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ForumsDiscussion Forum → How much do YOU know about massassians?
How much do YOU know about massassians?
2006-06-07, 9:49 PM #41
VV - Despite being named 'Valentine' he has no actual help when it comes to girls.
2006-06-07, 9:57 PM #42
maevie: comes in a box - regular sized or matchbox-sized

Brian: has a jeep

Darth Evad: has kids

gbk: has his own smiley (the only massassian that does so now that :em321: is gone)

Pugler: created the wildly popular and highly praised JK level "Yoda's House"

Spork: is from Australia, making him one of the Massaussians.

SavageX378: his name makes me think of a trandoshan for some reason

Thrawn[numbarz]: was born on April 26, 1989

JediKirby: once beat up some dude, despite being a midget in a wheelchair. Is therefore awesome.
2006-06-07, 10:57 PM #43
Let's see..

Seb: Canadian guitar person, used to do construction work, told me about Illnath and Masterplan.

Genki: The only real Ian on the boards.

Maeve: British, coned.

Ruthven: Clan Ruthervain aka Aaron aka Aeryn. Used to have good musical taste, now likes HIM. Loves Stargate, vampires, asians and 16-year old girls.

Boricua: zomgnipshot.

Thrawn[numbarz]: Awesome modeler, barely ever seen without a hat, does not optimise the performance of his maps. Was always called [numbarz] by me, since I'm too lazy to remember 42689.

Rob: The Cure.

And now, it's off to catch my bus :B
2006-06-07, 11:13 PM #44
Ruthy - Odor attracts women of the heart-feasting variety. Great editor, and would probably get a job if he'd stop whining about not having one and would put down that digital camera. Taught me that Britlanders cannot figure out how to pronounce a simple name such as "Aaron," though this may be just an excuse he made up in order to change his name to a more "vampyric" version. Secretly thinks of me when he's with his old girly...

Maevie - Intelligent, funny, sports fan, and appreciates boobs as the wonderful pillows they are, and all this despite her lack of a Y chromosome... oh, and has a wonderful accent.

JG/Dr Drew - Quad-lingual (I'm including his broken spanish) math-wiz. Quite possibly California's last hope...

Devad - Fired-up canadian who's rediscovered he has a penis.

]-[elle - Mexican hippy (Mexippy). Once opened a day care center and promptly devoured each child in front of their middle-aged alcoholic mothers upon arrival and still demanded payment for an entire month's worth of care. Not only will be spared, will probably help me initiate it...

Ishi - I would say he's like me...but smaller. Could fight a tiger with his bare hands. I'm not saying he'd win, I'm just saying he could fight it.

Blood_Asp - My better half. I say this because his parents spent twice as much for him as mine did for me, and he came with the authentic packaging.

Vengy - To avoid sounding gay, I'll withhold my "OMG <3 VENGY!" comments. Laid-back duder who is more than able to keep people in check, usually in such a subtle way that they don't even realize he's doing it. Similar to those guys who manage to avoid bar brawls without spilling his drink.

tofu - Smart butthole. Will be spared anyway, despite his lust for SAJN's car...

Rob - Cut your hair, you hippy. And would a little bit of sun kill you? I know you work in the dark confines of the postal services, but seriously, I'm sure you could find some time between that and your constant reminders that we suck to get a little color in that pasty, chinless face. Oh yeah, I love you too, baby.

Shintock - I never thought I'd enjoy the company of a canuck, but once his goatee stops tickling, he really is pleasant. Would drink with him anytime, though would probably screw him over on the bar tab.

DJ Yoshi - His opinion tends to be right, unless he's arguing with me. Despite his claims, he is not a real DJ; he's more of an MC, and hardly a good one. One of these days he might actually leave Massassi when the admins ban him...ah, some day...

Kirbs - Massassi's disabled cyborg, and yet he still gets more than most of you...

Schming - Has a problem finding pants that fit him. Wait, I mean is good at music... :V

Spe - Constantly does not piss me off. Insert cliché comment about him here, as is the Massassian way, and then add "oh, and he looks good in a dress."

Tracer - One of the Council's most missed members, despite his return. Enjoys jazz, which of course means he does not have "the brain damage."

Seb - Despite his ability to play music, he does not come off as a brain-dead stoner retard. That makes me like him. I really don't have a choice.

HRJ - Going to be a tattoo artist. If not, I will kill him. Lack of damage to the local culture during his trip to South America was disappointing, however, understandable.

