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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Gamecube games...
Gamecube games...
2006-05-23, 5:59 AM #41
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Deus Ex needs no futher explaination.

Huh? Is this good or bad?

Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Because I could? And I was ever so MILDLY interested. starting an argument.

[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]And if you like your fighting games to be refined, Marvel vs. Capcom 2.[/QUOTE]

Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
I started buying Xbox games because I got tired of dealing with better graphics, superior control schemes, and I became lazy in general.

2006-05-23, 6:43 PM #42
Deus Ex I meant in the good way. Anyone arguing against Deus Ex being an amazing game is clearly an idiot.

And I'm hardly lazy. I'm as sorry as I can be, but I don't have the cash to spend on upgrades. Graphics cards go for several hundred dollars a piece, and (from what I've seen recently, yes, I do look) are virtually all PCIExpress now. I don't have any PCIExpress ports on my motherboard. Chunk in another 60-80 bucks for a new board. Hell, while I'm at that, might as well upgrade the processor too, right? And the RAM.

You see where this is going?

I'm in COLLEGE. I have a very LIMITED amount of funds. I have a PC that (usually) works the way I need it to, and to upgrade at ALL right now to be able to decently play newer games would pretty much involve rebuilding the whole damn system. Don't tell me otherwise, because I know my system specs, and you don't.

Control schemes is really a rather lame point where I stand. So what if you can bring up X menu or feature with one button press. Doesn't take me that much longer. And the length of time it takes me to do it is a moot point, because in multiplayer, it'll take everyone else the same amount of time. There's no disadvantage to me.

We can argue Keyboard/Mouse over Controller until we're blue in the face. All I'm going to conceed is Keyboard/Mouse is going to be obviously better for some things, and be on par with a Controller for others. Shooters are not necessarily one of those things Keyboard/Mouse ALWAYS do better.

What it boils down to is a monetary fact for me. I can spend a couple hundred bucks revamping my PC, or I can spend 20-50 bucks on Xbox games, and everything will play just fine out of the box. Not to mention I can RENT games.

You tell me, which is the better option if one has to save money for classes and other such crap?
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-23, 6:52 PM #43
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Broken I would say. o.o;; MvC2 is hardly what I would call a refined fighter. Just launch a Kamehamehadoken and you're bound to hit SOMETHING. The over the top nature of the game and the simple execution of supers makes this one very inviting for button mashers.
Seishun da!
2006-05-23, 9:30 PM #44
It almost costs less money to build a decent PC after you've supplemented parts with your old parts than an Xbox 360 costs new.

Considering you can re-use almost EVERYTHING you have now.

2006-05-23, 9:50 PM #45
NHL Hitz. You can probably get one of them (they did yearly releases there for a while, ala Blitz/Madden/whatever) for under ten bucks, and it's insanely fun in MP.
2006-05-23, 11:01 PM #46
Blitz was always fun (except the last one, where they in the streets or whatever, that just looked dumb). Nothing like being a giant baboon on fire beating the crap out of a giant robot.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-24, 3:44 AM #47

NHL Hitz (2001 upwards, it's a good title)
Time Splitters FP
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Burnout 2

Not necessarily the top five games for me, but good choices. I really wished they'd put Burnouts 3 and Revenge on GC, but for some reason they didn't. Burnout Legends on the PSP is good. I like Burnout. Burnout. Burnout! :D
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2006-05-24, 4:09 AM #48
Ah yes, Burnout. To bad they didn't release Takedown or Revenge for GC.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2006-05-24, 7:15 AM #49
I would take those for PC, and be perfectly happy.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-24, 10:28 AM #50
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Deus Ex I meant in the good way. Anyone arguing against Deus Ex being an amazing game is clearly an idiot.

And I'm hardly lazy. I'm as sorry as I can be, but I don't have the cash to spend on upgrades. Graphics cards go for several hundred dollars a piece, and (from what I've seen recently, yes, I do look) are virtually all PCIExpress now. I don't have any PCIExpress ports on my motherboard. Chunk in another 60-80 bucks for a new board. Hell, while I'm at that, might as well upgrade the processor too, right? And the RAM.

You see where this is going?

I'm in COLLEGE. I have a very LIMITED amount of funds. I have a PC that (usually) works the way I need it to, and to upgrade at ALL right now to be able to decently play newer games would pretty much involve rebuilding the whole damn system. Don't tell me otherwise, because I know my system specs, and you don't.

Control schemes is really a rather lame point where I stand. So what if you can bring up X menu or feature with one button press. Doesn't take me that much longer. And the length of time it takes me to do it is a moot point, because in multiplayer, it'll take everyone else the same amount of time. There's no disadvantage to me.

We can argue Keyboard/Mouse over Controller until we're blue in the face. All I'm going to conceed is Keyboard/Mouse is going to be obviously better for some things, and be on par with a Controller for others. Shooters are not necessarily one of those things Keyboard/Mouse ALWAYS do better.

