Gold.... why? just... why?
Like others have said... did you ever even think about this market? is there a demand for this type of program or emoticon or what ever. You can't just do something and hope it'll catch on because your friend likes it, and trust me... if you can do it and a friend can't, they'll be impressed and like it.
I can churn out the crappiest models, worst animations and most pathetic photoshops ever and my roommate will instantly be impressed because he has no idea how to do it himself.
Maybe if you stuck to something, anything for long enough you'd learn how to do it properly and then you could make some money off that.
Try to learn HTML and CSS, it's not that hard and lots of people want websites with just basic's, people will pay 10 bucks for a website with their wedding photo's on it or their camping trip or family reunion or something, and you don't have to target those in the same country, if your doing something like a website then just have them pay you via paypal or something.
build 10 websites for 10 dollars each and you've got yourself 100 bucks for what ever. Apparently you know something about image programs... maybe not much about html since the SW fan site looks like it was built with a free drag and drop editor... but still, take a few weeks to learn something and get experiance in it then whore yourself out for money with these new skills.
you just seem to jump right in and think you can make it work because you want it to work. If your serious about wanting to make games, book stores have tons of book that teach you C++ and modeling and even show you how to make your own engine following examples from the book (I was very tempted to pick one up a while ago, but gave up on programing for animation a while ago)
they range from 8-80bucks Canadian (so like... 70ish american?) and if you don't have the money for it, then goahead and get that job at Mcdonalds, after your second paycheck you should have more then enough to order it online or something and learn to code your own engine without having to spend 500 bucks on a prebuilt engine for a game that you'll never make. (refering to the MMORPG as everyone here knows :))
still, take things slowly... you wonder why people make fun of you on these forums? you almost BEG them to make fun of you. you want them to respect you and take you seriously?
get a job a Mcdonalds, order some books online, learn to program (or something else... TONS of book for basicly anything) and go from there, show us something that you made on your own this way and you might be treated diffrently.