Michael MacFarlane
Unwitting troll accomplice
Posts: 8,272
I'm of the opinion that Ahmadinejad is far more sane than you're giving him credit for. Faced with one example of a country that halted its WMD program and got invaded (Iraq) and another that continued its program and forced the U.S. into negotiations (North Korea), Iran made what from their perspective must have seemed like the most rational choice. Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons as a deterent to a U.S. invasion, not because they want to nuke Israel and get turned into a crater for their trouble. The rhetoric about Israel is just a means for manipulating the Iranian people by giving them a "common enemy."
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Unless Israel is...you know...taken off the face of the earth.
Then I think Israel's retaliation strike may be a bit less intense than you seem to think it will be.[/QUOTE]
You're vastly overrating Iran's nuclear arsenal, if in fact they have one at all. They'd have to catch Israel completely off-guard and irradiate 8,500-odd square miles of land to be even remotely confident of avoiding a counterattack. There's no way they have enough bombs, or large enough bombs, to come anywhere close. And even if they did, Israel would have enough time between detection of launch and detonation to launch their own missiles.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.