I was incredibly bored today, so I wrote a little simulation depicting what would happen if the armies of MBeggar and JediGandalf engaged in a massive battle. If you voted for the poll in this thread, then you are in the simulation. It pits troops from opposing sides against each other until one side is all dead. If you voted for JG in the previous thread, that means you're in his army. Troops from the same army are never pitted against one another.
Your HP and damage-dealing capability are determined by your postcount. I obtained this data from your profiles as of 10:00PM MST. Thus, if Avenger were to face off against Wolfy, Avenger can do up to 25,019 damage and he has 25,019 hit points. Similarly, Wolfy has the potential to do 15610 damage and has 15610 hit points. Needless to say, Avenger is JediGandalf's hardened veteran.
Mr. Stafford <7756HP> is facing off against eMp <43HP>!
eMp attacks first!
eMp attacks Mr. Stafford for 21 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks eMp for 1469 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 7735 HP remaining!
Overlord <3902HP> is facing off against GhostOfYoda <3271HP>!
Overlord attacks first!
Overlord attacks GhostOfYoda for 1547 damage!
GhostOfYoda attacks Overlord for 3234 damage!
Overlord attacks GhostOfYoda for 2507 damage!
GhostOfYoda has been destroyed!
Overlord has won the fight and has 668 HP remaining!
SMOCK! <4380HP> is facing off against Anovis <4160HP>!
Anovis attacks first!
Anovis attacks SMOCK! for 2622 damage!
SMOCK! attacks Anovis for 234 damage!
Anovis attacks SMOCK! for 3305 damage!
SMOCK! has been destroyed!
Anovis has won the fight and has 3926 HP remaining!
JKDomination <103HP> is facing off against quesadilla_red <1181HP>!
quesadilla_red attacks first!
quesadilla_red attacks JKDomination for 250 damage!
JKDomination has been destroyed!
quesadilla_red has won the fight and has 1181 HP remaining!
happydud <8920HP> is facing off against Ric_Olie <2860HP>!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks Ric_Olie for 2239 damage!
Ric_Olie attacks happydud for 2706 damage!
happydud attacks Ric_Olie for 5136 damage!
Ric_Olie has been destroyed!
happydud has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <7735HP> is facing off against BoricuaDelight <1906HP>!
BoricuaDelight attacks first!
BoricuaDelight attacks Mr. Stafford for 320 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks BoricuaDelight for 3684 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 7415 HP remaining!
DrkJedi82 <8202HP> is facing off against Morpheus <2216HP>!
DrkJedi82 attacks first!
DrkJedi82 attacks Morpheus for 2308 damage!
Morpheus has been destroyed!
DrkJedi82 has won the fight and has 8202 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against quesadilla_red <1181HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks quesadilla_red for 3136 damage!
quesadilla_red has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
Deadman <1263HP> is facing off against TheRuleofThirds <178HP>!
Deadman attacks first!
Deadman attacks TheRuleofThirds for 85 damage!
TheRuleofThirds attacks Deadman for 155 damage!
Deadman attacks TheRuleofThirds for 1061 damage!
TheRuleofThirds has been destroyed!
Deadman has won the fight and has 1108 HP remaining!
SF_GoldG_01 <2845HP> is facing off against Echoman <11468HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
SF_GoldG_01 attacks first!
SF_GoldG_01 attacks Echoman for 15 damage!
Echoman attacks SF_GoldG_01 for 3542 damage!
Echoman has won the fight and has 11453 HP remaining!
Ford <1292HP> is facing off against Victor Van Dort <10649HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Victor Van Dort wields considerable power and influence!
Ford attacks first!
Ford attacks Victor Van Dort for 61 damage!
Victor Van Dort attacks Ford for 8821 damage!
Victor Van Dort has won the fight and has 10588 HP remaining!
djwguitarman <2326HP> is facing off against Jon`C <8077HP>!
Jon`C attacks first!