MB - Is now a verb. Like JG, he will listen to you, if you're not a complete idiot. Apparently has the ability to ban.

Landfish - Similar to Baconfish in name and taste alone. Despite rumors, does not actually stick to magnets, it's all an illusion caused by his mellowness slowing time and space itself.

Ach - Immune to #jk. Must be shielded from "stupid" by body layers of fat and/or hair.

Cazor - Biggest attention-whore with an adam's apple. I give him the benefit of the doubt that myspace-esque pictures are an elaborate social commentary, which I find entertaining.

Spiral - Will probably develop fetishes that will make me look normal, and unlike myself, will have the means to build his own custom dream/nightmare woman.

Pommy - Cannot actually fly, but can actually be asian.

Joncy - He's so bitter it's sweet, much like baking chocolate chips, and is just as likely to make children vomit. Will eventually be in the dictionary under the following topics: Smart, misogynist, bootylicious.

Brad(sh) - Cool, despite hiding behind his rainbow of lies.

Vinny - Fashionable (in those tight pants) and yet gayngsty. Enjoys whiney music.

kyle90 - Must be dealt with as he is living proof that Darwinism doesn't always work...

Freelancer - Too much to be said...too many photos to's Boise anyway?

FGR - Since he lives in Finland, ewok is his native tongue. I'm fairly certain he doesn't actually speak english, he just mashes his keyboard until insulting jabs at America are typed out.

Kroko - Nothing bad to say about Kroko, just keep him away from a diagnosing text book.

Sugarless - Enjoys when I tell her she can't do, wait...yeah, that's right...

Deadman - Never graduated from secondary schooling as he did not fulfill the requirement of seeing the Road Warrior, despite the fact that he is an Aussy. Likes to spoon.

SAJN - Is fat. Cries himself to sleep while listening to SoaD.

Wolfy - Looks jolly while drunk. Too jolly. I think you have a problem.

GoY - This doesn't really mean "Ghost of Yoda," it's actually a mash of girl and boy, as GoY is indeed a fine mixture of both sexes. And by fine mixture, I mean he looks like a 5 year-old's anatomy project.

Jim7 - Evilness has disolved his face, as proven by the complete absense of it in any of his photos. Another theory is that Jim7 still holds to his dream of being the stunt-double of the girl from The Ring.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-06-07, 11:15 PM #45
Hmm, I didn't know only one person here knows something from me. :eek: Ooops, two persons. Roach, if you were around the chat more longer you'd know I have a personal robot assistant called Carlos which translates and writes everything for me! :D

On the contrary I don't remember anything from you except

Jepman: 99% Jedi Showdown NO RELEASE EVER ARGH
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-06-07, 11:23 PM #46
Originally posted by Roach:
Vengy - To avoid sounding gay, I'll withhold my "OMG <3 VENGY!" comments. Laid-back duder who is more than able to keep people in check, usually in such a subtle way that they don't even realize he's doing it. Similar to those guys who manage to avoid bar brawls without spilling his drink.

Love you too Roach. :P
Pissed Off?
2006-06-07, 11:24 PM #47
Originally posted by Roach:
kyle90 - Must be dealt with as he is living proof that Darwinism doesn't always work...

Well at the rate things are going I'll likely never reproduce so perhaps it DOES work. :ninja:
2006-06-07, 11:42 PM #48
Originally posted by Roach:
Spiral - Will probably develop fetishes that will make me look normal, and unlike myself, will have the means to build his own custom dream/nightmare woman.

omg im sorry LMAO lmao hahah, its funny cuz its true, and not even being mean, it just true, haha
2006-06-07, 11:48 PM #49
Originally posted by Roach:
SAJN - Is fat. Cries himself to sleep while listening to SoaD.

2006-06-08, 12:12 AM #50
Tracer - One of the Council's most missed members, despite his return. Enjoys jazz, which of course means he does not have "the brain damage."

Old Tracer is dead. DEAD. HE CAN NEVER COME BACK.

