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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What Scares you??
What Scares you??
2006-07-09, 1:30 PM #81
Women :ninja:
2006-07-10, 12:24 AM #82
'Scared' is not an entirely appropriate term to properly describe how I feel towards the after-mentioned subjects. The 'proper' terms I can possibly use are 'unnerving', 'uneasy', etc.

1. The one thing I am uncomfortable about is the possibility that I may go through life being insignificant, a nobody, or whatnot. It is an undeniable fact that I would rather die now than to live life for nothing.
2. Another subject in which deserves mention is that I am uneasy about not knowing something; such as a response, a subject, etc. Because of this, I attempt my best at being educated in a wide veriety of subjects.
3. One thing that hurts the most to thing of is the possibility of never knowing what its like to be loved...

That is all the input in which I am in the mood to post at this moment...
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2006-07-10, 12:34 AM #83
the feeling that if there is no god, and we do not have a soul, or what have you... that when i die, nothing happens. and that what im thinking right now is just an illusion that i have some kind of spiritual afterlife.

basically the ability not to be anymore. and not to even know that i dont exist. it's feelings like that where you can't possibly come up with an answer or even concentrate while thinking about them that scare me. that, and what was here before the universe was created. basically how long was there.. nothingness.. before the big bang...

2006-07-10, 6:53 AM #84
When I get to thinking about death, and how my life could end at any moment, I tend to get freaked out a bit. This is why I try to live my life to the fullest.

Losing my friends and family.

Losing pets.

Being lost.

Doing backflips off diving boards. When I was little I learned how to do them before I could front flip (I was around 8, at my grandmothers pool). One time I flipped too close to the board and smacked my jaw down hard and knocked out a tooth, and scraped quite a bit of skin off my neck and chin. Blood, was not a fun day. Now, when my friends bug me into doing a backflip, I ususally just jump away. Standing on the edge trying it makes me shake and I get so scared, I don't think I'll ever do them again.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2006-07-10, 7:08 AM #85
Originally posted by Cazor:
the feeling that if there is no god, and we do not have a soul, or what have you... that when i die, nothing happens. and that what im thinking right now is just an illusion that i have some kind of spiritual afterlife.

basically the ability not to be anymore. and not to even know that i dont exist. it's feelings like that where you can't possibly come up with an answer or even concentrate while thinking about them that scare me. that, and what was here before the universe was created. basically how long was there.. nothingness.. before the big bang...


2006-07-10, 7:11 AM #86
polka dancers
2006-07-10, 7:25 AM #87
Originally posted by Cazor:
the feeling that if there is no god, and we do not have a soul, or what have you... that when i die, nothing happens. and that what im thinking right now is just an illusion that i have some kind of spiritual afterlife.

basically the ability not to be anymore. and not to even know that i dont exist. it's feelings like that where you can't possibly come up with an answer or even concentrate while thinking about them that scare me. that, and what was here before the universe was created. basically how long was there.. nothingness.. before the big bang...


2006-07-10, 9:06 AM #88
Heights - Not too bad when I'm inside a building but when I'm outside I get really nervous, which is kinda bad sine I'm working as a window cleaner !!!

Tight Spacers - or to be exact, trapped in tight spacers.

Dying - I don't won't to die a slow painful death, saying that though I have no fear of death it self, I understand we all have to die sometime and as far as I'm concerned death has to be better than life.
2006-07-10, 9:38 AM #89
Originally posted by Cazor:
basically how long was there.. nothingness.. before the big bang...

We only *think* there was nothingness. What's to say there wasn't already a pre-existing universe, and that the big bang was a cosmic reboot?
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-10, 2:04 PM #90
Originally posted by Cazor:
the feeling that if there is no god, and we do not have a soul, or what have you... that when i die, nothing happens. and that what im thinking right now is just an illusion that i have some kind of spiritual afterlife.

basically the ability not to be anymore. and not to even know that i dont exist. it's feelings like that where you can't possibly come up with an answer or even concentrate while thinking about them that scare me. that, and what was here before the universe was created. basically how long was there.. nothingness.. before the big bang...


Read Conversations With God...It will answer all your quesitons
2006-07-10, 2:11 PM #91
Originally posted by Nitropenguin:
polka dancers really sucks that my g/f is slovak. i'm going to have to polka at my wedding.... :ninja:
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-07-10, 2:24 PM #92
LOL @ Ford

yeah my sisters husbands family polka's but thank god none of us had to do that at the wedding lmao

his parents are german/italian so its the german side obviously that normally polka at weddings
2006-07-10, 7:03 PM #93
Polkaing is tircky. Especially when there are a lot of other people.
2006-07-10, 8:13 PM #94
Afraid of...?