Jon`C attacks djwguitarman for 4154 damage!
djwguitarman has been destroyed!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 8077 HP remaining!
kyle90 <7823HP> is facing off against Anovis <3926HP>!
kyle90 attacks first!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 736 damage!
Anovis attacks kyle90 for 3376 damage!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 369 damage!
Anovis attacks kyle90 for 477 damage!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 2465 damage!
Anovis attacks kyle90 for 2741 damage!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 3460 damage!
Anovis has been destroyed!
kyle90 has won the fight and has 1229 HP remaining!
SavageX378 <3267HP> is facing off against TimeWolfOfThePast <4136HP>!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks first!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks SavageX378 for 3929 damage!
SavageX378 has been destroyed!
TimeWolfOfThePast has won the fight and has 4136 HP remaining!
happydud <6214HP> is facing off against JediNeo <218HP>!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks JediNeo for 2844 damage!
JediNeo has been destroyed!
happydud has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
Darth_Revan <461HP> is facing off against Acharjay <2720HP>!
Darth_Revan attacks first!
Darth_Revan attacks Acharjay for 433 damage!
Acharjay attacks Darth_Revan for 2648 damage!
Acharjay has won the fight and has 2287 HP remaining!
NoESC <2576HP> is facing off against mscbuck <3607HP>!
mscbuck attacks first!
mscbuck attacks NoESC for 2638 damage!
NoESC has been destroyed!
mscbuck has won the fight and has 3607 HP remaining!
Axis <1932HP> is facing off against Echoman <11453HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
Echoman attacks first!
Echoman attacks Axis for 3461 damage!
Axis has been destroyed!
Echoman has won the fight and has 11453 HP remaining!
alpha1 <2244HP> is facing off against Jon`C <8077HP>!
alpha1 attacks first!
alpha1 attacks Jon`C for 1586 damage!
Jon`C attacks alpha1 for 5318 damage!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 6491 HP remaining!
- Tony - <4401HP> is facing off against Jon`C <6491HP>!
- Tony - attacks first!
- Tony - attacks Jon`C for 257 damage!
Jon`C attacks - Tony - for 3845 damage!
- Tony - attacks Jon`C for 3326 damage!
Jon`C attacks - Tony - for 6716 damage!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 2908 HP remaining!
Tsukasa <214HP> is facing off against TimeWolfOfThePast <4136HP>!
Tsukasa attacks first!
Tsukasa attacks TimeWolfOfThePast for 111 damage!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks Tsukasa for 1358 damage!
TimeWolfOfThePast has won the fight and has 4025 HP remaining!
Overlord <668HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15621HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks Overlord for 4055 damage!
Overlord has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15621 HP remaining!
gbk <15099HP> is facing off against Glyde Bane <4891HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
gbk attacks first!
gbk attacks Glyde Bane for 7789 damage!
Glyde Bane has been destroyed!
gbk has won the fight and has 15099 HP remaining!
gbk <15099HP> is facing off against LividDK27 <2540HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
LividDK27 attacks first!
LividDK27 attacks gbk for 192 damage!
gbk attacks LividDK27 for 191 damage!
LividDK27 attacks gbk for 1103 damage!
gbk attacks LividDK27 for 4852 damage!
gbk has won the fight and has 13804 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against Obi_Kwiet <3766HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks Obi_Kwiet for 5688 damage!
Obi_Kwiet has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
Wolfy <15610HP> is facing off against mscbuck <3607HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
Wolfy attacks first!
Wolfy attacks mscbuck for 11724 damage!
mscbuck has been destroyed!
Wolfy has won the fight and has 15610 HP remaining!
Krokodile <2992HP> is facing off against Echoman <11453HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
Krokodile attacks first!
Krokodile attacks Echoman for 1187 damage!
Echoman attacks Krokodile for 6422 damage!
Echoman has won the fight and has 10266 HP remaining!
fishstickz <6457HP> is facing off against Spork <14424HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks fishstickz for 13348 damage!
fishstickz has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 14424 HP remaining!