What it boils down to is a monetary fact for me. I can spend a couple hundred bucks revamping my PC, or I can spend 20-50 bucks on Xbox games, and everything will play just fine out of the box. Not to mention I can RENT games.

You tell me, which is the better option if one has to save money for classes and other such crap?

1) Actually, I do know your specs roughly, and it would cost about 500 to upgrade everything decently. But then you'd have a 7900GT, a 3200+, and a decent mobo. That's a BEASTLY computer.

2) The only thing controllers have over mouse/keyboard is movement, and if you need that just get a joystick. Mouse/keyboard is much faster and more accurate for aiming. The problem with analog sticks is that they have a maximum speed you can move, whereas a mouse is just as fast as you can move your hand.

3) Or you could just save up money slowly, and when you feel you have enough/it's time, upgrade everything. It's not that involved of a process man. Everyone makes it seem like it's a huge debacle to upgrade your PC--it's not if you plan things out, save a little here and there, and wait for the next major technological breakthrough.

[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]Broken I would say. o.o;; MvC2 is hardly what I would call a refined fighter. Just launch a Kamehamehadoken and you're bound to hit SOMETHING. The over the top nature of the game and the simple execution of supers makes this one very inviting for button mashers.[/QUOTE]
It's only a button masher if you don't know how to play. And then a skilled player will DESTROY you. It took me a while to get the hang of it, and it is MUCH faster paced than CvSNK, but it's also more balanced and a lot more fluid. Marvel vs Capcom is extremely balanced as long as you know how to play--ie when to block, when to attack, how to attack, and you can execute combos without even really thinking about it.
2006-05-24, 11:05 AM #51
yoshi, perhaps some people just dont give that much of a **** about upgrading their machines?
2006-05-24, 11:14 AM #52
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
Blitz was always fun (except the last one, where they in the streets or whatever, that just looked dumb). Nothing like being a giant baboon on fire beating the crap out of a giant robot.

Actually, NFL Street was insanely fun, better than the Blitz series in my opinion.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-24, 11:52 AM #53
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]yoshi, perhaps some people just dont give that much of a **** about upgrading their machines?[/QUOTE]
This I understand. What I don't understand is why they say it's such a hassle. Seriously, it takes me 10 minutes to pick out my parts, 3 days to get them, then 5-30 minutes to put them in my PC, depending on what I get. Not that big of a deal. That's all I'm saying.
2006-05-24, 11:55 AM #54
not that i agree with him (me is a nintendo fanboy)

but he also whined about drivers and stuff.

not that they've ever been a problem for me, just raising a point for some banter.

seriously though, once i look at the requirements, if i match, the only thing that makes a pc more hassle than a console is the 10 minutes install time, and the fact i have to click the icon or click "launch game" on autorun after i put the cd in.

a console is a nose picker

a pc is a swiss army knife.
2006-05-24, 12:31 PM #55
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
We can argue Keyboard/Mouse over Controller until we're blue in the face. All I'm going to conceed is Keyboard/Mouse is going to be obviously better for some things, and be on par with a Controller for others. Shooters are not necessarily one of those things Keyboard/Mouse ALWAYS do better.

I agree.

The limited control scheme of a single game-controller in your hands can add to the immersiveness of a game. Although in a shooter, for instance, I can point and click with my mouse and get a clean headshot, I don't find that as fun as pulling a trigger and feeling the kick of a gun. If you are playing some games just to get the highest score or throughtime possible, certainly pick the mouse, but if you're just looking to have a good time, don't rule out a console controller.

I have often been an advocate of computer gaming over console gaming and have dismissed most console games as mainstreaming the availability of games to people who might not be as "dedicated" to a game or the gaming experience as a console gamer. However, there are some types of games I typically buy for a console over the computer for a variety of reasons.

For instance:

Knights of the Old Republic: Despite Burrie's hype for months and months before the game came out, I was convinced to buy this game after a friend suggested it. He played the console version; however, when I found out that this was a third-person game where you could click in a location and have the player go there or click on a target to fight it, I decided to buy the game for the PC. The PC interface gives you a more analytical, removed perspective, which is what I wanted and I had a great time.

Morrowind: All my friends bought (or pirated) this for the PC, but I insisted on getting a copy for the XBox. This was because I felt that the first person interface as seen in this game was best experienced on a big screen TV and with the controller right there in your hands.

Oblivion: Same deal. Although I missed out on some of the modification opportunities, I never have been a fan of mods for games as involved as this. I really liked the control layout, and the vibration I'd get from my sword deflecting off an enemy shield or the rumble I'd get when I'd recieve a killing blow were, while subtle, contributors to my enjoyment of the game.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-24, 12:35 PM #56
dont forget the fact that PCs are generally anti-social.

