOR!!!!

But IMHO an introduction to the Yuuzhan Vong could work quite well in a FPS. In the first few levels you could be fighting stormies, just like in the old days and later in the game you could actually fight together with the stormies the common enemy, the YV, thus combining familiar elements with something new.
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-04-22, 1:50 PM #56
Originally posted by Tazz:
I thought Jedi Academy was NJO?

Are you stoned or just stupid?
It's, fittingly, from right after the Jedi Academy era, probably right before the Corellian trilogy.

-I feel so geeky.

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