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ForumsDiscussion Forum → A Controversial Topic
A Controversial Topic
2006-05-30, 11:31 AM #81
Originally posted by Recusant:
Worse is probably the pornography industry, where it seems the norm for girls to have shaved their hairy bits bald and just end up looking like they're pre-pubescent. That and the constant portrayal of the naughty school girl theme.

Oh yeah! Too hot! :o
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-30, 11:52 AM #82
Originally posted by Recusant:
Worse is probably the pornography industry, where it seems the norm for girls to have shaved their hairy bits bald and just end up looking like they're pre-pubescent.

So for you, hairy is norm? Eeew.

And I'm not talking about just pornography here.
2006-05-30, 11:57 AM #83
Originally posted by Recusant:
Worse is probably the pornography industry, where it seems the norm for girls to have shaved their hairy bits bald and just end up looking like they're pre-pubescent. That and the constant portrayal of the naughty school girl theme.

I kinda agree with you, but then again if you work for the porn industry you pretty much have to give up your pubes. Except for certain cases :P
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-05-30, 11:59 AM #84
2006-05-30, 1:07 PM #85
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
I think the question whether homosexuality or paedophilia come from genetics or upbringing is simply irrelevant.

Homosexuals should be free to do whatever they want, even if they do so 'voluntarily'. (Although I personally believe people cannot really choose their sexual orientation)

Paedophiles may not be able to help their urges either, but the difference is that it is wrong to act upon them, because children cannot make responsible decisions about sexual relationships untill they have fully developed their sexuality/personality etc., etc.

Someone with a good head on his shoulders here.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-30, 1:08 PM #86
What about bestiality? Even if the animal consents?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-30, 1:13 PM #87
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
What about bestiality? Even if the animal consents?

Could you ask your question more clearly? I don't know what you're asking...
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-30, 1:17 PM #88
How could an animal consent?
2006-05-30, 1:27 PM #89
Originally posted by Anovis:
How could an animal consent?

Clearly you've never had a dog in heat... :o


1. Children are off limits because they have not reached a level of development or maturity such that they can make responsible decisions about sexuality.
2. Adults, however, have the experience and maturity to do as they please with their sexuality so long as it does not infringe upon premise 1.
3. Adults, regardless of gender, are free to do whatever they want with one another sexually so long as both are consenting.

Does this range of freedom for adults, in your opinion, also encompass acts with nonhumans (especially 'owned' livestock/chattel/pets)?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-30, 2:05 PM #90
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
What about bestiality? Even if the animal consents?

Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
Clearly you've never had a dog in heat... :o
I hate you.
2006-05-30, 2:17 PM #91
I read an interesting article in readers digest (!!!) that suggested a possible environmental cause of pedophelia. Most people don't see anything besides maybe bad porn during their formative years (10 - 14) so they grow up to be attracted to huge breasts and other things associated with bad porn. The specific case they brought up was with younger siblings; they suggested that these people simply changed their little sisters diaper instead of looking at playboy.

As for gays; I've always considered wether or not it's voluntary to be the biggest question. In short, if they don't have control over it, we can't blame them. They didn't choose what genes they have. However, if it's a choice (and I don't think it is. I certainly can't imagine choosing to like guys; except maybe Jepman) then we can go ahead and hate them all we want.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-05-30, 2:19 PM #92
pedo's should be shot
I <3 Massassi
2006-05-30, 4:06 PM #93
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
Your saying that although it's illegal, you wouldn't care if they did it is, in effect, your saying that you don't care much for complete enforcement of the law.

No, that's a strawman. ( = a type of violation in debating, where you're twisting what someone says into something he did not say - for those who may not know)

Nice try ;) :p haha

First off, did I say I agreed with the age that is specified in the law? Perhaps I think it should be 16 instead of 18. (And I believe, in my country it is - I should check that out.)

The fact that I personally wouldn't mind so much, says more about what I think about the age of 16. I'm not saying anything about enforcement of the law.

I, too, think the law should be enforced in the case you presented. I just think the various special circumstances should be taken into account by the judge.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-05-30, 4:31 PM #94
This has probably been said, but I don't feel like reading everyone's opinions on pedophilia, despite the fact that I respect them, so: Two consenting adults in a homosexual relationship is acceptable because of the consent, while pedophilia involves an adult and a child whom society has deemed to be unable to consent (rightly, I think). Despite the fact that everyone would like to think, at nearly any age, that they are completely mentally sound, it's true that children, even up to and including my age of 18, are often uninformed and unexperienced and unable to make truly sound decisions. Part of being mature is accepting that, methinks.
2006-05-30, 4:55 PM #95
Pedophiles do have one purpose, though. They are one of the last groups left that it's okay to hate. As a member of the White Power Structure, it is very hard for me to find people to hate. Racism has been taboo for a long time. I can't even hate jews or gays anymore. But I can hate terrorists and pedophiles all I want!
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-05-30, 5:28 PM #96
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Pedophiles do have one purpose, though. They are one of the last groups left that it's okay to hate. As a member of the White Power Structure, it is very hard for me to find people to hate. Racism has been taboo for a long time. I can't even hate jews or gays anymore. But I can hate terrorists and pedophiles all I want!

2006-05-30, 11:07 PM #97
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
Clearly you've never had a dog in heat... :o


1. Children are off limits because they have not reached a level of development or maturity such that they can make responsible decisions about sexuality.
2. Adults, however, have the experience and maturity to do as they please with their sexuality so long as it does not infringe upon premise 1.
3. Adults, regardless of gender, are free to do whatever they want with one another sexually so long as both are consenting.

Does this range of freedom for adults, in your opinion, also encompass acts with nonhumans (especially 'owned' livestock/chattel/pets)?

