[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]Obviously not, because we the rest of the world isn't in some lazy *** government, and some of us are still concerned about our health instead of being obese and riding around in cars instead of walking.
Damn burgerboys, take that stick out of your ***.
Also, I *NEVER* joke about your military. It's big, yes. That's it. No jokes, nothing. I don't care if you're patriotic, and never have. In fact, I don't know ANYONE who says "Oh, damn Americans, celebrating their country's day. How silly."[/QUOTE]
I know quite a few canadians, and they all tell me to "go kill some more Iraqis" when I say something about July 4th. Most of these are from Toronto, etc.
Pulling the obese card eh? It has nothing to do with our government, but okay. That's neat.
And maybe you haven't seen anything making fun of Americans on July 4th, and maybe you haven't done it yourself (I consider this quite the extreme hyperbole, but for the sake of reason, let's assume that you're not lying), what about the other 364 days of the year? You definitely can't say you don't do it then.
Get the stick out of YOUR ***. Seriously, you act as if I'm insulting your penis length or something. You're 15 and I'm talking about your military, something with which you have absolutely no affiliation except that they "protect and serve" your country (though I don't recall Canada ever being actively attacked, save before it was actually established as a country). You Canucks take things way too seriously.