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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's your thoughts on Emos?
What's your thoughts on Emos?
2006-05-08, 7:36 PM #81
Originally posted by Spook:
I slip my package down the side of one pant leg because there is plenty of room below the crotch on the inside of the thigh. My junk doesn't fit on top of the crotch of normal jeans anyway, so it keeps them nice and in palce.

Also, as mentioned, it's impossible to find un-fat person jeans that fit me.

By the way I wear 10 Regular. :o


Got anymore of that gum?

The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-05-09, 3:18 AM #82
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
How's that song writing career coming along? Got any big hits?

Not yet :)

Although we don't really know yet, maybe one of our songs does have the potential to be a hit. Hopefully.

We're just at the very beginning of the road though... just finished our first E.P a month ago. But we're recording an album with a very successful, excellent producer in june/july... hopefully good things will come out of that.

Anyway, thanks for asking :)

Originally posted by Eversor:
Wow. What a mean thing to say for no reason.

Umm.. what?
2006-05-09, 3:59 AM #83
I do dislike that anything that is vaguely sad or emotional is now labeled as "emo".

However, there's a limit. In fact, I think the song I quoted earlier summarizes the whole problem with being emo (and not being clinically depressed). (And ignoring the general crappiness of the music)

If you're so sad, why don't you ****ing cry about it?
If you're so mad why don't you ****ing scream and shout it?
If you're so sad, why don't you ****ing cry about it?
You're so sad 'cause you never try and live without it!

- "Good Vs. Emo" - The Flaming Tsunamis
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-09, 6:06 AM #84
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
How's that song writing career coming along? Got any big hits?

Wow. You get a few cool points for that one.
2006-05-09, 7:29 AM #85
I am EMO.!!

Hear me ROAR!

and whine
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-09, 8:43 AM #86
Originally posted by Rob:
Wow. You get a few cool points for that one.

Okay... I don't get it. Was he being sarcastic?
I thought he was referring to my band, cause I posted a thread about that a short while ago.
Maybe I misunderstood... or maybe you did. Whatever.
2006-05-09, 8:45 AM #87
He was assuming that you didn't really have much of a songwriting career (maybe just making up songs in your room) and using that as a jab at both you and your argument.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-09, 9:57 AM #88
......I'm going to admit to wearing size 4 Tall back in the day. Now I'm fatter and wear 6.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-05-09, 9:58 AM #89
i hope they all die because their hair looks silly
2006-05-09, 10:14 AM #90
It's not that hard to find men's pants that show off your ***, which is the only reason to wear girl pants in the first place.

Girl pants are for pussies.
2006-05-09, 8:44 PM #91
Originally posted by Detty:
People hate emo people because they get embaressed when they see another human being showing emotion beyond what's "cool", therefore the first instinct is to make fun of them.

Basically, emo kids can't cope with the reality of their lives, people who hate emo kids can't cope with the reality of life as a whole.

No. They're drama queens and attention whores and we all know it. They will be made fun of until they realize that we all know it. Then the healing can begin.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2006-05-09, 8:50 PM #92
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]It's not that hard to find men's pants that show off your ***, which is the only reason to wear girl pants in the first place.

Uh, no. While my *** is important, it's not the only reason. Also consider that it's hard to find pants that fit a 29 inch hipline that also fit 34 inch legs. At least that aren't absurdly expensive, when I have money, I will buy those, but for now, thrift store girl pants add a nice flair to my wardrobe. They are also better to wear boots with.

But yeah my *** is important, but it IS hard to find more or less affordable men's pants.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-09, 8:52 PM #93
You know what's really easy to find?

A belt.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-09, 9:39 PM #94
People who whine about emos are emo.
2006-05-09, 10:59 PM #95
Yes, but people who make fun of emos are awesome >.>
2006-05-09, 11:07 PM #96
People who make fun of emos are trying to compensate for something. Most likely they are unwilling to face their own emotional underdevelopment, so they ridicule people who show the least bit of emotion in order to justify themselves somehow.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-09, 11:08 PM #97
Anyone noticed that emo rhymes with emu?
2006-05-10, 12:58 AM #98
I don't have a problem with emos.