Things getting in places where they don't belong. Like finding a large and creepy insect in someplace you don't think twice about, like the ceiling of your bedroom.

Spiders fit in that category especially. Maybe watching Arachnaphobia(Or whatever that movie was...) as a child had an impact. Something about being able to kill you and popping up in the most unexpected places... I also REALLY hate running into large spiderwebs.

Snakes...? Only fast ones. I'm fine with the relatively slow ones.

Centipedes! Or really any kind of hundred/thousand legged insects.

I'm also afraid of being attacked and/or killed by something from out of nowhere. Like in Jaws...or some vague movie involving a giant squid.

I suppose they kind of go together really.

Originally posted by Schming:

But only after I started reading a book about the origins of the Vampire myth... I used to think they were so cool and now I'm scared of the dark... ya, I'm old enough to drink and paranoid to be drunk alone outside in the dark now.

Title...? I've got to hear more now. As far as i've heard, most real world myths on the subject were rather...lame.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-07-10, 9:17 PM #95
Can You Make It To The LightSwitch Before I Grab You?

...that story :o
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2006-07-10, 9:18 PM #96
I'm scared of going deaf. Seriously. I'd kill myself if that ever happened.
2006-07-10, 10:38 PM #97
Originally posted by Emon:
Conservatives like Ann Coulter. Actually, not just her, but the fact that her books are New York Times best sellers. The fact that people like that libel.


I found my new phobia.
2006-07-11, 12:57 AM #98
I have a couple of fears

1) Snakes - nothing to do with the fact they might bite me/hurt me etc (heck I live in England, i've never even seen a real life snake outside of a zoo before). I think the bit about them that freaks me out the most is just the siltheryness, because of that, i'm not really keen on slimy stuff either (worms etc)

I can't even look at pictures or anything. Having said that, I heard that when you come into contact with whatever it is your afraid of, you'll either totally freak out or just get over it. So far i've never freaked out (same with heights below), i'm always fairly in control, i just hate watching snakes on tv etc.

2) Heights - fairly natural fear I guess, I just get giddy when going high up, and feel out of control. I've ab-seiled once and done the usual jump off a high rock into a lake type thing but i still haven't got over it *shrug*

Oh and the sky falling on my head :p

Anyone got over any fears and would like to share the secret?
2006-07-11, 6:20 PM #99
Snakes aren't slimy(Is that a word?).

Hope that helps.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-07-11, 6:21 PM #100
Slimey you mean.

And no, they're completely dry.
2006-07-11, 6:22 PM #101
Originally posted by Shintock:
I'm scared of going deaf. Seriously. I'd kill myself if that ever happened.

Along those same lines, going blind. Deaf I think I could deal with, but if I ever went blind I would jump off a bridge.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-07-11, 6:59 PM #102
Originally posted by Emon:
Conservatives like Ann Coulter. Actually, not just her, but the fact that her books are New York Times best sellers. The fact that people like that libel.

Hey atleast they didn't buy into it as much as people did into Michael Moore's movie ;)
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2006-07-11, 7:04 PM #103
i dont like bugs that are so big (above avg. for their species) that you can literally see their faces...

and by that I mean, like those big cockaroaches that you find in the like some jungle far off. I saw Jeff Corwin hold a cockaroach the size of his hand! and bleh you could see its head and eyes all clearly

and big ants, things like that. or big spiders. to where you can see the features of the many eyes or how the legs are blechhhhh
2006-07-12, 1:21 AM #104
2006-07-12, 1:52 AM #105
The only thing i'm afraid of is being afraid of something. I have the fear of fear, phobotrophobia.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-12, 2:15 AM #106
Religious and/or political extremists getting power scares me.
2006-07-12, 7:48 AM #107
Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
Along those same lines, going blind. Deaf I think I could deal with, but if I ever went blind I would jump off a bridge.

What if you couldn't find the bridge?

Or jumped off the wrong kind and landed in deep water? :P
2006-07-12, 9:22 PM #108
Ok, so I was reading my Vampire book last night. Went to sleep. Woke up in the middle of the night and my shoulder was bleeding. It freaked me out soooooo bad.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-07-12, 9:28 PM #109
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
We only *think* there was nothingness. What's to say there wasn't already a pre-existing universe, and that the big bang was a cosmic reboot?

ok, so what was there before the first universe was there?

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