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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's in a name?
What's in a name?
2006-05-10, 7:06 PM #41
As I was reading the Pilots' Bios from the 'Rogue Squadron' manual, I combined Wes Janson and Biggs Darklighter, because I thought those names sounded cool together and fit the character.
Wes Darklighter
2006-05-10, 7:53 PM #42
Dracard is probably one of the coolest names I've ever seen anyone with online. It's unique, very distinct and badass. It's sort of French, but the kind of French you're afraid of, like Jean Luc Picard. Don't wanna **** with that guy.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-05-10, 8:32 PM #43
Well, I used to play Age of Empires. Some guy wanted to start a clan, and I decided to help him along. I was very good (players were ranked on skill usually in the zone, from noob, to inter, to expert, otherwise known as x). I was an expert, and went by the name TgM_Flame_gOd, except after a while I got to more of an intermediate because I lost interest in the game. The clan tag was going to be Final, and then whatever you wanted. The guy disbanded for some reason the next day, and we never even recruited members, or held any tryouts. (these things were planned the next day, but he ran off). So, being the only person to every actually sign up or even KNOW about the clan, I just kep the name cause it's cool.

Plus I like my underscores.

Those were added simply because "Final_Hope" was already taken. I've had this tag for about 4 or 5 years, in anything I play online.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2006-05-10, 8:34 PM #44
Originally posted by Emon:
Dracard is probably one of the coolest names I've ever seen anyone with online. It's unique, very distinct and badass. It's sort of French, but the kind of French you're afraid of, like Jean Luc Picard. Don't wanna **** with that guy.

I think it sounds more like a fantasy nerd name. :p
2006-05-10, 9:12 PM #45
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime, doubly so.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-05-10, 9:30 PM #46
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']I think it sounds more like a fantasy nerd name. :p

You must not be pronouncing it right.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-05-10, 9:37 PM #47
Gilgamesh was a Sumerian King waaaaay back in the infancy of civilization. He accomplished, among other feats, defeating a forest monster, bringing lumber and prosperity to the people of Uruk. He also went on a quest for immortality. Gilgamesh is a bad ***, sword-swinging summoned character in Final Fantasy as well. Sadly, I knew him first as the latter, and my name is based on him. The 85 comes from my being born in the year 1985. Mindblowing, eh?
2006-05-10, 9:47 PM #48
Gebohq (GEH-bock)

Back during my sophomore year of high school in 1999, I was getting on the Internet scene (I was relatively late), and I wanted an original online name that theoretically sounded like an actual name, as opposed to "SuperSayianSithLord666" or the like. At the time, I thought numbers that resembled letters were pretty cool, so I messed around with some and got the following:

h=4 (upside-down)

The numbers don't really mean anything, though they certainly have their generic symbolism behind it. In retrospect, I wish I had gone with a more "human" name that was easier on the ears when pronounced. However, I've used it so often now, and it's such a short-yet-unique name, that it serves as a good name to identify myself with online.

Of course, a much more interesting history would simply be "it's the name my main character in NeS shares." Since I've written for the NeS nearly as long as I've had this screenname, it could be accurate enough. *shrug*

One of these days I may go with a new online alias, but if I ever did, I suspect most everyone would still call me "Geb."
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-10, 9:48 PM #49
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-10, 10:24 PM #50
ragna, as in ragnarok. ragnarok was taken so i went with ragna. stuck with ragna ever since.... ever since tribes1/rainbowsix/jk.

my alt is eidee, as in eidelon.
2006-05-10, 10:39 PM #51
My friend was "greenboy_007". So, being highly original, I made greenboy_008, forgot my password, made greenboy_009. Stopped using it everywhere but here, where I changed it to Greenboy, because noncapitals first letters, underscores, and numbers annoy me. Most everywhere else I go by Stuparman, or Namraputs, or Namra. Usually Stuparman though.

2006-05-10, 11:43 PM #52
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Gebohq (GEH-bock)


That's freaky. When I read that I think Geb-oh-ach-cue.
2006-05-10, 11:50 PM #53
Bah. Whatever. As far as I care, the "ohq" could be pronounced "wraa" or "paper" or it could be silent like it's French or something. I just don't want people pronouncing Geb with a long e. Ugh. No "Geeeebs" please :mad:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-05-11, 12:19 AM #54
Originally posted by Tracer:
That's freaky. When I read that I think Geb-oh-ach-cue.

The rules for pronounciation (as far as I am aware) state that q is pronounce cue only when accompanied with a u (qu) otherwise it's a k.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-05-11, 3:43 AM #55
Originally posted by Impi:
In the German Star Wars newsgroup some women were totally obsessed with Liam Neeson but a guy said how much he sucks, etc, which made the women a little bit angry. So I said all this stuff about "The hate is swelling in you" and so on, which led them to "discover" that I am the true Emperor or Imperator, as Germans say.
This went on, most women took the role of Jedi, we had some smugglers, bounty hunters and of course a few Sith with me as Emperor. It had become some kind of roleplay, though not very serious, because we declared that (in true Star Wars fassion) everyone had to be related to everyone else somehow.
Well, but because Imperator is such a long word and because I was only 14 years old at that time they dubbed me Impi.

I always figured you named yourself after Zulu warriors :(
Come on, it's so much cooler!

