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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Beginners Weight Training/Lifting
Beginners Weight Training/Lifting
2006-05-25, 4:42 PM #41
Originally posted by Avenger:
Your biceps are more than 17"? I call bull****.

it could be possible, but if it is its not all muscle. he just eats to much ;p
2006-05-25, 4:43 PM #42
That's true. 17" biceps that are all muscle is no easy task.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 4:50 PM #43
Originally posted by Isuwen:
And I just measured my biceps for the first time ever. You are all wimps, even that parapelegic competetive body builder. :)

Post pics, then. He could probably kick your ***, even in a wheelchair.. :D

Originally posted by Avenger:
That's true. 17" biceps that are all muscle is no easy task.

Especially without 'help'.
2006-05-25, 5:17 PM #44
I should probably look into some of the stuff in this thread.

I reckon that if I were to measure my bicep it'd be about 6 inches. :(

Ah well, I'm 5'10" and I'm 125lb.
2006-05-25, 5:35 PM #45
I actually started weight training to lose weight. It didn't work; I've got less fat now, but not much less, and I weight a lot more. :/ I measured 19 inches fully contracted, right after 22 reps of preacher curl with a 60lb dumbell. Muscles are always a little swollen right after maxing out, so I cheated a little. :)
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-05-25, 5:41 PM #46
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I actually started weight training to lose weight. It didn't work;

Well considering you're weight training, and muscle weights more than fat.
2006-05-25, 5:43 PM #47
i'm told for my body type i need to eat 2 dinners a day, once at 6-7 pm and another at 10-11 pm, as well as cereal for breakfast and supper, and lunch.

I build muscle quickly, but i'm always gonna be thin :(
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-25, 5:58 PM #48
I'm thin.... but not for long. 175 lbs?! Curses, University! (I'm an inch or two over 6 footish)

I had my first official MASSASSI FAST TRACK TO BUFFNESS workout today, I feel great.

Probably won't tomorrow morning.

I did a lot of 20 lb dumbell free weights for biceps and triceps to ... build a foundation. >.>

I mainly want to concentrate on the pecs as I'm self-conscious of having a sunken chest. I did a bunch of those on a vert machine. (any free weight alternatives for that?)

Then a did some quick crunches at high weight on a machine, went back to some of the other things, and then I did a couple hard laps on the track to warm down (I'm a runner at heart and former varsity xc captain, what can I say)

I just want to get away from that stereotypical "runner's build" and make something that'll reel in teh ladies a bit more... :o
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-25, 6:01 PM #49
You'll look funny if you try to bulk up having such a thin frame. Also, you need a more complete workout or some parts of your body will get stronger, while others won't which will not work well in the long run. For best results, the whole body has to progress, not just random parts of it.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 6:05 PM #50
let me add that if you dont have a bench press bar, you can use dumbells to do a dumbell bench, which not only works bench but works them more since you have to keep it under control

i did dumbell bench with 55lbs each arm when i benched 205lbs, so i guess that can give you an idea what to start off with.
2006-05-25, 6:09 PM #51
And you can invert bench with dumb bells as well to work the upper chest.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 8:16 PM #52
Originally posted by Avenger:
You'll look funny if you try to bulk up having such a thin frame. Also, you need a more complete workout or some parts of your body will get stronger, while others won't which will not work well in the long run. For best results, the whole body has to progress, not just random parts of it.