Martyn <4538HP> is facing off against Duo Maxwell <1044HP>!
Martyn attacks first!
Martyn attacks Duo Maxwell for 3569 damage!
Duo Maxwell has been destroyed!
Martyn has won the fight and has 4538 HP remaining!
Vincent Valentine <8222HP> is facing off against Echoman <10266HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
Vincent Valentine attacks first!
Vincent Valentine attacks Echoman for 7413 damage!
Echoman attacks Vincent Valentine for 378 damage!
Vincent Valentine attacks Echoman for 7733 damage!
Echoman has been destroyed!
Vincent Valentine has won the fight and has 7844 HP remaining!
Wolfy <15610HP> is facing off against Seb <2095HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
Wolfy attacks first!
Wolfy attacks Seb for 12717 damage!
Seb has been destroyed!
Wolfy has won the fight and has 15610 HP remaining!
Zecks <1136HP> is facing off against HooDWinkeR <79HP>!
HooDWinkeR attacks first!
HooDWinkeR attacks Zecks for 67 damage!
Zecks attacks HooDWinkeR for 206 damage!
Zecks has won the fight and has 1069 HP remaining!
BobTheMasher <3967HP> is facing off against petmc20 <466HP>!
petmc20 attacks first!
petmc20 attacks BobTheMasher for 69 damage!
BobTheMasher attacks petmc20 for 1256 damage!
BobTheMasher has won the fight and has 3898 HP remaining!
kyle90 <1229HP> is facing off against Wes Darklighter <1663HP>!
kyle90 attacks first!
kyle90 attacks Wes Darklighter for 6638 damage!
Wes Darklighter has been destroyed!
kyle90 has won the fight and has 1229 HP remaining!
Vincent Valentine <7844HP> is facing off against Koobie <1674HP>!
Vincent Valentine attacks first!
Vincent Valentine attacks Koobie for 4592 damage!
Koobie has been destroyed!
Vincent Valentine has won the fight and has 7844 HP remaining!
Darkjedibob <1871HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15621HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks Darkjedibob for 386 damage!
Darkjedibob attacks Dj Yoshi for 3 damage!
Dj Yoshi attacks Darkjedibob for 5061 damage!
Darkjedibob has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15618 HP remaining!
FastGamerr <9743HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15618HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks FastGamerr for 11327 damage!
FastGamerr has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15618 HP remaining!
Deadman <1108HP> is facing off against Zloc_Vergo <3776HP>!
Deadman attacks first!
Deadman attacks Zloc_Vergo for 219 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Deadman for 3639 damage!
Zloc_Vergo has won the fight and has 3557 HP remaining!
Zecks <1069HP> is facing off against Spork <14424HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Zecks attacks first!
Zecks attacks Spork for 1078 damage!
Spork attacks Zecks for 8971 damage!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
DracoZandros <125HP> is facing off against JediKirby <10562HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! JediKirby wields considerable power and influence!
DracoZandros attacks first!
DracoZandros attacks JediKirby for 37 damage!
JediKirby attacks DracoZandros for 3840 damage!
JediKirby has won the fight and has 10525 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <7415HP> is facing off against JediGandalf <6765HP>!
JediGandalf attacks first!
JediGandalf attacks Mr. Stafford for 657 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks JediGandalf for 2528 damage!
JediGandalf attacks Mr. Stafford for 104 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks JediGandalf for 2706 damage!
JediGandalf attacks Mr. Stafford for 2152 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks JediGandalf for 2867 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 4502 HP remaining!
DrkJedi82 <8202HP> is facing off against Freelancer <13324HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Freelancer wields considerable power and influence!
Freelancer attacks first!
Freelancer attacks DrkJedi82 for 9546 damage!
DrkJedi82 has been destroyed!
Freelancer has won the fight and has 13324 HP remaining!
