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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Face it, this was coming eventually (FFVII:Advent Children)
Face it, this was coming eventually (FFVII:Advent Children)
2006-04-26, 11:37 PM #41
actualyl, as far as cait sith goes, I thought the WHOLE thing was a robot, and the guy who actually controlled it was a man in the shinra tower.. atleast that's what I vividly remember from FF7....

I have no problem with the cat being alone (and I loved his voice.. it was hilarious.. reminded me of the recent oprah episode of south park)... but why get rid of the mog, and not the cat too, if they are BOTH infact robots that are controlled... why not have the actual guy? (i know that no one would recognize him, and it wouldn't be as cool as having the cat.. but I am just stirring up some dust)
2006-04-27, 10:05 AM #42
agian I get corrected. Yes Caitsith was all a robot. I kinda got the impression he was controlled by Reeve but I don't think that was the case. I'm not sure you ever findout who it was. could some one elaborate on that?
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-04-27, 10:09 AM #43
Reeve controls Cait Sith... that's quite old news, IIRC.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-04-28, 8:58 AM #44
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It's Omnislash-2, sorta. It's a new limit break, more powerful than Omnislash. Sephiroth tends to make Cloud a bit stabby.

Just in case, I'll spoiler tag just about all of this; and I apologize in advance for it:

It's known as Omnishlash Version 5.

Here's a quote

Also of note concerning the completed form of the First Tsurugi is a unique Limit Break that Cloud can perform with it, as seen near the finale of Advent Children. It is called "Choukyuu Bushin Hakazan Version 5" (究極武神破壊斬 Version 5), or "Ultimate War God Slash Version 5" (the original version being better known as "Omnislash"), and is significantly different from the Omnislash in the original game. While the original used only one sword for a longer sequence involving 15 slashes, Omnislash Version 5 is a fast succession of six slashes using the six swords that comprise the completed First Tsurugi. It also differs from the original in that Version 5 involves the six swords levitating while Cloud himself briefly flies.

And a link: ( Which I got to from: )

This also explains the flying while fighting Sephiroth, as it's part of his Limit Break.


Originally posted by Jon`C:
Aeris. Damn it, it's not Aerith unless you live in Japan. :mad:

It's actually supposed to be Aerith, but because of certain translatory issues, it became Aeris; however the official name chosen (and used) by the game's designers is Aerith.

Aerith is often referred to as "Aeris," due to translation issues. The problem may have originated due to the fact that the foreign sounds "s" (as a stand-alone consonant) and "th" are both represented in Japanese syllabary by "su" (ス), or it may have been a deliberate aesthetic change on Sony's part. The alternative spelling was subsequently used in the English translation of Kingdom Hearts. However, both "Aerith" and "Aeris" may possibly be pronounced the same (as "Air-ris").

"Aerith"—and, consequently, "Aeris"—is a Japanese transliteration of the English word "Earth" (confirmed by the Final Fantasy VII: Kaitai Shinsho guide[10]). In katakana (the Japanese alphabet used for words that are not of Japanese origin), the name is written as "Earisu". Syllables in the Japanese language are normally open, that is, they normally end in a vowel ("n" being the only consonant allowed in syllable codas; thus, the "i" after "r") and the Japanese language has no "th" sound, instead using "su". It became "Aeris" as a result of writing it in romaji (Latin characters representing Japanese sounds) to represent how it sounds when spoken in Japanese ("Air-ris").

"Aerith," the actual official romanization of the name, would rarely occur in the romaji system due to the lack of a "th" sound in Japanese, though "th" is a valid, if not somewhant antiquated rendering of "su". Regardless of the rarity of this syllable's usage, "Aerith" is nonetheless the official romanization chosen by the creators of Final Fantasy VII.


Also, I LOVED the movie. It has become my new favorite movie, which was long held by Top Gun since the first time I saw that somewhere around 15 years ago or so, if not more than that (though not too much I'm sure, since I'm only 20)

I have GOT to get my hands on a copy of this game. I had one, but I'm not sure what I did with it, and I would like to finish it again, I beat it once a long time ago, and started it again recently, but only made it to the second disc.