I've been told that my ideal weight would probably be about 190lb -- ~34lb more than what I weigh now. I've put on ~20lb in the past year (about half of that in the last few months). There's nothing wrong with bulking up a thin frame - if done properly. Although..maybe my frame isn't too incredibly thin, and I'm just finally filling it out. :p
2006-05-25, 8:34 PM #53
ok, well after reading everyone's posts, i can honestly say that what i'm about to say is all Grade A stuff, i play baseball in college, and as a pitcher, during the off season i have an intense 6 day a week regime that i have to follow to get myself ready. As a collegiate athlete, my school hires a strength and conditioning coach to train all the athletes properly and based upon what you want to do, there are a few things you need to recognize. If your trying to build mass, you need to up the weight. Low weight and high reps is for toning, if your trying to build up your muscle then you need to do high weight and low rep, thats the only way your going to see significant increase in your size, otherwise your just increasing your definition, also, running is THE BEST form of cardio, I would run at least 4 times a week, and add 1 day of stairmaster in there as a substitute. You don't want to let your body get into a rythme where it gets used to your workouts, you need to keep your body guessing, although running is good, you need to throw another form of cardio in the mix as well. This same principal applies to your weight training, the exercises that you have are good, but you need to keep shifting the order in which you do them around so that your body gets "shocked" as my coach calls it. You can still keep your A and B days but make sure you're moving the order of your exercises around. Also, you don't need to lift 5 days a week to get stronger, your muslces need time off to heal and grow back stronger. How I break my training up is this, Monday Tuesday i do my A and B workouts, Wednesday is striclty a cardio day, this is also the day where i do a full body stretch that lasts up to 30 minutes, Thursday and Friday I do my A and B workouts again, while Saturday I do a light cardio, just to get the blood moving and then get another good stretch in. Sundays are off days to recoop.

In addition to working out, if your trying to build mass i would reccomend drinking some sort of protein suppliment. You can eat as much as you want, but if your looking to make some decent changes in a short 3-4 month span, your going to need double the amount of protein in your diet. Head to your local vitamin store and get this stuff called "Muscle Milk" or anything that says "100% Whey Protein" those are the best kinds. The taste sucks but if your truly that motivated youll drink it anyways.

My third reccomendation is to keep a daily journal of everything that you are doing. Write down the weight and reps and sets you are doing for each exercise because you will be able to better monitor your gains and see areas that maybe need a little more improvement.

I would love to talk with your further about this, so AIM me: Jdogg755, or email me:

if you don't believe me that im a college athlete check here:
endicott baseball
I <3 Massassi
2006-05-25, 8:56 PM #54
He's right on the money
Pissed Off?
2006-05-26, 5:30 AM #55
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I should also add that a good machine (I agree some machines are awful. That's a result of their design, not just because they are machines) inforces perfect form. You just can't do the excersize wrong; it's a nice plus.

Hah. You can still do the forms wrong. Especially on the ab machines, I see people do it wrong every day I go to the gym.

Like I said before, machines make things easier. And when you weightlift, you want things to be harder. I consider a machine kinda a warm up thing, like push-ups. Don't get me wrong, they do toneing really well, which is great.

Just don't whitewash it so much :P
2006-05-26, 2:24 PM #56

You'll get bigger, trust me.
2006-05-27, 12:25 PM #57
Thanks for the replies everyone. I did a very indepth upper body routine last night, which lasted 52 minutes. However, I'm going to have to up the weight. The 9lbs is getting ridculously easy, and I don't want to just endlessly keep upping the reps. I woke up this morning and hardly felt sore at all. I think I should aim to go to 15 lbs now, 3 sets of 8-10 reps, and hopefully work my way up to 20+ soon after that.

Here's what I did:
- Arm Circles (30 secs forward, 30 secs backward) - (shoulders)
- Cross Body Hammer Curl (3 sets of 12, alternating each arm for more control) - (biceps)
- Tate Press (3 sets of 12) - (triceps)
- Seated Dumbbell Palms-Down Wrist Curl (3 sets of 12) - (forearms)
- Shoulder Press (3s, 14x) - (shoulders)
- Dumbbell Shrug (3s, 14x) - (traps)
- Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl (3s, 13x) - (biceps)
- Standing One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension (12, 11, 10) - (triceps)
- Lateral Raise (9, 7, 5 (these were really hard for me)) - (shoulders)
- Seated Dumbbell Palms-Up Wrist Curl (3s, 12x) - (Forearms)
- Standing Dumbbell Upright Row (3s, 8x) - (traps)
- Bent Over Two-dumbbell row (3s, 12x) - (middle back)
- Isometric Neck Exercise – Front and Back (20 secs ea.) - (neck)
- Isometric Chest Squeeze (3s, 14 seconds) - (chest)
- Front Dumbbell Raise (9, 6, 4 (these were also hard, but then I had worked my shoulders to death by this time)) - (shoulders)
- Crunches (2 slow sets of 15) - (abs)
- Superman (12x) - (lower back)
- Incline Crunches (12x) - (abs)

