Maybe I'm just used to American drama/action shows. The stand-alone episodes basically went like this: a short introduction of today's adventure, a brief investigation, a brief action sequence and a short conclusion. Often one of the main characters will get a call saying "some guy figured this out to help solve the crime" whereas if there was more time we would probably get to see some guy figuring this out (and that would have fleshed out the minor characters more). I guess that's not a flaw, though - just me wishing there was more.
The only kind of lame thing about it was how nicely everything got explained away in Stand Alone Complex (the episode) and everyone lived happily ever after. They must not have known if they'd be coming back for a second season.
edit - and also, the time limit meant that if you blinked you'd miss the big secret that solved the mystery. I'm going to re-watch a few episodes that I didn't get.
Or maybe I'm dumb.
And what's the deal with bitTorrent? If I've got 53 seeds to 211 leechers, is that bad? I'm getting downloads that are faster than Kazaa type stuff but are still taking a while. The little download indicator is yellow and says that I may be firewalled/natted. ?