I have a problem with self-pitying, depressive people who act dark and dismal and dress in manners to shock those around them, trying to make them belive that they have emotional problems so that other people will pity themselves as much as they do. It just so happens, though I don't agree, that this is the popular definition of what an emo person is like.
2006-05-10, 4:39 AM #99
Originally posted by Echoman:
Anyone noticed that emo rhymes with emu?

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-10, 4:46 AM #100

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-05-10, 4:48 AM #101
does nobody think that anyone who dresses according to the vibrations their ear drums enjoy, are a bit silly?
2006-05-10, 4:57 AM #102
Obviously those people have brains that are more sensitive to what they hear. They probably can be brainwashed easily.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2006-05-10, 6:53 AM #103
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
You know what's really easy to find?

A belt.

And then I look frumpy due to a bunched up waistline. Sorry, but some of us like to maintain a respectable appearance. Also, please note, the pair of girls pants I own, not one person has ever identified them as girls pants except for one girl who had the same ones. That was embarrasing, especially after I suggested that since we were already in eachother's pants, we should just get right to it. And I got slapped. But ANYWAY, they're not SUPER tight, and easily pass as tight men's jeans, rather than cheap women's jeans.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-10, 6:56 AM #104
Originally posted by MBeggar:


Haha, thats brilliant.
2006-05-10, 10:44 AM #105
Originally posted by Spook:
Uh, no. While my *** is important, it's not the only reason. Also consider that it's hard to find pants that fit a 29 inch hipline that also fit 34 inch legs. At least that aren't absurdly expensive, when I have money, I will buy those, but for now, thrift store girl pants add a nice flair to my wardrobe. They are also better to wear boots with.

But yeah my *** is important, but it IS hard to find more or less affordable men's pants.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-10, 1:08 PM #106
Originally posted by Schming:
emo IS NOT the same as hipster or scene.

emo - tight girl pants, plaid shirt, old-man sweater, Vans or Converse (old & dirty). thick rimmed glasses. red eyes from crying. girls are easy but the guys never score. usually 14-20. drinks a lot because Oberst does. EXAMPLE: google image oberst

hipster - tight girl pants, plaid shirts/cowboy shirts, trucker hat/old man golf cap, glasses with/without thick rim. cigarette in one hand, PBR or miller hi life in the other. usually 18-25. smokes the reefer because it's cool and bags lots of chicks. EXAMPLE: google image neutral milk hotel

scene - tight girl pants, black band tshirt, white/stud belt, black hair w/ eyeliner. checkered Vans shoes. does NOT smoke or drink because they're straight edge fo' real. usually 16-24. most annoying of the bunch. extremely arrogant and extremely ignorant. unfortunately a lot of hot girls go straight edge/scene and end up being gutter punk sluts to really ugly wannabe goth guys. EXAMPLE: google image My Chemical Romance

that's my definitions from watching/being a part of the Atlanta music scene. The one thing they share is girl pants.


sigh. scene kiddies annoy me to no end. most of them are too arrogant to learn how to properly play, so they all end up sounding the same. some of them have potential, but it's completely wasted by the pretentious no respect attitude they have.

also, i have a personal vendetta against local bands who wreck gear my employer rents because it looks cool to twirl the microphone around on stage until it hits something.

and putting so much attention on appearance is just overall stupid. and you wonder why today's youth has no content. they're too busy shining that outer shell to bother cleaning up their dirty guts.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-05-10, 1:51 PM #107
Originally posted by Spook:
not one person has ever identified them as girls pants except for one girl who had the same ones. That was embarrasing, especially after I suggested that since we were already in eachother's pants, we should just get right to it. And I got slapped.

Comedy gold.
2006-05-10, 4:06 PM #108
Originally posted by Seb:
sigh. scene kiddies annoy me to no end. most of them are too arrogant to learn how to properly play, so they all end up sounding the same. some of them have potential, but it's completely wasted by the pretentious no respect attitude they have.

also, i have a personal vendetta against local bands who wreck gear my employer rents because it looks cool to twirl the microphone around on stage until it hits something.

and putting so much attention on appearance is just overall stupid. and you wonder why today's youth has no content. they're too busy shining that outer shell to bother cleaning up their dirty guts.

I agree completely. Seb wins again!
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"

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