BobTheMasher <3898HP> is facing off against IRG SithLord <1017HP>!
IRG SithLord attacks first!
IRG SithLord attacks BobTheMasher for 599 damage!
BobTheMasher attacks IRG SithLord for 2652 damage!
BobTheMasher has won the fight and has 3299 HP remaining!
Simbachu <874HP> is facing off against Zloc_Vergo <3557HP>!
Zloc_Vergo attacks first!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Simbachu for 998 damage!
Simbachu has been destroyed!
Zloc_Vergo has won the fight and has 3557 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against Impi <3245HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks Impi for 6432 damage!
Impi has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
BobTheMasher <3299HP> is facing off against Jon`C <2908HP>!
BobTheMasher attacks first!
BobTheMasher attacks Jon`C for 1982 damage!
Jon`C attacks BobTheMasher for 6570 damage!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 926 HP remaining!
Martyn <4538HP> is facing off against Zloc_Vergo <3557HP>!
Martyn attacks first!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 2665 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Martyn for 2493 damage!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 15 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Martyn for 15 damage!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 723 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Martyn for 1444 damage!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 3582 damage!
Zloc_Vergo has been destroyed!
Martyn has won the fight and has 586 HP remaining!
cybrid81 <475HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks cybrid81 for 1079 damage!
cybrid81 has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
paladinZ <229HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15618HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks paladinZ for 6517 damage!
paladinZ has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15618 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against lassev <2258HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks lassev for 3337 damage!
lassev has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
Baconfish <5751HP> is facing off against Avenger <25019HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
Avenger attacks first!
Avenger attacks Baconfish for 12632 damage!
Baconfish has been destroyed!
Avenger has won the fight and has 25019 HP remaining!
Michael MacFarlane <3248HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks Michael MacFarlane for 13410 damage!
Michael MacFarlane has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
Alan <849HP> is facing off against JediKirby <10525HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! JediKirby wields considerable power and influence!
JediKirby attacks first!
JediKirby attacks Alan for 5527 damage!
Alan has been destroyed!
JediKirby has won the fight and has 10525 HP remaining!
kyle90 <1229HP> is facing off against Acharjay <2287HP>!
Acharjay attacks first!
Acharjay attacks kyle90 for 1646 damage!
kyle90 has been destroyed!
Acharjay has won the fight and has 2287 HP remaining!
Martyn <586HP> is facing off against Jon`C <926HP>!
Jon`C attacks first!
Jon`C attacks Martyn for 6074 damage!
Martyn has been destroyed!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 926 HP remaining!
Wolfy <15610HP> is facing off against JediKirby <10525HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! JediKirby wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
JediKirby attacks first!
JediKirby attacks Wolfy for 9396 damage!
Wolfy attacks JediKirby for 14538 damage!
Wolfy has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against Jon`C <926HP>!
Jon`C attacks first!
Jon`C attacks genk for 2377 damage!
genk attacks Jon`C for 3446 damage!
genk has won the fight and has 5154 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <4502HP> is facing off against Sats <2196HP>!
Sats attacks first!
Sats attacks Mr. Stafford for 647 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks Sats for 7405 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 3855 HP remaining!
happydud <6214HP> is facing off against Admiral Zarn <272HP>!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks Admiral Zarn for 6211 damage!
Admiral Zarn has been destroyed!
happydud has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
happydud <6214HP> is facing off against Avenger <25019HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks Avenger for 4391 damage!
Avenger attacks happydud for 11445 damage!
Avenger has won the fight and has 20628 HP remaining!
Wolfy <6214HP> is facing off against Emon <16895HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Emon wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
Wolfy attacks first!
Wolfy attacks Emon for 5110 damage!
Emon attacks Wolfy for 7189 damage!
Emon has won the fight and has 11785 HP remaining!
Vincent Valentine <7844HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks Vincent Valentine for 12809 damage!
