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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I have a serious problem...
I have a serious problem...
2006-07-23, 11:29 AM #41
(wierd how everytime a SF Gold thread shows up, someone gets banned.)

and to stay on topic:

i think you should hit it and run.
2006-07-23, 11:33 AM #42
Dude, seriously. I still have some honor. I don't use people or anything of the sort. Sheesh, I'm just going to be a real cold and nerdy type person to her. Hell, I'll tell her all about Massassi and my Fan Film.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-07-23, 11:37 AM #43
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I don't use people or anything of the sort.

... which is why you paid your friend to leave?
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-23, 11:48 AM #44
I've read through the thread and it sounds like she needs some serious help. If you feel that telling her parents won't achieve anything, then you should tell you own if you haven't already (it's a wise idea, even if they don't know how to handle it themselves, they might know of someone who can).

I do have one question though - why did you rent out your friends house for a while, instead of using your own? (I can imagine you saying something to do with your parents, but you might have another reason).

[QUOTE= Stormtooper]Now, obviously, don't think that she won't attempt suicide, but don't have full belief that she will either. It would be best just to do what's already been said. Contact some authority figure, a school councelor, a cop, her parents. Most places have suicide hotlines that you can call if you think someone it going to attempt it.[/QUOTE]

I agree with what Stormtrooper's said here - get in touch with someone who can help in some way. Someone with a lot of experience in that area would be very useful here (the easiest way of getting someone helpful would probably be through a hotline).

To everyone else - even if some of you have bad feelings towards this guy, there's no need for all of these negative replies. It's a serious situation (especially considering the suicidal girl) and it should be taken that way. He's asking for advice, not for your opinions of how he's handling the situation.

EDIT - I re-read the thread through and most of you seem to think that she's joking around because she tries using a match to harm herself. That's definately not a sign that she's just joking around. There are many reasons why she could be doing this (trying to get his attention before trying something more serious etc etc.)
2006-07-23, 12:07 PM #45
Hey Gold, one more thing, if you have to rent your friend's house, instead of just say, borrowing it, then he's not really much of a friend, is he?
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-07-23, 12:11 PM #46
Flirbnic made an excellent suggestion to wrap all SF_Gold's threads into a spanish soap opera, with a heavy touch of Massassi, of course.
2006-07-23, 12:11 PM #47
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I'll tell her all about Massassi and my Fan Film.

I hope she reads this thread, thatd be awesome.

2006-07-23, 12:17 PM #48
2006-07-23, 12:22 PM #49
I'll read the rest of this thread later, so I don't know if it's been said, but... I don't believe this actually happened to you... I'm sorry :( but it's just too much.
2006-07-23, 2:03 PM #50
I've been in a similar situation when I was 17 or so. The chick was an attention whore, and I stayed in a sort of a weird more-than-friends-but-no-sex relationship with her because I felt responsible for her stupid arse. Then one day she called me and said she's gonna commit suicide. So I told her to go ahead and not leave a note. And hang up. She failed. And that was the end of that.
2006-07-23, 2:06 PM #51
And as every 17 year old emo, I even wrote a little... Er... Something...

EDIT: Emo crap deleted. Sometimes I manage to annoy even myself.
2006-07-23, 2:11 PM #52
didn't read any of it but just bang her.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-23, 2:22 PM #53
i read: Ouside there is frog.

2006-07-23, 2:23 PM #54
2006-07-23, 2:57 PM #55
Originally posted by Dracus:
I do have one question though - why did you rent out your friends house for a while, instead of using your own? (I can imagine you saying something to do with your parents, but you might have another reason).

She lives 3 houses from my friend's house. We were there. My parents are always at home, if only I could have that changed.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-07-23, 2:58 PM #56
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
She lives 3 houses from my friend's house. We were there. My parents are always at home, if only I could have that changed.

bang her.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-23, 2:58 PM #57
call her out, i bet she doesnt top herself.
2006-07-23, 3:00 PM #58
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]call her out, i bet she doesnt top herself.[/QUOTE]
and then bang her.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-23, 7:02 PM #59
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-07-23, 8:40 PM #60
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
Interesting story. . . is her name Krista?

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-07-23, 10:19 PM #61
sheeet, this isn't gonna get old anytime soon:
2006-07-23, 10:36 PM #62
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]That detail really seemed important. Wait, no it didn't. You are just trying to brag to us about how awesome you are. "HEY GUYS! I GOT A BLOWJOB FROM A GIRL I PAID FOR!"[/QUOTE]

hey whats wrong with that

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2006-07-23, 11:11 PM #63
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]You aren't old enough to even...gah. [/QUOTE]

Just because your shnoz gets in the way when you even think about kissing a woman.
2006-07-24, 2:16 AM #64


dude, gold, seriously bang her (but definitely use a condom). she can be a ****buddy. damn man. try some kinky **** on her, it'll be fuuuun.

of course, if she's not attractive then stay away and call the po-po.
2006-07-24, 2:36 AM #65
Unless she's 14 or something. Heh.
2006-07-24, 2:48 AM #66
Seriously, nobody's suggested killing her himself? It'd probably be that best thing.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-07-24, 2:48 AM #67
Originally posted by Koobie:
Unless she's 14 or something. Heh.

doesn't matter.

Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-24, 8:22 AM #68
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-07-24, 9:00 AM #69
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane][/QUOTE]
what's with you and these stupid objection pictures? :P
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-24, 9:10 AM #70
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-07-24, 9:13 AM #71
Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
Just because your shnoz gets in the way when you even think about kissing a woman.



nice, i lol'd :v:
2006-07-24, 9:17 AM #72
Seriously, usually when a massassian posts a thread about girls, their problem is that girls don't want to be with them. Now GOLD'S problem is that a girl DOES want to be with him. Gold, god won't kill you if you kiss her. or bang her. aids may kill you but god won't.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2006-07-24, 9:29 AM #73
God kills through AIDS.
2006-07-24, 9:32 AM #74
God kills through a hell of a lot more than AIDS.
2006-07-24, 10:03 AM #75
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane][/QUOTE]
no, it's annoying as **** :P
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-07-24, 10:06 AM #76
2006-07-24, 10:35 AM #77
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-07-24, 11:12 AM #78
2006-07-24, 11:14 AM #79
Parental discretion is advised
2006-07-24, 11:16 AM #80

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