Does this look like a good combination of exercises? I definately need to increase the weight/lower the reps, but I feel like it works pretty well. Even though I didn't feel very sore this morning (which is a shame, since I wonder if this is doing anything), I did feel like I'd lost some of my flexiblity. I have been stretching my lower body, but stretching has been very minimal for my upper body atm. Do any of you know some good stretches? I don't want to lose me flexibility.

I also measured my biceps, and they are about 12.5" flexed, about 12ish unflexed. My calves are 17"! :eek: So I really don't think that 14" is an impossible goal for early september if I start upping the weight. What do you think?
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-05-28, 3:48 PM #58
So does anyone have any good stretches for the upper body?
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-05-28, 5:01 PM #59
what the hell is a stretch?

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-28, 5:02 PM #60
Originally posted by Ruthven:
what the hell is a stretch?


You and a woman.


I wuv u.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-28, 5:38 PM #61
Originally posted by Spook:
You and a woman.


I wuv u.

2006-05-28, 6:06 PM #62
Hehe, maybe Ruthy should fall back on his signature...
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-05-28, 7:14 PM #63

ya'll suck.

I just never stretch before or after weights, stretching kinda hurts my neck anyway.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-28, 9:41 PM #64
Yeah, no need to stretch. Just go ahead and pull something.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-28, 10:24 PM #65
Does anybody have experience swimming to get fit? It seems to me it's like an aerobic and anarobic exercise all rolled into one.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-29, 10:01 AM #66
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Does anybody have experience swimming to get fit? It seems to me it's like an aerobic and anarobic exercise all rolled into one.

Friend of mine does it, it makes him super-lean.
2006-05-29, 10:06 AM #67
Originally posted by Rob:
Friend of mine does it, it makes him super-lean.

It also makes your hair absolutetly disgusting if you swim a lot in chlorinated water. Ocean ftw (only then you have to deal with Jaws). ;)
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-05-29, 10:12 AM #68
The ocean ruins your hair too.
2006-05-29, 10:20 AM #69
Swimming in a pool isn't going to destroy your hair as long as you wash it real well once you're done. I swam all the time as a kid and had no problems.

As Rob, said swimming keeps you super lean because basically a constant rep weight, high rep work out.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-29, 11:46 AM #70
My dad has just offered to buy this for me, so long as I pay 1/3 of it. I'm a bit wary, and I'm still considering sticking with free weights. What do you people think of this machine? Is it good for getting strength/adding bulk? Should I stay clear of machines period, or just use a different one?

My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-05-29, 12:03 PM #71
Machines are fine, but that's a lot to pay for something you probably won't use as much as you think you will.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-29, 12:07 PM #72
Originally posted by Avenger:
Machines are fine, but that's a lot to pay for something you probably won't use as much as you think you will.

What do you mean by that? I feel pretty committed atm, I've been doing something for 2 weeks now every other day. I do have the floor space for it. The summer is coming up, so it's a good time to get into a habit like this when I don't have school to bog me down. What has your experience been with machines?
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-05-29, 12:22 PM #73
Peoeple always feel comitted when they start, but there are a rare few who will actually stay comitted for a long time. My dad bought a machine and we had free weights at home. The free weights got a lot more use.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-29, 3:01 PM #74
I find that going to a gym with a partner helps to maintain a routine. That way you feel more motivated to work out, lest you let your buddy down. That certainly kept me going during the school year, and now I feel committed enough to go on my own while I'm stuck at home for the summer.

This isn't to say that your doomed to slack-off if you buy this machine, since I don't know you. Just don't allow yourself to make any excuses. The more sessions you miss, the slower your gains will be, thus your interest will dwindle. Set aside your work-out times, and tell people about them. That way, if you start skipping, others will know and you will feel shame :p .

Building strength isn't the speediest process in the world, but if you're patient and have the drive, the results will start coming (as you have been told many times, I'm sure).

