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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's your thoughts on Emos?
What's your thoughts on Emos?
2006-05-07, 8:49 PM #41
Are you too pudgy to pull it off? :p
2006-05-07, 8:57 PM #42
no I'm not a ***** :p
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2006-05-07, 9:00 PM #43
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
anyone who wears girl pants is a *****

List of People wearing girl pants:
Keith Richards
Iggy Pop
Steven Tyler

Though only occasionaly. I have a pair of plastic girls pants that I like to wear when Ig et hot and sweaty.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-07, 9:09 PM #44
Originally posted by Spook:
List of People wearing girl pants:
Keith Richards
Iggy Pop
Steven Tyler

Name three washed-up has-beens and a marine-wannabe who will get kicked in the testicles upon joing the Corps...
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-07, 9:16 PM #45
I'm sorry, you didn't answer in the form of a question.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-07, 9:16 PM #46
Originally posted by Roach:
Name three washed-up has-beens and a marine-wannabe who will get kicked in the testicles upon joing the Corps...

You're just mad because I won't take my girl pants off for you. :p
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-07, 9:20 PM #47
I don't think anyone who calls them "emos" has enough knowledge to complain about them.
2006-05-07, 9:30 PM #48
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]DON'T cry about how your girlfriend dumped you.[/QUOTE]

While all the other ones are plausible guidelines to not being emo, the above is total bull****. Who are you trying to kid that people don't cry for losing someone they love? Thats just ****ing pathetic and macho. Oh men don't cry. Kiss my ***. :p
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-07, 9:36 PM #49
I cried when my GF left for DC last summer. I'm no less a man for it.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-07, 10:42 PM #50
I think emo-haters are a much bigger problem than emos. STFU already people.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-07, 10:45 PM #51
emo IS NOT the same as hipster or scene.

emo - tight girl pants, plaid shirt, old-man sweater, Vans or Converse (old & dirty). thick rimmed glasses. red eyes from crying. girls are easy but the guys never score. usually 14-20. drinks a lot because Oberst does. EXAMPLE: google image oberst

hipster - tight girl pants, plaid shirts/cowboy shirts, trucker hat/old man golf cap, glasses with/without thick rim. cigarette in one hand, PBR or miller hi life in the other. usually 18-25. smokes the reefer because it's cool and bags lots of chicks. EXAMPLE: google image neutral milk hotel

scene - tight girl pants, black band tshirt, white/stud belt, black hair w/ eyeliner. checkered Vans shoes. does NOT smoke or drink because they're straight edge fo' real. usually 16-24. most annoying of the bunch. extremely arrogant and extremely ignorant. unfortunately a lot of hot girls go straight edge/scene and end up being gutter punk sluts to really ugly wannabe goth guys. EXAMPLE: google image My Chemical Romance

that's my definitions from watching/being a part of the Atlanta music scene. The one thing they share is girl pants.

"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-05-07, 11:03 PM #52
Originally posted by Rob:
I wish.

That just went on my myspace.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-05-08, 3:34 AM #53
Originally posted by Cazor:
my thought is that you look like an even bigger idiot than they all do when you actually use the word "emos."

seriously. it's emo kids or hipsters.

You're just mad because you're an emo and we're making fun of emos.
2006-05-08, 3:34 AM #54
Originally posted by Schming:
emo IS NOT the same as hipster or scene.

emo - tight girl pants, plaid shirt, old-man sweater, Vans or Converse (old & dirty). thick rimmed glasses. red eyes from crying. girls are easy but the guys never score. usually 14-20. drinks a lot because Oberst does. EXAMPLE: google image oberst

hipster - tight girl pants, plaid shirts/cowboy shirts, trucker hat/old man golf cap, glasses with/without thick rim. cigarette in one hand, PBR or miller hi life in the other. usually 18-25. smokes the reefer because it's cool and bags lots of chicks. EXAMPLE: google image neutral milk hotel

scene - tight girl pants, black band tshirt, white/stud belt, black hair w/ eyeliner. checkered Vans shoes. does NOT smoke or drink because they're straight edge fo' real. usually 16-24. most annoying of the bunch. extremely arrogant and extremely ignorant. unfortunately a lot of hot girls go straight edge/scene and end up being gutter punk sluts to really ugly wannabe goth guys. EXAMPLE: google image My Chemical Romance

that's my definitions from watching/being a part of the Atlanta music scene. The one thing they share is girl pants.