Vincent Valentine has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
gbk <13804HP> is facing off against Emon <11785HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Emon wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
gbk attacks first!
gbk attacks Emon for 14705 damage!
Emon has been destroyed!
gbk has won the fight and has 13804 HP remaining!
Detty <6377HP> is facing off against TimeWolfOfThePast <4025HP>!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks first!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks Detty for 3122 damage!
Detty attacks TimeWolfOfThePast for 5605 damage!
Detty has won the fight and has 3255 HP remaining!
Detty <3255HP> is facing off against Avenger <20628HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
Detty attacks first!
Detty attacks Avenger for 1826 damage!
Avenger attacks Detty for 10512 damage!
Avenger has won the fight and has 18802 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <3855HP> is facing off against Freelancer <13324HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Freelancer wields considerable power and influence!
Mr. Stafford attacks first!
Mr. Stafford attacks Freelancer for 2471 damage!
Freelancer attacks Mr. Stafford for 5969 damage!
Freelancer has won the fight and has 10853 HP remaining!
genk <5154HP> is facing off against Acharjay <2287HP>!
Acharjay attacks first!
Acharjay attacks genk for 1280 damage!
genk attacks Acharjay for 6070 damage!
genk has won the fight and has 3874 HP remaining!
gbk <13804HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks gbk for 7326 damage!
gbk attacks Spork for 9664 damage!
Spork attacks gbk for 1174 damage!
gbk attacks Spork for 4507 damage!
gbk has won the fight and has 5304 HP remaining!
gbk <5304HP> is facing off against Avenger <18802HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
Avenger attacks first!
Avenger attacks gbk for 24080 damage!
gbk has been destroyed!
Avenger has won the fight and has 18802 HP remaining!
genk <3874HP> is facing off against Freelancer <10853HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Freelancer wields considerable power and influence!
Freelancer attacks first!
Freelancer attacks genk for 8252 damage!
genk has been destroyed!
Freelancer has won the fight and has 10853 HP remaining!
|||JediGandalf's troops win!|||
Total of JediGandalf's army's hp: 190282.
Total of MBeggar's army's hp: 159001.
Your HP and damage-dealing capability are determined by your postcount. I obtained this data from your profiles as of 10:00PM MST. Thus, if Avenger were to face off against Wolfy, Avenger can do up to 25,019 damage and he has 25,019 hit points. Similarly, Wolfy has the potential to do 15610 damage and has 15610 hit points. Needless to say, Avenger is JediGandalf's hardened veteran.
Mr. Stafford <7756HP> is facing off against eMp <43HP>!
eMp attacks first!
eMp attacks Mr. Stafford for 21 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks eMp for 1469 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 7735 HP remaining!
Overlord <3902HP> is facing off against GhostOfYoda <3271HP>!
Overlord attacks first!
Overlord attacks GhostOfYoda for 1547 damage!
GhostOfYoda attacks Overlord for 3234 damage!
Overlord attacks GhostOfYoda for 2507 damage!
GhostOfYoda has been destroyed!
Overlord has won the fight and has 668 HP remaining!
SMOCK! <4380HP> is facing off against Anovis <4160HP>!
Anovis attacks first!
Anovis attacks SMOCK! for 2622 damage!
SMOCK! attacks Anovis for 234 damage!
Anovis attacks SMOCK! for 3305 damage!
SMOCK! has been destroyed!
Anovis has won the fight and has 3926 HP remaining!
JKDomination <103HP> is facing off against quesadilla_red <1181HP>!
quesadilla_red attacks first!
quesadilla_red attacks JKDomination for 250 damage!
JKDomination has been destroyed!
quesadilla_red has won the fight and has 1181 HP remaining!
happydud <8920HP> is facing off against Ric_Olie <2860HP>!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks Ric_Olie for 2239 damage!
Ric_Olie attacks happydud for 2706 damage!
happydud attacks Ric_Olie for 5136 damage!
