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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Protestant.
2006-04-25, 3:32 PM #41
She's non-denominational.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-04-25, 3:39 PM #42
Wow..split right down the middle (26/26).
2006-04-26, 9:22 AM #43
[QUOTE=Numenor King]P.S. (This is not a bash on catholics.) It is an honest question, why do they teach celibacy for priests when Peter himself was married and many of the Apostles? This is something I have always wondered. (I know Celibacy is a calling for some people such as Paul, and Jesus of course, but in the Bible I also see that many of the leaders were married.)[/QUOTE]
Priests are to remain celibate to avoid divided obligations -- one to God, and the other to the spouse.

If priests remain celibate, it is believed that they can more fully perform their ministry. In other words, they can devote their fullest efforts to God and the Church, instead of having to devote their fullest to both God (as required by Holy Orders) and spouse (as required by Matrimony). More than likely, this would be exponentially more difficult, if not impossible. And then it would get even more complicated when children come into the picture.

Converted priests, and some other instances, however, can be exempt of this practice.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2006-04-26, 9:27 AM #44
Required celebacy came along several centuries after the actual founding of the church.
Pissed Off?
2006-04-26, 10:09 AM #45
I don't, I'm Catholic

[edit: "I don't" is referring to if I consider myself protestant, not anything about celibacy - don't get the wrong idea there]
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-04-26, 10:32 AM #46
I would call myself non-denominational, I try not to fit myself into a category, I just follow Jesus I guess... If I had to stick myself into a denomination it would probably be Evangelical

*happy clappy*
2006-04-26, 12:47 PM #47
Three of the major doctrinal shifts brought about by the Reformation (note that each one is distinctly different from Roman Catholic [RC] doctrine):

1) Reliance on the Bible as the sole source of divine revelation (vs. RC use of historical and religious tradition, canonization of Saints, etc as additional sources of revelation)
2) Justification by faith alone (vs. RC doctrine of justification by faith and good works) (both believe in salvation by grace)
3) Universal priesthood of all believers (vs. RC priests acting as mediators)

Solely from the viewpoint of doctrine, if you are a Christian and believe the above, you are a Protestant. Most "non-denominational" churches are in fact Protestant from the viewpoint of doctrine. If you just don't care about all this stuff, that's all well and good as it's not essential doctrine, but you can be sure the church you attend has a stand on these issues in one way or another. Go talk to the pastor/priest/elder, etc.

It sounds like your teacher is arguing from more of a historical perspective. Since the RC Church was not officially formed until the time of Constantine (although there were elements of it that existed before then), she associates her beliefs with the Christians before this time. As far as I know this was merely called "the early Church".

Zloc_Vergo posted: "How do you know how the Apostles held mass?"
Read Acts 2:42-47 (although I doubt they called it "mass"). Since the first apostles were almost all Jewish, it is likely that their religious services were closely linked with Jewish culture and traditions.

And to answer the original poll question: yes.
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2006-04-26, 1:43 PM #48
yes i'm protestant. byy birth.

by choice i am not. agnosticsm.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-04-26, 1:46 PM #49
i r athiest
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-04-26, 1:51 PM #50
I'm Methodist in honor of my grandparents.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

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