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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day!
2006-07-01, 8:11 PM #41
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]America and France moreso than anyone else.

The difference is one of them deserves it. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide who <_<[/QUOTE]
2006-07-01, 8:12 PM #42
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]America and France moreso than anyone else.[/QUOTE]

Don't let Bill O'Reilly hear you saying that :0
2006-07-01, 8:27 PM #43
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-07-01, 9:00 PM #44
2006-07-01, 9:00 PM #45
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-07-01, 9:14 PM #46
Not only is Yoshi the 1337est motha****a around here on Massassi, he's also apparently an expert on the Canadian military.

Our country has more than enough troops for its own protection and for aid to developing nations. We don't need any more because we don't invade other countries. THE END.

Happy ****ing Canada Day!

2006-07-01, 9:17 PM #47
Originally posted by Shintock:
Not only is Yoshi the 1337est motha****a around here on Massassi, he's also apparently an expert on the Canadian military.

Our country has more than enough troops for its own protection and for aid to developing nations. We don't need any more because we don't invade other countries. THE END.

Happy ****ing Canada Day!

Master Sargeant Big-****ing-Knowitall Yoshi

And just cuz : []
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-01, 9:40 PM #48
Originally posted by Shintock:
Not only is Yoshi the 1337est motha****a around here on Massassi, he's also apparently an expert on the Canadian military.

Our country has more than enough troops for its own protection and for aid to developing nations. We don't need any more because we don't invade other countries. THE END.

Happy ****ing Canada Day!


Yay for quebecois idiots! :D
2006-07-01, 10:07 PM #49
Racism 101
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-01, 10:13 PM #50
Holy cow.

Didn't know this thread will turn to this.

Push comes to shove, I guess.

Whatever happened to simply poking fun at neighboring countries?
2006-07-01, 10:33 PM #51
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]How cute, the Canadian navy in its entirety.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't exactly jest. America's super-military came at a steep cost - which probably won't be realized until its effects bubble to the surface of our crumbling economy.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-01, 10:43 PM #52
Originally posted by Echoman:
Whatever happened to simply poking fun at neighboring countries?

It stopped being fun when the countries poked back :P
2006-07-01, 11:02 PM #53
What I really want to know is why DJ-Yoshi was allowed to *** up the Canada Day thread.

Let's check DJ-Yoshi's score card:

1.) Making worthless flamebait posts.
2.) Not a Canadian.
3.) Doesn't care about Canada Day.
4.) Is a known troll.
5.) Contributes nothing to the forum except idiotic, unfunny bickering
6.) Likes rap music.

2006-07-01, 11:07 PM #54
:eek: Jon'C vs. DJ Yoshi.
2006-07-01, 11:10 PM #55
Originally posted by Shintock:
Not only is Yoshi the 1337est motha****a around here on Massassi, he's also apparently an expert on the Canadian military.

Our country has more than enough troops for its own protection and for aid to developing nations. We don't need any more because we don't invade other countries. THE END.

Happy ****ing Canada Day!


Speaking of that, did you know an anti-flag-burning amendment got shot down in our senate by 1 vote recently? 1 freaking vote? And Bush said that that was "unfortunate." That really makes me scared.

But anyway.

Happy Canada day! :D
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-01, 11:10 PM #56
Originally posted by Jon`C:
What I really want to know is why DJ-Yoshi was allowed to *** up the Canada Day thread.

Let's check DJ-Yoshi's score card:

1.) Making worthless flamebait posts.
2.) Not a Canadian.
3.) Doesn't care about Canada Day.
4.) Is a known troll.
5.) Contributes nothing to the forum except idiotic, unfunny bickering
6.) Likes rap music.


I'm going to have to side with you in this one, mate
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-07-01, 11:14 PM #57
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Yay for quebecois idiots! :D[/QUOTE]

Oh wait, this is the part where you're obviously kidding, right?


Jon'C wins.
2006-07-02, 12:00 AM #58
Originally posted by Jon`C:
What I really want to know is why DJ-Yoshi was allowed to *** up the Canada Day thread.

Let's check DJ-Yoshi's score card:

1.) Making worthless flamebait posts.
2.) Not a Canadian.
3.) Doesn't care about Canada Day.
4.) Is a known troll.
5.) Contributes nothing to the forum except idiotic, unfunny bickering
6.) Likes rap music.


1) I do do that. It's fun watching people respond. So do you.
2) Obviously.
3) No, I do, I just make random jests at the Canadians' expense. Oddly enough, none of my friends seem to care, but the people of massassi of course take everything too personally.
4) Not really.
5) Some people who have accepted my (valid, despite your claims) tech advice along with a few other tidbits I contribute here and there would disagree. Though I do contribute bickering as well.
6) Yeah, I do. Because I'm not some small-minded elitist who browses forums and tries to start fights with people he doesn't like all day long instead of actually getting something done about it. Seriously, almost 50% if not MORE of your posts are flaming me. If you really think I'm a troll, report my posts, get me banned. You whine too much.
2006-07-02, 12:01 AM #59
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I wouldn't exactly jest. America's super-military came at a steep cost - which probably won't be realized until its effects bubble to the surface of our crumbling economy.