2006-06-08, 12:48 AM #51
KOP_Snake - Is awesome

Everyone else - sucks
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-06-08, 12:56 AM #52
KOP_Snake - Has self esteem issues.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-08, 1:01 AM #53
Roach - Always wins, even if he comes in second
Genki - My *****
Landfish - Shrapnel specialist
MZZT - Nerd extraordinaire
Tofu - Annoying kid brother that loves to piss people off
Rob - Poopmonger
Jim7 - Wishes he was the devil
Jin - Most-awesome Aussie besides toothpicker
JediGandalf - Virgin
GoY - The best limey
Kroko - The least-deadly Finn
JediKirby - Short person
spud - Eats things he shouldn't
Current Maps | Newest Map
2006-06-08, 3:51 AM #54
Maevie - From Britland, loves a pint almost as much as she loves the Gunners

Schming - Most talented musician this side of Britland

Avenger - Unlikely to be overtaken in the post count department

kyle90 - Underestimates his chances with the ladies

Freelancer, Tracer, Obi_Kwiet - Opinionated, fun to argue with

happydud - needs a haircut :p

Rerun - Aussie

Archarjay - Niew Zullander

Wolfy - Drunkard

BurrBoy - Best taste in music out of anyone here
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-06-08, 8:59 AM #55
Originally posted by Tracer:
Old Tracer is dead. DEAD. HE CAN NEVER COME BACK.

We know, now let us mourn the pre-"burn!" Tracer...
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-06-08, 9:28 AM #56
Originally posted by Roach:
Vengy - To avoid sounding gay, I'll withhold my "OMG <3 VENGY!" comments. Laid-back duder who is more than able to keep people in check, usually in such a subtle way that they don't even realize he's doing it. Similar to those guys who manage to avoid bar brawls without spilling his drink.

I know.. it annoys the hell out of me. And he usually does it in half the words you could ever dream of saying anything in. ;)

Originally posted by Roach:
Freelancer - Too much to be said...too many photos to's Boise anyway? :ninja:
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-08, 9:32 AM #57
Edited to be more "charming" and "intelligent" :D

Ruthven: While perhaps not the quickest pupil when I try to teach him foreign languages and how to get with the ladies, he's definitely been an excellent friend for years and has offered some good advice in tough situations. Next time I visit England, the first drink's on me. ;]

SAJN_Master: Despite my trying to mail him several copies of MotS with results of varying hilarity, SAJN has somehow remained a friend. He even gave me directions when I was lost in Providence, RI on a cold New England night! brrr If you end up getting Stadium Arcadium tickets, I'm totally down for a show.

Genki: This Minnessassian has a good sense of humor and an excellent sense of style when it comes to glasses... (poseur).

Spiral: Spiral has an excellent imagination and the artistic skill to make his nightmares become reality, be it in sculpted masks, film, decoration, or levels. He also has an awesome car. And an awesome house. And is awesome. *jealous*

Thrawn[42689]: If I didn't succeed in filling his mind with enough nonsense when he was younger, I am no doubt finishing the job with his brother. Thrawn has some definite artistic talent, whether we're talking about modelling, drawing, or scritchy scritchy scraaatching.

Wolfy: Also referred to by me as "Wolfar" as a term of endearment, Wolfy is one of the few old guard Command Chamber members with whom I still chat. Sorry about The Fall of Jazztyn. :[]

GhostOfYoda: When I first asked GoY to record for TFoJ, his voice had not yet changed. Now he is much older. Needless to say, I've been here way too long. >.>

vedder: The onetime king of #tacc (when people actually *chatted* there), vedder remains an excellent sounding board for game-related ideas and content, especially since he is now studying in this field at Utrecht. It has, on occasion, been my pleasure to help as his editor, also, on various projects.

descent_pilot: Always willing to help in my latest maniacal scheme, descent_pilot has a great appetite to learn and improve.

Elmo: Another longtime editing friend, Elmo and I have shared notes and betas on projects going way back. (Although he's admittedly been a lot more productive than a certain someone else :ninja:) His skill in design and art are getting better every time I see his work, and I have no doubt that it could take him somewhere great if he keeps up with it. Hopefully we'll figure out a name for that 'other' project sometime soon...

Vinny: Okay, okay, I stole the term "emosaurus" from you. :rolleyes:

MBeggar: Although our conversations have steadily deteriorated into "omhhai wutz up with yuo?!", I think it's partly my fault since I had started drunk dialling/IMing him. He has the dubious honor of having witnessed what may have been my most off-the-hook IM conversation *ever* in which I continually switched between trying to type in Old English and street slang.