You suck at life. Seriously.
2006-05-08, 4:24 AM #55
If you're so sad, why don't you ****ing cry about it?
If you're so mad why don't you ****ing scream and shout it?
If you're so sad, why don't you ****ing cry about it?
You're so sad 'cause you never try and live without it!

- "Good Vs. Emo" - The Flaming Tsunamis

Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-08, 4:29 AM #56
Originally posted by Spook:
Simple Plan also isn't emo. Morons. I hate it when people peg Simple Plan or New Found Glory or some other mediocre pop punk band as emo. Because they are definitely not emo.

"How could this happen to me?"

Seems to be pretty emo to me.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-05-08, 4:34 AM #57
I bet a whole load of you guys use the word "legos" so why you're whining about people calling them emos, I don't know.
2006-05-08, 4:56 AM #58
Because "emo" is an adjective, not a noun. It's short for "emotional".

Also, "emos" sounds stupid.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-08, 5:39 AM #59
What exactly is the defintion of "Emo" music? Emotional/sad music?

There is so much great music that is very emotional, sad, angry, self-pitying, depressing, whatever... starting from music that was written hundreds of years ago.. so I don't get what people have against it.

I myself as a composer/song writer feel most inspired to write when I'm upset about something.
2006-05-08, 5:41 AM #60
You can use the same logic for lego:

Lego is a brand name and is an adjective in the sense that it describes a type of toy brick.

Also, "legos" sounds stupid.

Frankly I think both emos and legos sounds pretty dumb. What I was trying to point out is that all this "Oh noes you said it wrong therefore your opinion is invalid!" is hardly pertinent to the thread.
2006-05-08, 6:25 AM #61
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I think emo-haters are a much bigger problem than emos. STFU already people.

Suprisingly, I have never heard complaints about emo(s) beyond this forum. No one I know even cares about it. I see them walking everyday, I notice that they are lame, and then I continue with my day. I have more important things to think about.
2006-05-08, 6:37 AM #62
I don't really care about emo people - but don't get me started on those ****ers who pop their collars or wear ties with t-shirts.
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2006-05-08, 6:48 AM #63
People hate emo people because they get embaressed when they see another human being showing emotion beyond what's "cool", therefore the first instinct is to make fun of them.

Basically, emo kids can't cope with the reality of their lives, people who hate emo kids can't cope with the reality of life as a whole.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2006-05-08, 7:08 AM #64
They exist for our entertainment.
2006-05-08, 7:18 AM #65
emo is a style of music. More later, I have to go tos chool.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-08, 7:57 AM #66
Originally posted by Avenger:
I'm sorry, you didn't answer in the form of a question.

Name one Massassian who is not familiar with Carnac thae Magnificent...

Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:
...but don't get me started on those ****ers who pop their collars or wear ties with t-shirts.

Name one Massassian who will be spared the wrath...
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-08, 8:17 AM #67
Okay, emo is basically whiny hardcore punk. Not pop punk, not metal, hardcore punk. It's supposed to be emocore.

But people have taken to describing emo as anything whiny/depressing/sad. It's almost like you can label anything emo to sell it. I guess Guns n' Roses was emo too though, since Axl Rose is a whiny annoying *****. Nine Inch Nails is emo because Trent Reznor is always depressed and angry at the world. Johnny Cash is emo, not only because a lot of emo kids listen to him, but because he's always singing about some guy in jail who is about to die. Depeche Mode may actually qualify as emo. The Backstreet boys are emo because they are always singing about girls. Weezer is emo because Rivers wears thick rimmed glasses. Simple Plan is emo because they are pampered middle class kids. Nirvana was emo. If Massassi started a band, we would most certainly be emo, even if we played two tone ska.