And I apologize for not making the sources I used links, but doing that made htem visible through the spoiler tags, and I didn't want to risk anything.
2006-04-29, 3:48 PM #45
Well after watching the english version I'd just like to say how impressed I was with the voices. They all fitted the characters perfectly in my opinion. [apart from Marlene I suppose, the intro voiceover annoyed me just a tad.]

Oh, and actually making Cait Sith's voice Scottish was a very nice touch. :)
2006-04-30, 5:11 PM #46
Just saw the movie yesterday and I enjoyed it, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I'm a fan of the game. Somehow the scene transitions and the plot development did not feel that smooth to me. There wasn't all that much character development either and that's too bad as I would have liked to see more of what Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, and Barret are doing with their lives. The action scenes are nice and innovative everytime Loz and Yazoo gang up on Cloud. The good during the orchestrated parts. What the hell is with the heavy metal at certain parts in the movie? It feels out of place like that Conan: The Barbarian movie where sometimes you have grandiose orchestrated music and sometimes you have typical guitar wails.

Oh and in the world of seems that guns are useless. Quite sad really because Vincent is quite a badass and I was hoping that he would be the one to take down sin bahamut . Oh and you guys notice that Raiden from MGS2 voices Reno?
2006-04-30, 10:31 PM #47
Haven't you heard? Vincent has his own game to shoot people in. He could have benefited from more screen time though.

There wasn't all that much character development either and that's too bad as I would have liked to see more of what Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, and Barret are doing with their lives

Though I was watching a...different version of it, it kind of explained what everyone else was up too, at least fairly recently.

Barret was looking for oilfields.(Hypocritical eco terrorist)
Yuffie called Cloud asking for any info on kids missing from Wutai.
Vincent explained that he had been shadowing Kadaj's gang, and saving a couple of Turk's lives.
Cid has a new airship.(Sierra? See his entrance.)
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-05-01, 5:05 PM #48
[QUOTE=Commander 598]Haven't you heard? Vincent has his own game to shoot people in. He could have benefited from more screen time though.

Though I was watching a...different version of it, it kind of explained what everyone else was up too, at least fairly recently.

Barret was looking for oilfields.(Hypocritical eco terrorist)
Yuffie called Cloud asking for any info on kids missing from Wutai.
Vincent explained that he had been shadowing Kadaj's gang, and saving a couple of Turk's lives.
Cid has a new airship.(Sierra? See his entrance.)[/QUOTE]

Oh that's right, I think some of those came from the part where his cellphone fall into that lake . Guess I must have missed it. I also forgot about Dirge of Cereberus.
2006-05-01, 7:12 PM #49
seems like the yuna actress voices aeris, and the rikku actress voices yuffie. cloud sounds strangely like tidus, same for kadaj.

in the world of ff, everyone has the same voices.

still a good movie.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-05-01, 7:21 PM #50
I wanna see it. Will probably get the subbed version, tho. And someone's favorite movie was Top Gun? Woah. Maybe it's just me, of course, but that strikes me as extremely queer. Queer as in strange, that is.
2006-05-02, 4:17 PM #51
Originally posted by Seb:
seems like the yuna actress voices aeris, and the rikku actress voices yuffie. cloud sounds strangely like tidus, same for kadaj.

in the world of ff, everyone has the same voices.

still a good movie.

Are you talking about the English voices? Tidus has a higher pitch voice. Yuna is definitely not voiced by Mena Suvari (American Pie and American Beauty) and Christy Romano doesn't voice Rikku. Rikku is voiced by Tara Strong who voices numerous cartoon characters. Cloud is voiced by Steve Burton, some guy on General Hospital.
2006-05-02, 4:20 PM #52
As I'm sure it has been mentioned earlier in this thread, the Advent Children DVD includes both the English dubbed version as well as the Japanese version with English subtitles.

The translation is the same though, I think. Which is too bad.

