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ForumsDiscussion Forum → last night
last night
2006-07-28, 10:34 AM #41
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Rave parties, dance parties, they're all lame compared to..


The Communist Party!

I lol'd.

By the way, just my view, the people who do drugs at raves to say up and stuff are retarded. Manly men don't need drugs to do such things. Drugs themselves are dumb. E-tards are quite hated.

Raves are indeed obnoxious, but that is why they are so fun.
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2006-07-28, 4:02 PM #42
thinking back on the other night, and after learning that in total, 27 arrests were made at the party, im glad i got away, and that i told the cop i wasn't at that party

heres the real kicker:

the cops ARRESTED every single person who was in that house.

how and why you ask?

posession charges, no one at the party was 21 or older, as Massachusetts law, and the rest of the USA for that matter, you have to be 21 years of age or older to possess alcohol, which none of us were, so they arrested everyone.

turns out they didn't get busted for weed, because the couple kids who still had some left, threw their contraband into a cookie jar!
I <3 Massassi
2006-07-28, 9:20 PM #43
I was invited to a party like this once, my whole school was (well my whole grade/level and +) and I didn't go. The sad thing is, that this one kid, they like, did some crap to him, not sure what exactly, and he ran to a phone and called the cops on them. Kinda sad, but now he's got hell for life. I'm glad that I was not able to go to that party.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-07-28, 9:45 PM #44
2006-07-28, 10:02 PM #45
2006-07-29, 12:05 PM #46
HAMILTON?! nice I live near Oshawa.
2006-07-29, 12:51 PM #47
Originally posted by Wuss:
Wouldn't it be great if the police in the US spent more time fighting crime and less time enforcing bunk morality codes? It's not entirely their fault--they’re just doing their jobs--but it certainly is a bit frustrating.

The morality codes of the government are so convoluted, the whole thing is bunk.
2006-07-29, 1:06 PM #48
Wouldn't it be great if you people stop giving the police these situations to bust, so they could concentrate on the real crimes, and not kids who are in the possesion of illegal sustances, commiting illegal actions, etc etc... in short, do yourself a favor, and at the same time do the whole community a favor, and stay out of trouble.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-07-29, 1:12 PM #49
yeah, keep away from gangs.

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