I was looking for a screen name when I first joined a forum, so I pulled out a dictionary, flicked through it and stopped on a random page and looked for the best sounding name I could find in there. Recusant was there and was defined as one who resists authority. Being a very left wing naive young teenager at the time I thought it was great.
2006-05-11, 3:53 AM #56
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Bah. Whatever. As far as I care, the "ohq" could be pronounced "wraa" or "paper" or it could be silent like it's French or something. I just don't want people pronouncing Geb with a long e. Ugh. No "Geeeebs" please :mad:

Let me tell you something Gebokk, we NEVER surrender without giving a big fight. <.<
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-11, 8:31 AM #57
*blink blink*

chill dude. he was talking about the french language, not the people.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-05-11, 8:50 AM #58
Originally posted by Jepman:
Let me tell you something Gebokk, we NEVER surrender without giving a big fight. <.<

define "big"...
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-05-11, 8:51 AM #59
Originally posted by Ford:
*blink blink*

chill dude. he was talking about the french language, not the people.

I wasn't serious you know... :p
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-11, 8:52 AM #60
[QUOTE=Numenor King]define "big"...[/QUOTE]

Well big like... youz mamaz lololz kthnxbye

(joke obviously)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-11, 8:55 AM #61
Originally posted by Jepman:
Let me tell you something Gebokk, we NEVER surrender without giving a big fight. <.<

Yeah. You just march slowly into battle in formation with heavy cumbersome armor, just because you think it gives you more h0norz. Poitiers, Agincourt, Nicopolis ect. n00bs.
2006-05-11, 11:56 AM #62
Originally posted by Emon:
You must not be pronouncing it right.

You must be a fantasy nerd because it LOOKS like a fantasy nerd name too >.>
2006-05-11, 1:27 PM #63
Originally posted by Gebohq:
One of these days I may go with a new online alias, but if I ever did, I suspect most everyone would still call me "Geb."

Probably, I'm still referred to as Boco.

Baconfish was a combination of 2 of my favourite foods, Bacon and [tuna]fish.

Oh, and I suppose I ripped off Landfish just a smidge too. :p
2006-05-11, 1:48 PM #64

shortened to


even though my actual name has nothing to do with it. i don't really use the internet much so i have one or two aliases like sebediah or sebskij or something. mostly use my real name because i'm not a wuss like some other two.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-05-11, 3:03 PM #65
is your real name Henry per chance?
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-11, 3:14 PM #66
well I was anakin_pm for ages, as anakin surprisingly was taken, so I used that and my initials, then it just went to Anakin for all the editing stuff i was doing, but I changed anakin_pm on here to Anakin-Paul just because Anakin is taken.
Why I choose Anakin, don't know, but if u see my online in a non-SW game, you will see me as Darth or DarthBullet, just because it sounded cool in a SWAT3.
Flying over there some were...
2006-05-11, 3:25 PM #67
"djw" is my initals, and... well, I play, build, repair and tend to stare at guitars.

This was the first forum I ever signed up on, and I don't really like that name.
Everywhere else I use "MMFSdjw"
That's "Missing Monkeys Found Shaved" + my initals again.

The name that I'm starting to like more and more is "danjw" which I might start useing elsewhere if I get the inclination.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2006-05-11, 3:28 PM #68
Not related to boobie, noobie, or anything else that rhymes with my name. Promise.
2006-05-12, 7:19 AM #69
Brightest thought of 2001 perhaps.

Perhaps not.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-05-12, 7:24 AM #70
Originally posted by djwguitarman:
"djw" is my initals, and... well, I play, build, repair and tend to stare at guitars.

This was the first forum I ever signed up on, and I don't really like that name.
Everywhere else I use "MMFSdjw"
That's "Missing Monkeys Found Shaved" + my initals again.

The name that I'm starting to like more and more is "danjw" which I might start useing elsewhere if I get the inclination.

I always mentally pronounced it as "DWIJ-ITAR-MAN" ;)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-12, 7:27 AM #71
septic yogurt - i once ate one, made me ill for ages, i thought it amusing

that got shortened to septic for irc.

which once got shortened to sep for a short while.

then when i went back to septic, i was drunk and my name became "spetetic" for a while.

then it got shortened to spe.

and this name is obvious, because I DEMAND YOUR RESPECT.
2006-05-12, 8:07 AM #72
I combined the names of two characters in Star Wars:

DARTH vader
BIGGS lightyear


2006-05-12, 8:15 AM #73
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Probably, I'm still referred to as Boco.

Baconfish was a combination of 2 of my favourite foods, Bacon and [tuna]fish.

Oh, and I suppose I ripped off Landfish just a smidge too. :p

tofu sucks
2006-05-12, 8:30 AM #74
E.C.H. are the initials of my name. I added -oman because it sounds so awesome.

You get a prize if you can guess what my real name is.
2006-05-12, 8:36 AM #75
If it's not Ebenezer, consider our non-marriage invalid.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-05-12, 9:24 AM #76
Originally posted by Seb:

shortened to


even though my actual name has nothing to do with it. i don't really use the internet much so i have one or two aliases like sebediah or sebskij or something. mostly use my real name because i'm not a wuss like some other two.

See I always just assumed Seb was your name.

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