Ric_Olie has been destroyed!
happydud has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <7735HP> is facing off against BoricuaDelight <1906HP>!
BoricuaDelight attacks first!
BoricuaDelight attacks Mr. Stafford for 320 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks BoricuaDelight for 3684 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 7415 HP remaining!
DrkJedi82 <8202HP> is facing off against Morpheus <2216HP>!
DrkJedi82 attacks first!
DrkJedi82 attacks Morpheus for 2308 damage!
Morpheus has been destroyed!
DrkJedi82 has won the fight and has 8202 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against quesadilla_red <1181HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks quesadilla_red for 3136 damage!
quesadilla_red has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
Deadman <1263HP> is facing off against TheRuleofThirds <178HP>!
Deadman attacks first!
Deadman attacks TheRuleofThirds for 85 damage!
TheRuleofThirds attacks Deadman for 155 damage!
Deadman attacks TheRuleofThirds for 1061 damage!
TheRuleofThirds has been destroyed!
Deadman has won the fight and has 1108 HP remaining!
SF_GoldG_01 <2845HP> is facing off against Echoman <11468HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
SF_GoldG_01 attacks first!
SF_GoldG_01 attacks Echoman for 15 damage!
Echoman attacks SF_GoldG_01 for 3542 damage!
Echoman has won the fight and has 11453 HP remaining!
Ford <1292HP> is facing off against Victor Van Dort <10649HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Victor Van Dort wields considerable power and influence!
Ford attacks first!
Ford attacks Victor Van Dort for 61 damage!
Victor Van Dort attacks Ford for 8821 damage!
Victor Van Dort has won the fight and has 10588 HP remaining!
djwguitarman <2326HP> is facing off against Jon`C <8077HP>!
Jon`C attacks first!
Jon`C attacks djwguitarman for 4154 damage!
djwguitarman has been destroyed!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 8077 HP remaining!
kyle90 <7823HP> is facing off against Anovis <3926HP>!
kyle90 attacks first!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 736 damage!
Anovis attacks kyle90 for 3376 damage!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 369 damage!
Anovis attacks kyle90 for 477 damage!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 2465 damage!
Anovis attacks kyle90 for 2741 damage!
kyle90 attacks Anovis for 3460 damage!
Anovis has been destroyed!
kyle90 has won the fight and has 1229 HP remaining!
SavageX378 <3267HP> is facing off against TimeWolfOfThePast <4136HP>!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks first!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks SavageX378 for 3929 damage!
SavageX378 has been destroyed!
TimeWolfOfThePast has won the fight and has 4136 HP remaining!
happydud <6214HP> is facing off against JediNeo <218HP>!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks JediNeo for 2844 damage!
JediNeo has been destroyed!
happydud has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
Darth_Revan <461HP> is facing off against Acharjay <2720HP>!
Darth_Revan attacks first!
Darth_Revan attacks Acharjay for 433 damage!
Acharjay attacks Darth_Revan for 2648 damage!
Acharjay has won the fight and has 2287 HP remaining!
NoESC <2576HP> is facing off against mscbuck <3607HP>!
mscbuck attacks first!
mscbuck attacks NoESC for 2638 damage!
NoESC has been destroyed!
mscbuck has won the fight and has 3607 HP remaining!
Axis <1932HP> is facing off against Echoman <11453HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
Echoman attacks first!
Echoman attacks Axis for 3461 damage!
Axis has been destroyed!
Echoman has won the fight and has 11453 HP remaining!
alpha1 <2244HP> is facing off against Jon`C <8077HP>!
alpha1 attacks first!
alpha1 attacks Jon`C for 1586 damage!
Jon`C attacks alpha1 for 5318 damage!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 6491 HP remaining!
- Tony - <4401HP> is facing off against Jon`C <6491HP>!
- Tony - attacks first!
- Tony - attacks Jon`C for 257 damage!
Jon`C attacks - Tony - for 3845 damage!
