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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Silent Hill
Silent Hill
2006-04-24, 11:31 AM #41
Avoid this movie.
2006-04-24, 11:52 AM #42
Originally posted by Spiral:
.. that was a joke, hence the "just kidding" part

Hehehe you're not funny.
DISCLAIMER: This is just armchair observation, not the result of many hours of deliberate study of the subject. I'm by no means an expert, but just an ignorant hick who's putting his two cents in. For that and a nickel, you can have a cup of coffee.
2006-04-24, 12:58 PM #43
anyone ever notice how "Silent Hill" kinda sounds like "Sarn Cadrill"?

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-04-24, 1:47 PM #44
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
anyone ever notice how "Silent Hill" kinda sounds like "Sarn Cadrill"?


haha it does. I hadnt noticed it, but now that u pt. that out then yes it does lol
2006-04-24, 3:01 PM #45
Originally posted by Hebedee:
The CG was really terrible, and the lady screaming, running around and away from these random little coal gremlins trying to find her daughter, the intermittant periods of the air raid darkness. None of it appealed to me.

Plus I couldn't think of where I had seen that cop before.

There wasn't any CG. The only CG used in the movie was for the fog, that's it. All the monsters were actor's in latex costumes, designed to create a more "realiistic" approach, kind of like Mr Hyde in LXG versus the Hulk.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-24, 5:15 PM #46
Yeah but the Hulk looked pimp.
>>untie shoes
2006-04-24, 7:23 PM #47
Originally posted by Bill:
Yeah but the Hulk looked pimp.

But at the same time you could tell the Hulk was CGI, no matter how much you tried not to look it. Now I ain't saying it's a bad thing. Well, Mr Hyde *was* cgi in certain scenes, like when he was running uber fast from building to building and leaping. But like when he stood there and talked, the same guy who played Dr. Jekyll was underneath all that crap, complete with like a robotic arm.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-04-24, 7:59 PM #48
Yeah he did look cg, but I thought he looked pretty swank. Hyde looked sweet too... in some ways better.... I was just really into the Hulk.. and I think I'm the only person who liked it.
>>untie shoes
2006-04-24, 9:13 PM #49
I liked it, for the most part. The mother seemed pretty dumb. She never paid any attention to where she was going. She just ran around screaming, and getting deeper into trouble. The movie said she was following all the right clues, but she seemed to just be lucky.

I loved everything else though, especially the creepy little girl. "Look at me, I'm on fire!" And then she danced in blood. Scenes like that are the reasons I like horror movies.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."

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