My $0.02
2006-05-29, 3:09 PM #75
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I actually started weight training to lose weight. It didn't work; I've got less fat now, but not much less, and I weight a lot more. :/ I measured 19 inches fully contracted, right after 22 reps of preacher curl with a 60lb dumbell. Muscles are always a little swollen right after maxing out, so I cheated a little. :)

You lose, Buddha.
2006-05-29, 3:16 PM #76
Originally posted by Avenger:
Peoeple always feel comitted when they start, but there are a rare few who will actually stay comitted for a long time. My dad bought a machine and we had free weights at home. The free weights got a lot more use.

I hate going to the gym right after new years, as all the ****** new years revolutionaries pack it up.

Then they all die out in February.

Originally posted by Jdogg0403:

I had trouble reading your post some, so excuse me if I misunderstand.

First off, that is grade A stuff. For the most part. What I'm trying to say is, different workouts are needed for different people, that might not be grade A for someone else. Especially beacuse you have a baseball workout, and others might not play baseball.

You weight train 6 days a week and only run 4 days? I would hate that. I love to run, and in mose cases, anyone that takes weight lifting seriously, should run at least 10 minutes before they work out. Just enough to get the blood going.

This has been mentioned several times in the thread already, but it is true that you don't get as much workout if you lift light. You could lift a pencil all day and it won't do anything. Too many people don't lift the amount they're spose to.

30 minutes if stretching is good if you're up for a big game or event in sports, but otherwise I think it's best if you stretch throughout the day. Three times is healthy, even though I only do two :P

I wouldn't keep a journal, but that's just me. Some people do need it though.

Also, the internet is not the best place to look up weight lifting information. It's still a place, just...not the best. :P

Originally posted by Freelancer:
Does anybody have experience swimming to get fit? It seems to me it's like an aerobic and anarobic exercise all rolled into one.

Me, but I am not on a swim team or anything like that, just go to the gym and do lots of laps. The current goes against you even at our pool, which is fun.

Swimming is probably the best way to lose weight, but you won't gain any muscle from it.

I also call bull**** on Isuwen's posts.
2006-05-29, 3:30 PM #77
He has a baseball specific workout out, and more specifically, one for a pitcher. Remember, he has baseball practice in addition to the weight training he's doing.

The amount of cadio you want to do is going to depend on what your goals are. If you want to bulk up, cardio will greatly hinder that because it burns too many calories needed to build muscle mass. For a more well rounded level of fitness, more cardio is going to be better.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-29, 3:32 PM #78
Originally posted by Avenger:
He has a baseball specific workout out, and more specifically, one for a pitcher. Remember, he has baseball practice in addition to the weight training he's doing.

The amount of cadio you want to do is going to depend on what your goals are. If you want to bulk up, cardio will greatly hinder that because it burns too many calories needed to build muscle mass. For a more well rounded level of fitness, more cardio is going to be better.

Yeah, but I would still run to get the heart going. Won't lose THAT much calories :P

But you are right in which he does have a baseball specific workout, and most of the stuff he said was good.
2006-05-29, 3:36 PM #79
No doubt. Just a lot more specific that a beginner would want to do.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-29, 7:10 PM #80
I've done some more research, and I've found a machine that I think should work, but I'm still uncertain of a few things:

I was looking at the Bowflex Motivator II ($650) and the Bowflex Sport ($800).

While the Sport is more expensive, I feel the $150 extra would be a much better investment considering that the Sport can be upgraded to 310 or 410 lbs of resistance (the motivator can not), and also allows squats and more exercises in general.

But what is bothering me is that there seems to be some discrepancy between the features listed on this website and others: here it says "Resistance Ratio: 1 to 1," but it doesn't mention squats or the ability to upgrade from 210 to 410 lbs. But on Amazon the item has the same name and price, but mentions te 210-410 upgrade and squats, but leaves out the "Resistance Ratio: 1 to 1." Am I going crazy, are these two products the same? The pictures seem to look slightly different if you look carefully? I just want to know that if I buy on of these I'm getting all the features I've heard it has.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels

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