Alright, I'll be ridiculed for this (most likely) but I'm going to Yoshi's side of the line. Well, I'm looking at the posts now...
I'll timeline it.
1. Thread start
2. Yoshi says brother's stupid.
3. Emon says (somewhat jokingly from how I read it) that Yoshi's probably done stupider stuff (he referenced drugs)
4. Yoshi goes on the defense (ok, he's a bit over defensive) and says Emon assumed he did stupid stuff when he was high/buzzed/what have you. Yoshi claims he's responsible about what he does when high, and hasn't done anything really stupid when high.
5. Yoshi says Emon needs to get over himself.
6. Emon says the same thing back.
7. Yoshi makes a smart*** remark (meh) and tells phoen pretty much (how I read it) to "let the thread GO WHERE IT GOES"
8 - #. It devolves to "You're a self-centered prick" from both of you guys.
I'll be honest right now and say this: Yoshi, you need to stop being so defensive.
Emon. Why did you bring up Yoshi doing drugs? There's other Massassians who admit to doing drugs (GothicX, for one. No offense, Gothic) so why didn't you reference him? Would you have referenced drugs if it had been Gothic you were talking to? Doubtful, but we won't know because it WASN'T Gothic.
Seriously guys, get the **** off of Yoshi.
I had a blog. It sucked.