No. Of course not.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-31, 5:48 AM #98
homosexuality does not equal pedophile.

pedophile is a term that means sexualy atracted to childeren.

homosexuality means that you are atracted to a member of the same sex.

(sorry if this has already been brought up, i have not read the thread yet, i wanted to make one non flame post as this thread has probably had at least one comment that i will find extremely offensive when I get to it.)
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-05-31, 6:06 AM #99
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
What about bestiality? Even if the animal consents?

I think that there are some places that actualy allow beastiality as long as the animal consents (as in, it is not trying to fight you off, or is being put through pain.) (and i have a feeling that my city is one of those places)
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-05-31, 6:39 AM #100
Originally posted by Freelancer:
No. Of course not.

But you own them... maybe I should drop this hypothetical train of thought. I doubt this will be an issue for most of us. :o
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-31, 7:09 AM #101
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
But you own them... maybe I should drop this hypothetical train of thought. I doubt this will be an issue for most of us. :o

Haha, Gris ****s his dog!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-05-31, 7:29 AM #102
Actually, your mom, but same difference.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-31, 11:01 AM #103
On the topic of paedophilia:

Just this morning, as I was reading the newspaper, something quite disturbing caught my eye. There's a new political party in our country (Netherlands, figures), which stand for "Love of near ones, Freedom and Diversity", as they claim, and they've got two main points on the agenda. They want to lower the age at which you are (legally) sexually consent to 12, and are aiming to legalise child pornography.

Seriously, why the hell do I still live here? :|
2006-05-31, 11:11 AM #104
would a pedo **** a midget?
2006-05-31, 11:14 AM #105
Would a pedo **** a 2 meter long kid?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-05-31, 11:52 AM #106
Originally posted by gothicX:
Just this morning, as I was reading the newspaper, something quite disturbing caught my eye. There's a new political party in our country (Netherlands, figures), which stand for "Love of near ones, Freedom and Diversity", as they claim, and they've got two main points on the agenda. They want to lower the age at which you are (legally) sexually consent to 12, and are aiming to legalise child pornography.

I think the "want" and "aiming to" are the key words there. And as well what that group is ever going to achieve.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-05-31, 12:22 PM #107
Originally posted by Recusant:
Worse is probably the pornography industry, where it seems the norm for girls to have shaved their hairy bits bald and just end up looking like they're pre-pubescent. That and the constant portrayal of the naughty school girl theme.

Dude that has nothing to do with making the actress look younger.

And the fact of the matter is if a chick doesn't shave her stuff, she damn sure needs to start.
>>untie shoes
2006-05-31, 12:24 PM #108
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
But you own them... maybe I should drop this hypothetical train of thought. I doubt this will be an issue for most of us. :o

You may have bought a pet for a price, but that doesn't allow you to claim you own them in the sense that they have no rights or worth.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-31, 2:14 PM #109
I can buy a chicken, murder, and eat it. I can pay $5 for a liscense, go out in the woods, shoot bambi in the face, then skin him, string up his carcass, and carve out chunks of meat. How come I can be charged with animal cruelty if I do the same thing to a dog?
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-05-31, 2:22 PM #110
Because we like dogs, and because they taste like crap.
2006-05-31, 2:59 PM #111
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I can buy a chicken, murder, and eat it. I can pay $5 for a liscense, go out in the woods, shoot bambi in the face, then skin him, string up his carcass, and carve out chunks of meat. How come I can be charged with animal cruelty if I do the same thing to a dog?
A few reasons:

It's illegal:
1.) You can't buy dog-hunting licenses.
2.) Dog meat is not rated fit for human consumption by the government.
3.) Dogs are domesticated, which means the dogs you hunt will most likely be owned by someone other than you.
4.) Dogs are domesticated, so it's considered unsportsmanlike.

It goes against western values:
5.) Specifically, canines and humans have had a symbiotic relationship for as long as 400,000 years. [1]
6.) As an immediate consequence, dogs and humans both consider each-other to be members of their immediate family.
7.) As a further consequence, mentally-stable humans of European descent are programmed not to harm domesticated dogs. Most of us have extreme difficulty even watching a dog being killed (moreso than humans, in my case). See below for why this may not apply to Asians.

Dog meat isn't very good:
8.) Cultures that consume dog meat eat strays exclusively. There are no wild dogs in North America. Koreans differentiate strongly between food-dogs and pet-dogs.
9.) Cultures that consider dog meat to be food have, within the past 17,000 years, experienced severe famines that made the consumption of dog meat a matter of survival.
10.) Extending upon the last point, Asian cultures did not develop with the dog as a symbiotic organism as we did.
11.) In spite of this fact, dog meat is only commonly found in China because China is a living hell full of monsters and dragons [2]. In Korea the practice has been banned, but the ban is not yet being enforced. Buddhism, Islam and Judaism all teach that dog meat is unclean.
12.) Even if the Chinese people believed that eating dog meat is wrong, they would have no way of telling the world [3]. Seriously though, the Chinese believe that dog meat has extremely potent medicinal value so it is eaten very rarely, and never in the larger westernized metropolises (Bangkok, Shanghai, Hong Kong).

And that's why.
2006-05-31, 3:21 PM #112
Jon wins. By a lot.
>>untie shoes
2006-05-31, 3:33 PM #113
O_o ....

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-05-31, 3:41 PM #114
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Perhaps I think it should be 16 instead of 18. (And I believe, in my country it is - I should check that out.)

So yeah, I looked it up, and the legal age for sex in my country is 16. So Grismath's hypothetical situation wouldn't even be illegal here.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-06-01, 5:41 PM #115
..stuff from Jon'C...

Holy S dude, it wasn't a serious question, it was an example meant to trigger a debate on the differences between the OTHER things we were discussing. But, eh, quite informative anyway.
Wikissassi sucks.

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