JediGandalf: An upright and trustworthy Californassian, JG

Milady: Hot Massassian #1. :ninja:

GBK: A brilliant, technically savvy Massassian who, while best known as a blue-faced emoticon, is a veritable fount of insight.

jEDIkIRBY: Does anyone remember when jEDIkIRBY first joined Massassi and posted only in the 3rd person? :D Although we may not see eye to eye on some issues (no pun!), I have nothing but respect for someone who refuses to limit his perspectives and opportunities despite anyone's claims that it's unfeasable. All I can say is, don't let anybody discourage or disillusion you and keep on striving towards what you call zeal and I call Quality and anything's possible.

halucid: My mind has been blown too many times by his editing skills to say anthing more than: "whoa"

Schming: When I was lost, tired, homeless, and hitchhikking in Atlanta, Schming not only shacked me up but provided me with beer, a sandwich, and a free viewing of "Yellow Submarine". He also referred me to the tastiest biscuits I've ever eaten (<3 biscuits) and put on a good show in Decatur. If you show up at Bonaroo, the first drink's on me.

kyle90: The more time I spend around these forums lately, the more I am beginning to discover (and highly appreciate) kyle90's *hilarious* sense of humor. The Canadiassian definitely has an appetite for adventure that is kindred with my own and should have no trouble keeping himself entertained on even the most mundane of days.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-06-08, 10:21 AM #58
Originally posted by BoricuaDelight:
Homicide: lives on OBT :P or so I think he said. dont remember

Wow, I only talked to you like... once. You're good.

I won't get creeped out as long as you don't show up at my door. :P
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-06-08, 10:48 AM #59
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
The funny thing about our NWN group is... I'm not sure who plays which character... <.< >.>

It's written in the first post of the campaign thread!
2006-06-08, 10:52 AM #60
Ohhhhhh you must be Kale... ;) (just kidding)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-06-08, 11:09 AM #61
GBK - The Massassian most quickly associated with sad faces and failure with women. Also happens to be the master of all coggers and helped me with one of my levels once.

Brian - The founder and omnipotent dictator of this green, soul-sucking black hole, and the keeper of souls. The only thing that can stop him is ReconServer and possibly Pugler.

Sugarless - One of those female types that are in short supply here. Also is highly knowledgable of music and singing, and always defusing flame wars with the far less injurious "cha-cha."

halucid - The god of all editors, and an all-around nice guy. My friend and role-model.

jEDIkIRBY - The midget that everyone knows, defeater of Trojans, destroyer of self-esteem, and crusher of pathetically weak video camera thieves. He's a rare combination of a complete ***-hole and a lovable teddy bear you proverbially want ot hug.

Grismath - A charming, intelligent soul who not only has wit and kindness to offer, but also many brilliant JK editing works. He is also, I swear, my clone - with the exact same height, weight, and face.

There are many others, but these quickly came to mind. Oh yes, and once more:

MikeC - One of the few to reach the 10,000 posts mark, but disappeared soon thereafter. He helped me with my JK editing while I was still a N00b, and was an all around nice guy.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-06-08, 12:42 PM #62
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:

Where the hell am I, jackass?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-06-08, 12:55 PM #63
Oh yeah! Sorry if I missed anyone. >.> Gosh! This is like a junior high yearbook. Nobody wants to be left out. These aren't my only Massassifriends! Just the first ones who came to mind when I was looking at this thread. I only think of Emons late at night... :o

I'd write one about you right now, but it'd be insincere because I'm on the spot. Maybe later.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-06-08, 1:00 PM #64
Grismath - Lack Knowledge of Travis.
2006-06-08, 1:06 PM #65
Yeah, you best remember my name. Jerkface :( (RHCP FTW)
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-08, 1:16 PM #66
Originally posted by Homicide:
Wow, I only talked to you like... once. You're good.

I won't get creeped out as long as you don't show up at my door. :P

haha u just said OBT have no clue where. anyways im only there if I go to the Florida Mall and Im one of those girls who hates malls lol. I mean yeah I like Millenia but thats just cuz its all new and has lots to offer, u dont really gotta shop u can just hang around lol. Anyways just so we are even im like 5 minutes from OIA :P
2006-06-08, 1:35 PM #67
JediKirby: I worry for him...
HellRaiser: I admire his ability to make models for JK
Jon'C: I look up to this man, despite his constant insults and attacks directed toward me.
Brian: The source of life.
Thrawn [Numbarz]: Couldn't live with out him.
SAJN_Master: Love his name.
Rob: No comment.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-06-08, 1:44 PM #68
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
JediKirby: I worry for him...
HellRaiser: I admire his ability to make models for JK
Jon'C: I look up to this man, despite his constant insults and attacks directed toward me.
Brian: The source of life.
Thrawn [Numbarz]: Couldn't live with out him.
SAJN_Master: Love his name.
Rob: No comment.