One of my gripes with it is the line where Cloud says he "feels lighter" and it's because he "must have lost weight with all of that dilly-dallying". The real line is "[My sword] feels lighter... it must have been because I was dragging it around."
And then there was that "Dilly Dally Shilly Sally" thing, which was supposed to be something like "Drifting... drifting". It's actually supposed to be an onomatopoeia.
2006-05-02, 11:43 PM #53
I just got my copy today. (lousy region 4 version). and i have to say i was quite impressed. all the voices seemed to suit the characters. and cait sith haveing a scottish accent was quite funny.

but it was dissapointing that last order wasnt on the disc. :(
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-05-02, 11:44 PM #54
i wasn't saying they were the same. but the characterization was the same.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-05-02, 11:56 PM #55
Originally posted by Seb:
i wasn't saying they were the same. but the characterization was the same.

That's because every character from Final Fantasies 7, 8, 10, 10-2 and possibly 12 have been generic anime archetypes.
2006-05-03, 12:13 AM #56
well. yeah. going in that train of though. tidus and cloud were mostly the same idea. yuna and aeris were the wise girls in training. yuffie and rikku were the comic relief.

in that sense, vincent's voice would relate to auron, or maybe kimarhi. barret and cid to wakka i guess.

anime archetypes with distinctive differences.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-05-03, 6:08 AM #57
Originally posted by Seb:
anime archetypes with distinctive differences.
Which differences?

  • Generic giant sword-wielding spikey-haired hero who has memory issues? Check: Cloud, Squall, Tidus.
  • Generic misguided male antagonist who smolders with a nonspecific rage? Check: Sephiroth, Seifer, Seymour.
  • Generic dark hero with a mysterious past, who is not what he seems? Check: Vincent, Auron. (The closest thing FF8 has is Irvine, but he's too annoying.)
  • Generic kawaii ^_^ teen girl comic relief? Check: Yuffie, Selphie, Rikku.
  • Generic chaste/quiet love interest for primary protagonist who also bears mysterious and poorly-explained powers that rival the hero's own? Check: Aeris, Rinoa, Yuna.
  • Generic "true enemy" that transcends the primary antagonist but is not a significant story element? Check: Jenova, Ultimacia/Hyne, Yu Yevon.
  • Generic female character whose chief story contribution is to guide the male protagonist until he understands what is happening to him? Check: Tifa, Quistis, Lulu.
  • Generic loudmouthed male who was designed to inspire a sense of comraderie within your party, but usually ends up annoying the hell out of you? Check: Barret, Zell, Wakka, Irvine* (FF8 gets a bonus one because, god, Irvine was so annoying.)

Maybe it's not an anime thing. Maybe the Final Fantasy guys are just god awful character designers. I'm reasonably certain that 12 fits this pattern too, but I'm not going to comment on it until I've played it.

Don't get me wrong: I love Final Fantasy games to an unhealthy degree, but the characters suck. I never included Barret, Zell, Irvine, or Wakka in my party and it depresses me to see their personality bleed over into the main character. If Wakka hadn't been voiced by Bender, FFX's dialogue would have made me put a Dual Shock through my TV.
2006-05-04, 12:27 PM #58
Well, I just saw it (English dub). And although it all looked very nice, in a "it's a work-of-art" way, the story didn't make much sense.

Maybe it's because I only played FF7 up until the part you have to buy a giant chicken to cross a swamp, or something along the lines. That just seemed bloody silly, so I saved my saves (hehe) and deleted the game. Was almost a year ago or so, I guess. So, yeah, I actually never got to meet Vincent.
2006-05-04, 12:31 PM #59
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Generic loudmouthed male who was designed to inspire a sense of comraderie within your party, but usually ends up annoying the hell out of you? Check: Barret, Zell, Wakka, Irvine* (FF8 gets a bonus one because, god, Irvine was so annoying.)

I would say Cid falls under this category too.

I always used Cid and Barrett in my party when I could. ;)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-04, 5:29 PM #60
If Wakka hadn't been voiced by Bender, FFX's dialogue would have made me put a Dual Shock through my TV.

I never realized that until now...
2006-05-04, 5:53 PM #61
What are these memory issues of which you speak of Cloud? As far as I know he's got a photographic memory. Galuf and Terra had more memory problems than him.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-05-05, 5:03 PM #62
Memory issues? Oh you mean the identity confusion? For some time Cloud believed he was Zack. Remember the flashback sequence at the hotel in Kalm?

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