Consoles are buzzing for having 3 friends round for a quick bash on mario kart.
2006-05-24, 12:39 PM #57
My roomate would have said, "oh, but I have hundreds of friends online!" :rolleyes:
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-24, 1:03 PM #58
The Key Board and mouse offer more precise and responsive control over an fps, period. If you really want to play with joy sticks and auto aim that's fine. It means you like it more, not that it's a better control. The keyboard and mouse offer more control over an FPS than a gamepad, period.
2006-05-24, 1:04 PM #59
2006-05-24, 1:12 PM #60
2006-05-24, 1:25 PM #61
Some people make good bank on it. 7 figures a year is possible if you're really good at gaming.
2006-05-24, 5:42 PM #62
That's true, and another reason to go for SSB:M. Career advancement.
I got both Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike. Both rocked, but RS had better graphics and far more stuff crammed in it.
The only thing RS doesn't have is the alternate color scheme for Slave 1 and the homic cluster missiles also for Slave 1. And both of those things can be selected in multiplayer.

-As for co-op, RS has all of RL (bonus misisons and everything) as co-op. It also has the arcade games (not the SWT Arcade Game, as awesome as that would be) if you like the old school. ESB's eally hard.
2006-05-24, 7:14 PM #63
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) Actually, I do know your specs roughly, and it would cost about 500 to upgrade everything decently. But then you'd have a 7900GT, a 3200+, and a decent mobo. That's a BEASTLY computer.[/QUOTE]
I paid 700 exactly for my computer. Dude, for me, that's not upgrading, that's buying a whole new computer. Just like I said.

You'd also be having me replace the major core of my only 2 year old components. 500 bucks isn't something I feel like dumping into my computer ANY time soon. Especially if my whole computer is only 2 years old. The best it's getting for an upgrade is another stick of RAM, a second Harddrive, and a new capture card.

I don't need a beastly computer. End of discussion.

[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]3) Or you could just save up money slowly, and when you feel you have enough/it's time, upgrade everything. It's not that involved of a process man. Everyone makes it seem like it's a huge debacle to upgrade your PC--it's not if you plan things out, save a little here and there, and wait for the next major technological breakthrough.[/QUOTE]
Uh... DUH. I don't think anyone mentioned me upgrading RIGHT NOW. I mentioned that I can't. I also mentioned that what I save is being spent, or going towards other things. I don't need to upgrade, because I don't WANT to upgrade, and if I DID want to upgrade, I CAN'T upgrade, because the money is going other directions towards more important things.

[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]This I understand. What I don't understand is why they say it's such a hassle. Seriously, it takes me 10 minutes to pick out my parts, 3 days to get them, then 5-30 minutes to put them in my PC, depending on what I get. Not that big of a deal. That's all I'm saying.[/QUOTE]
Because you spend your time reading up on all of it. It takes you ten minutes, because you right away know what's crap, what's not, and what will hold promise. Other people don't have that knowledge making it a hassle when it comes time to pick things out. Understand now?

[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]not that i agree with him (me is a nintendo fanboy)

but he also whined about drivers and stuff.
Most drivers hate me for reasons I'll never understand. That, and I have no major need to update drivers, so when I finally decide to do so, I'm probably partially shooting myself in the foot.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-24, 7:18 PM #64
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Some people make good bank on it. 7 figures a year is possible if you're really good at gaming.[/QUOTE]

some people make good bank on the internet.


see what i mean?

as far as a group of whiney pedantic geeks on a forum about a defunct game goes, games are games.

except for the ones with delusions of grandeur.
2006-05-24, 7:27 PM #65
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]some people make good bank on the internet.


see what i mean?

as far as a group of whiney pedantic geeks on a forum about a defunct game goes, games are games.

except for the ones with delusions of grandeur.[/QUOTE]
Games AREN'T games, if you play cal or any other organized league. They're competitions. The only games I take seriously are Warcraft 3 and Counterstrike because I've been in competitive leagues in both games.
2006-05-24, 7:30 PM #66
the only games i take seriously are.... none

because i only play for fun

not that i dont understand people who play for other reasons

still think its silly though.

theres many many ways of earning money in easier ways
2006-05-24, 7:35 PM #67
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]the only games i take seriously are.... none

because i only play for fun

not that i dont understand people who play for other reasons

still think its silly though.

theres many many ways of earning money in easier ways[/QUOTE]
Maybe, but you can't have nearly as much fun any other way.
2006-05-24, 7:41 PM #68
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Maybe, but you can't have nearly as much fun any other way.[/QUOTE]

Oh so wrong. Oooooh so wrong.
2006-05-24, 7:42 PM #69
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Oh so wrong. Oooooh so wrong.[/QUOTE]
Excluding porn.
2006-05-24, 9:54 PM #70
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]the only games i take seriously are.... none

because i only play for fun

-Keep going, Staff.
2006-05-25, 1:12 AM #71
Are we going to continue the suggestions? Quit arguing you women.

Anyway, Need For Speed: Most Wanted gave me a lot of good fun and I'm not done with it yet. It's good even if you don't play driving games. Nice learning curve.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'

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