Our...economy...isn't crumbling. And our military does cost us a lot, I agree. But there's no reason I can't make a joke--oh, right, you don't have a sense of humor. Forgot.
2006-07-02, 12:10 AM #60
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) I do do that. It's fun watching people respond. So do you.[/QUOTE]Troll admission #1.

3) No, I do, I just make random jests at the Canadians' expense. [In the Canada Day thread, knowing it would start an argument]
Troll admission #2.

Oddly enough, none of my friends seem to care
Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody would put up with your bull**** long enough to call you a friend.

4) Not really.
Yes you are. You have been banned for it before, and you'll be banned for it in the future. Everybody knows you're a troll and nobody has liked you for as long as you've posted here, they've just given you the benefit of the doubt because they don't pay close enough attention.

5) Some people who have accepted my (valid, despite your claims) tech advice along with a few other tidbits I contribute here and there would disagree. Though I do contribute bickering as well.
Your tech advice is stupid and nobody with a lick of sense takes it seriously. So in addition to trolling, I guess you also try to waste everybody's money.

6) Yeah, I do. Because I'm not some small-minded elitist
Yes you are.
who browses forums and tries to start fights with people he doesn't like
Yes you do. (See every thread you've posted in since you joined the forums)
all day long instead of actually getting something done about it.
Getting something done about it? What, are you a hitman now?
Are we forgetting all of the times you've been banned for doing this?
Seriously, almost 50% if not MORE of your posts are flaming me.
Yeah, because:
1.) You're a flamebaiting troll and I keep falling for it, and
2.) You post this stupid **** in every single thread. When "50% of my posts are flaming you", it's because I'm ignoring the other half of your worthless, unfunny, trolling, flamebaiting trash posts.
If you really think I'm a troll, report my posts, get me banned.
No, because getting you banned doesn't work. When you get banned you whine at mb, who pities you so much that he feels like he has to give you back your sole source of pleasure in life.
You whine too much.
And you're a troll.
2006-07-02, 12:15 AM #61
Hmm, I can only agree with Jon`C on this matter.

How merry.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-02, 12:17 AM #62
Happy Finland day, FGR.
2006-07-02, 12:18 AM #63
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Troll admission #1.

To a very minor extent. I don't do it often.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Troll admission #2.

See, adding those words in there would indeed make it troll admission. But they weren't there. I was just joking, and any Americassassian can tell you that something that's so goddamned trivial as an army shouldn't be taken seriously.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody would put up with your bull**** long enough to call you a friend.

"LOL YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS :v:" Now I respond with "YEAH I DO HERE THEY ARE BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" and try to prove my popularity and manliness, amirite? You're predictable.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yes you are. You have been banned for it before, and you'll be banned for it in the future. Everybody knows you're a troll and nobody has liked you for as long as you've posted here, they've just given you the benefit of the doubt because they don't pay close enough attention.

Oh, they don't like me, but they don't know it yet, right? I'm not a troll. If I was, I'd be permabanned (the only known exception I see is imsoshort, and perhaps Gold, but they stick around for comedic value if nothing else). Nice try Jon, but I do know of at least a few massassians who like me, regardless of your endeavors to badmouth me and make everyone hate me at every turn (which I've walked in on a few times, it's actually rather funny to see). Hell, one of them bought me an SA that I have to rebuy it though :x

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Your tech advice is stupid and nobody with a lick of sense takes it seriously. So in addition to trolling, I guess you also try to waste everybody's money.

Haha. Oh man, your entire post just went to **** right there. My tech advice is fine. I don't take pride in much that I do, but I know computers well enough to give good tech advice 95% of the time. Once in a while I make a mistake, but that is rare. If I really was "wasting peoples' money" you'd come into every single tech thread where I give advice and "prove me wrong", because I know you, you'd find any excuse you can just to badmouth me. It's obvious with that little tidbit right there.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yes you are.

No, I'm not.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yes you do. (See every thread you've posted in since you joined the forums)

No, I don't.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Getting something done about it? What, are you a hitman now?
Are we forgetting all of the times you've been banned for doing this?

For doing what? But as far as getting something done--complain to the admins and support your complaints. It's gotten me banned before.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
No, because getting you banned doesn't work. When you get banned you whine at mb, who pities you so much that he feels like he has to give you back your sole source of pleasure in life.

Because me and mb are on such good terms. Not. I don't whine to him, and half the time it's him that does the banning. He sets a time for it to be up, and when it's up I come back. This is far from my sole pleasure in life, regardless of what you think of me.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
And you're a troll.

Original, thought provoking, and overall...

2006-07-02, 12:21 AM #64
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Our...economy...isn't crumbling. And our military does cost us a lot, I agree. But there's no reason I can't make a joke--oh, right, you don't have a sense of humor. Forgot.[/QUOTE]

I agree that it isn't crumbling---now, anyway. It's safe to say there's some stress cracks appearing, though. High inflation, interest rates the way they are, too much spending and trade deficit will crumble our economy barring any policy decisions.

