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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Whatever happened to...
Whatever happened to...
2006-06-22, 2:00 PM #81
lol, you're too late, I had already PM'd him with that. I wasn't going to post it so that others could still try to remember.
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2006-06-22, 2:20 PM #82
Btw Isuwen, I still have a shot or two of one of your early UT levels back in the day when we ran Specter Studios

Ha, we were awesome. Such a pitty all the new games follow that 'boxes + lots of high detail models' formula. That's why I never moved on to ut2k3... well. That and the unreal editor is TOTAL GARBAGE. Go ahead and post my UT stuff if you find it; it's not just my early UT levels... it's my ONLY UT levels. And they SUCK ***. I got sick of the Q3 engine too. I think I pushed it as far as I was willing to in my Orange remake. And I don't have the patient for JK anymore. I was working on Rotunda, and JED kept f'ing up the rotations and rounding stuff off and generally pissing me off... so I just got fed up, called it done, and shoved it out. I write now anyway. I haven't even written any C++ in months, and that was like What I Did for a couple YEARS. Bleh on all of it; I'm into more traditional forms of art now. Though I could probably still find time to do programming if I really wanted too.
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-06-22, 4:27 PM #83
Yea, I lack patience to do modding too. Modding Oblivion feels more like a chore than anything, with its poor mod compatibility and unstable construction set.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-06-22, 10:13 PM #84
I've been around for a while. Lurking, but here.
2006-06-22, 10:48 PM #85
Is sine nomen still around? What happened to that kickass map of nar shadaa he was working on? it was the coolest JA map I've ever seen.

Wow believe it or not I've been registered on massassi with 2 posts a day for almost exactly 4 years now.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2006-06-22, 10:53 PM #86
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Ha, we were awesome. Such a pitty all the new games follow that 'boxes + lots of high detail models' formula. That's why I never moved on to ut2k3... well. That and the unreal editor is TOTAL GARBAGE. Go ahead and post my UT stuff if you find it; it's not just my early UT levels... it's my ONLY UT levels. And they SUCK ***. I got sick of the Q3 engine too. I think I pushed it as far as I was willing to in my Orange remake. And I don't have the patient for JK anymore. I was working on Rotunda, and JED kept f'ing up the rotations and rounding stuff off and generally pissing me off... so I just got fed up, called it done, and shoved it out. I write now anyway. I haven't even written any C++ in months, and that was like What I Did for a couple YEARS. Bleh on all of it; I'm into more traditional forms of art now. Though I could probably still find time to do programming if I really wanted too.
Ah, I have the exact same sentiments and reasons for abandoning Jed. I found it kept screwing up cleaves and rotations by these infinitesimal amounts. I honestly don't know if it's just an instrinsic design flaw or I'm just really sloppy (and maybe a little anal?).. but I was spending more time double and triple-checking basic geometry calculations than actual design. Thanks, but I got enough of that in grade school. ;)

The best way to see what I'm talking about is to scale a level up by like 100 times its size. You'll notice giant cracks between the sectors. This in itself doesnt usually cause problems (..though it did for me), but the same truncation or inconsistency or whatever of values screwed up, in my case, alignments of a large amount of sequentially rotated sectors, making the unalignment pretty visible. That was the last straw

Anyway, I could ramble on and on about a topic no one probably cares about, so let's just say I ditched it and am happier because of it
2006-06-22, 11:22 PM #87
I miss Mort-Hog and Tenshu. Is Tenshu still banned?
2006-06-23, 1:20 AM #88
Originally posted by Jepman:
Aye, ThreeDee, Tee, Fourwood, etc.

Wow, there are some names I haven't seen in forever.

I miss Slug, Jeff Walters, Sine Nomen, Mystic Jupiter, Caitan Tourist, Burrboy (I'm not 100% sure he's gone), GuNbOY, Ped_Head, Raynar, Takimoto, Gonk, Uber(HOV) (he's still in my ICQ contacts list, though I never see him on), Nebula (I still remember his leaving thread, though only just), Jipe, BeefCaike, bug, Cave_Demon, Mystic0, blujay, Kedri, Lt_Greywolf, Mada :(, Oberfeldwebel (his chair owns because it swivels), Whelly.

There are more that I'm forgetting. And maybe some of those I listed aren't really gone, but I just haven't seen their names around in a while.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-06-23, 1:22 AM #89
I miss Cguy and Fireborn6 - Oh yeah, I miss Mort-Hog and Morat and Tenshu A LOT.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-23, 2:04 AM #90
I miss people like Kedri, etc. But a lot of "missing" massassians, I still see around from time to time in IRC, etc.

I've always considered myself to be "early middle-school" as opposed to old-school (because there are plenty of people who have been around for longer than me), but I have been registered longer than I thought I had...
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