SF_GoldG_01: Fitting more and more each day.
Jon'C : Emo, seems to hate everything these days
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-06-08, 1:52 PM #69
Except CANDU reactors. He seems to be obsessed with those... :confused:
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-06-08, 2:41 PM #70
oh man! this thread is full of love!

I'll do my 1st short list - (COLOUR CODED YAY)

Grismath :psyduck: - Good mate, known him long time. Dont ask his advice when trying to chat up spanish girls (grrr). Aside from that, friendly, interesting, intelligent, cultured, likes the odd drinky, and has his fair share of female attention. Needs to be more ego-maniacal.

GBK :gbk: - The first massassian i ever talked to. Havent spoken in a while. If i visit america some time soon, this fella will be high on my list of guys to meet up with.
He wrote Cog-Pad.exe. If not for this program, i would be completely useless with cogs, rather than semi-useless.

Roach - :confused: Scary intelligence, I know better than to debate with this fella. Yet to find something he doesnt already know. Dark humour. Knows plenty of hot american woman. Seems to be stuck in the past in reference to my personality. Dude, the vampire and asian thing, has gone and past. Get with the times :v:

Jepman :P - When i think about dropping my pants, i think of the loveable Jeppers.
Down to earth, polite, obsessed with barrel rolls, had a hard time recently, but dealt with it like a man. <--- Teach me how to do that bit.

Will do more later.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-06-08, 3:05 PM #71
I know a little about everyone, yet no one knows anything about me. :ninja:
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-06-08, 3:12 PM #72
Originally posted by Jepman:
Jon'C : Emo, seems to hate everything these days

Jepman: Doesn't know what emo even means.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-06-08, 3:37 PM #73
Originally posted by BoricuaDelight:
haha u just said OBT have no clue where. anyways im only there if I go to the Florida Mall and Im one of those girls who hates malls lol. I mean yeah I like Millenia but thats just cuz its all new and has lots to offer, u dont really gotta shop u can just hang around lol. Anyways just so we are even im like 5 minutes from OIA :P

Millenia sucks. Florida Mall FTW. I only go into the Millenia to walk into the Gucci store and shout "OMG IM RICH" and then run to FYE so I can shoplift death metal CDs. Besides, I'm a straight line from both. (so what if that tells you where I'm near, you still have to find the right cardboard box!)

error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-06-08, 3:57 PM #74
Originally posted by Homicide:
Millenia sucks. Florida Mall FTW. I only go into the Millenia to walk into the Gucci store and shout "OMG IM RICH" and then run to FYE so I can shoplift death metal CDs. Besides, I'm a straight line from both. (so what if that tells you where I'm near, you still have to find the right cardboard box!)


u know whats funny, one time when I went there Joey Fatone from Nsync was there with his daughter. We had just left Victoria's secret (i get perfume there) and were leaving the mall and I didnt even notice. my dad goes "isnt that one of the nsync guys" hahaha lmao! then my mom was like "go talk to him go talk to him" and i was like "dude he's with his daughter, leave him be" lmao. its just ironic that my dad was so excited when he pointed him out lol. I love Milenia cuz of Cheesecake Factory, 21 Forever, Macy's, and that asian restaraunt. Plus i want go to the Blue Martini, still havent yet. Oh and one day i'll get something at Tiffany's! but for now, i aint got no moneyyyy lol
2006-06-08, 4:15 PM #75
How much do YOU know about massassians?

To answer your question, I must consult my favorite Hobbit.

"First of all, to tell you that I am immensely fond of you all, and that eleventy-one years is too short a time to live amongst such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
2006-06-08, 6:31 PM #76
Homicide... is that OBT as in the Orlando area? I live over near UCF any others from my neck of the woods?

or is that some other OBT...

If it is that OBT it might help explain the SN.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-06-08, 6:35 PM #77
I suck at stuff like this since whenever asked I forget what it is that I know about people...
Life is beautiful.
2006-06-08, 6:41 PM #78
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Phoenix9286 - Doesn't care about Massassi anymore

Hey... I care.... just... Not alot. To steal a Mal line, "If something happened to Massassi I'd be very shook up. Really, there might even be tears."
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-06-08, 7:30 PM #79
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Hey... I care.... just... Not alot. To steal a Mal line, "If something happened to Massassi I'd be very shook up. Really, there might even be tears."

I love that line.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-06-08, 7:54 PM #80
Originally posted by Emon:
Jepman: Doesn't know what emo even means.

I just meant he's been running around crying his hate. *shrug* Anywho, no, I don't know or care to know the exact Emo description.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless

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