Yes, I tend to be a serious person. It's the way I am. If someone says something, I assume they mean it. It's a weakness I guess you could say---but it has its benefits IRL. And perhaps my sense of humor needs a little work. I'm not perfect.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-02, 12:27 AM #65
Attachment: 12800/thread_direction.JPG (19,725 bytes)
2006-07-02, 12:39 AM #66
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]To a very minor extent. I don't do it often.[/QUOTE]Yes, you do it very often. Constantly, in fact. I'm not the only person who has noticed it.

See, adding those words in there would indeed make it troll admission. But they weren't there. I was just joking, and any Americassassian can tell you that something that's so goddamned trivial as an army shouldn't be taken seriously.
Nobody in Canada takes our military seriously. This isn't about you making fun of the Canadian military, this is about you coming in a Canada Day thread to start a fight. It's retarded, it's pointless, and anybody with half a brain can see that this is exactly what you hoped to accomplish. You are a troll.

"LOL YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS :v:" Now I respond with "YEAH I DO HERE THEY ARE BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" and try to prove my popularity and manliness, amirite? You're predictable.
On SA you talked about replacing your friends' drugs with caffeine. Even if you call them your friends, I doubt they think very highly of you.

Oh, they don't like me, but they don't know it yet, right? I'm not a troll.
Yes, you are a troll.

If I was, I'd be permabanned (the only known exception I see is imsoshort, and perhaps Gold, but they stick around for comedic value if nothing else).
I'm not sure what to say about this that you didn't already say, troll.

Nice try Jon, but I do know of at least a few massassians who like me, regardless of your endeavors to badmouth me and make everyone hate me at every turn (which I've walked in on a few times, it's actually rather funny to see).
Yeah, so many Massassians like you which is why so many of them jump to your defense every time someone calls you out for being a troll.

Hell, one of them bought me an SA that I have to rebuy it though :x
I'm sorry, but I refuse to accept the possibility that one of the SA-visiting Massassians was stupid enough to gift you with a forum membership. Anybody could tell that's $10 down the drain. I think it's much more likely that you don't have a credit card and you paid him back.

Haha. Oh man, your entire post just went to **** right there. My tech advice is fine.
No it isn't, it's like you took [H] and Tom's Hardware and try to mash them together into something that almost makes sense. Hell, you whine about being a poor kid from the ghetto all the damn time, so it's not like you have the money to find this stuff out for yourself.

I don't take pride in much that I do,
It's hard to take pride in being a troll.

but I know computers well enough to give good tech advice 95% of the time. Once in a while I make a mistake, but that is rare. If I really was "wasting peoples' money" you'd come into every single tech thread where I give advice and "prove me wrong", because I know you, you'd find any excuse you can just to badmouth me. It's obvious with that little tidbit right there.
No, actually I don't read the tech forum unless an interesting thread title appears in the "last posted" link. Mostly because of people like you and KR2000 who have turned that forum into a tech support minefield.

No, I'm not. No, I don't.
Yes you do.

Because me and mb are on such good terms. Not. I don't whine to him, and half the time it's him that does the banning. He sets a time for it to be up, and when it's up I come back.
Oh right, that's only when you get banned from #massassi.

This is far from my sole pleasure in life, regardless of what you think of me.
So leave. Didn't you threaten to go away the last time you were banned? Whatever happened with that?

Original, thought provoking, and overall...

2006-07-02, 12:42 AM #67
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I agree that it isn't crumbling---now, anyway. It's safe to say there's some stress cracks appearing, though. High inflation, interest rates the way they are, too much spending and trade deficit will crumble our economy barring any policy decisions.

Interest rates are actually down. But you're right, there are signs of an impending recession--that's what economists predict. It's not our military causing this, but the idiotic spenditure programs of Bush who thinks that all problems solve themselves if you throw money at them. In fact, the Clintonian thing I posted in the other thread outlines that it's the Republican (or more accurately the neo-con) party that's driving our economy into a recession, and fast, and that the liberals have a much better chance of helping it regain its footing than the neo-cons. The only chance the Republican party has is if Condi runs, honestly. I'm convinced she'd make a decent president after reading up on her and her history.

Originally posted by Freelancer:
Yes, I tend to be a serious person. It's the way I am. If someone says something, I assume they mean it. It's a weakness I guess you could say---but it has its benefits IRL. And perhaps my sense of humor needs a little work. I'm not perfect.

It just gets annoying is all. I understand the position, but it gets old--mostly because that seems to be every massassian's position on everything they like (though I can fall to this weakness at times as well). It seems to be a massassian position in general--if it's not OBVIOUSLY ridiculous, off the wall, or in other words pretty much juvenile humor, it's not funny.
2006-07-02, 12:56 AM #68
[quote=Dj Yoshi]It just gets annoying is all. I understand the position, but it gets old--mostly because that seems to be every massassian's position on everything they like (though I can fall to this weakness at times as well). It seems to be a massassian position in general--if it's not OBVIOUSLY ridiculous, off the wall, or in other words pretty much juvenile humor, it's not funny.[/quote]

I think most Massassians recognize good satire and subtle sarcasm. The problem is that it's hard to find humor in statements like "you're an idiot."
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-02, 12:59 AM #69
Which I didn't say in this thread as a joke.

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