Hot Water Music is emo. Simple Plan is not. I don't like either, but it's annoying when people call everything emo, because then it ends up being that I don't have any way to know wether or not I'm going to dislike a band because they have monotonous screaming and super repetetive lead lines.

However, if you are just talking about people, yeah, emo can be used to describe lots of people, like gbk >_>. But calling Simple Plan emo is just ignorant.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-08, 8:28 AM #68
emo kids need to cut their wrists and be done with it.
tofu sucks
2006-05-08, 9:58 AM #69
Not pretending to fully understand the meaning of any slang term (as they are by definition fluid and prone to different interpretations by different social groups)...

I think the popularisation of being sad is incredibly stupid, but vindicating people for being genuinely depressed has the potential to be dangerous.

In terms of music/dress sense: jesus, these are individual choices. you can comment on the technical merit of music, or the sensibility of wearing clothing that is uncomfortable/impractical, but beyond that you're just *****ing about nothing.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-05-08, 11:12 AM #70
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
anyone who wears girl pants is a *****

I'm a size 11 Tall.

My friend Daria says I could probably fit into a 9, but I don't want to find out.

I only own one pair, but it's because it's very hard to find bellbottoms in Maine. Especially corderoy bellbottoms.
2006-05-08, 11:25 AM #71
Girl trousers, especially jeans, look like they're tight enough without external genitalia. How some of those guys walk about in them I don't know. I'm pretty sure if I tried to take a step or sit down in trousers that tight I'd practically cripple myself.
2006-05-08, 11:36 AM #72
It's simple. They have small genitals. Which might explain their inclination to wear women's clothing in the first place.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-08, 11:39 AM #73
You get used to it. I mistakingly bought a pair of really tight pants. Levi's 527s. They were on sale and had plenty in my size (a rarity 'round these parts)! It took about a week of wearing them for my balls to not feel like they were in a vice. Sometimes when they're left in the dryer too long they tighten up too, and it takes a little extra time to get them on.

Girls like guys in tight jeans. Guys hate guys in tight jeans because they see an *** and check it out, only to realize that by doing so they've become homosexuals.

I had a couple guys give me a problem at the bar on night, telling me my pants (The 527s in question, taken in at the knee and given a very large amount of flare at the bottome) made me look like a ***. I politely asked them homos to stop checking out my ***. They stopped bugging me.
2006-05-08, 3:30 PM #74
I slip my package down the side of one pant leg because there is plenty of room below the crotch on the inside of the thigh. My junk doesn't fit on top of the crotch of normal jeans anyway, so it keeps them nice and in palce.

Also, as mentioned, it's impossible to find un-fat person jeans that fit me.

By the way I wear 10 Regular. :o
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-08, 3:34 PM #75
Originally posted by Snootle:
What exactly is the defintion of "Emo" music? Emotional/sad music?

There is so much great music that is very emotional, sad, angry, self-pitying, depressing, whatever... starting from music that was written hundreds of years ago.. so I don't get what people have against it.

I myself as a composer/song writer feel most inspired to write when I'm upset about something.

How's that song writing career coming along? Got any big hits?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-05-08, 4:06 PM #76
What the offended people in this thread don't realize is that the defenition of "emo" has changed--it's now basically anything you want it to be, as long as it's sad and not gothical. And it's more for fun than anything else, you know? Like, "loll emos" :p
2006-05-08, 4:26 PM #77
Originally posted by Spook:
I slip my package down the side of one pant leg because there is plenty of room below the crotch on the inside of the thigh. My junk doesn't fit on top of the crotch of normal jeans anyway, so it keeps them nice and in palce.

Also, as mentioned, it's impossible to find un-fat person jeans that fit me.

By the way I wear 10 Regular. :o

Okay, you know what? That was wayyyy too much information to go on an online forum. :p
2006-05-08, 5:26 PM #78
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
How's that song writing career coming along? Got any big hits?

Wow. What a mean thing to say for no reason.
former entrepreneur
2006-05-08, 5:57 PM #79
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
How's that song writing career coming along? Got any big hits?

Maybe he is not upset enough like teh emo to crank out those hardcore punk slammers.
2006-05-08, 7:20 PM #80
Mmmm Thrawnubbers

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