- Tony - attacks Jon`C for 3326 damage!
Jon`C attacks - Tony - for 6716 damage!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 2908 HP remaining!
Tsukasa <214HP> is facing off against TimeWolfOfThePast <4136HP>!
Tsukasa attacks first!
Tsukasa attacks TimeWolfOfThePast for 111 damage!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks Tsukasa for 1358 damage!
TimeWolfOfThePast has won the fight and has 4025 HP remaining!
Overlord <668HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15621HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks Overlord for 4055 damage!
Overlord has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15621 HP remaining!
gbk <15099HP> is facing off against Glyde Bane <4891HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
gbk attacks first!
gbk attacks Glyde Bane for 7789 damage!
Glyde Bane has been destroyed!
gbk has won the fight and has 15099 HP remaining!
gbk <15099HP> is facing off against LividDK27 <2540HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
LividDK27 attacks first!
LividDK27 attacks gbk for 192 damage!
gbk attacks LividDK27 for 191 damage!
LividDK27 attacks gbk for 1103 damage!
gbk attacks LividDK27 for 4852 damage!
gbk has won the fight and has 13804 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against Obi_Kwiet <3766HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks Obi_Kwiet for 5688 damage!
Obi_Kwiet has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
Wolfy <15610HP> is facing off against mscbuck <3607HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
Wolfy attacks first!
Wolfy attacks mscbuck for 11724 damage!
mscbuck has been destroyed!
Wolfy has won the fight and has 15610 HP remaining!
Krokodile <2992HP> is facing off against Echoman <11453HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
Krokodile attacks first!
Krokodile attacks Echoman for 1187 damage!
Echoman attacks Krokodile for 6422 damage!
Echoman has won the fight and has 10266 HP remaining!
fishstickz <6457HP> is facing off against Spork <14424HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks fishstickz for 13348 damage!
fishstickz has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 14424 HP remaining!
Martyn <4538HP> is facing off against Duo Maxwell <1044HP>!
Martyn attacks first!
Martyn attacks Duo Maxwell for 3569 damage!
Duo Maxwell has been destroyed!
Martyn has won the fight and has 4538 HP remaining!
Vincent Valentine <8222HP> is facing off against Echoman <10266HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Echoman wields considerable power and influence!
Vincent Valentine attacks first!
Vincent Valentine attacks Echoman for 7413 damage!
Echoman attacks Vincent Valentine for 378 damage!
Vincent Valentine attacks Echoman for 7733 damage!
Echoman has been destroyed!
Vincent Valentine has won the fight and has 7844 HP remaining!
Wolfy <15610HP> is facing off against Seb <2095HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
Wolfy attacks first!
Wolfy attacks Seb for 12717 damage!
Seb has been destroyed!
Wolfy has won the fight and has 15610 HP remaining!
Zecks <1136HP> is facing off against HooDWinkeR <79HP>!
HooDWinkeR attacks first!
HooDWinkeR attacks Zecks for 67 damage!
Zecks attacks HooDWinkeR for 206 damage!
Zecks has won the fight and has 1069 HP remaining!
BobTheMasher <3967HP> is facing off against petmc20 <466HP>!
petmc20 attacks first!
petmc20 attacks BobTheMasher for 69 damage!
BobTheMasher attacks petmc20 for 1256 damage!
BobTheMasher has won the fight and has 3898 HP remaining!
kyle90 <1229HP> is facing off against Wes Darklighter <1663HP>!
kyle90 attacks first!
kyle90 attacks Wes Darklighter for 6638 damage!
Wes Darklighter has been destroyed!
kyle90 has won the fight and has 1229 HP remaining!
Vincent Valentine <7844HP> is facing off against Koobie <1674HP>!
Vincent Valentine attacks first!
Vincent Valentine attacks Koobie for 4592 damage!
Koobie has been destroyed!
Vincent Valentine has won the fight and has 7844 HP remaining!
Darkjedibob <1871HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15621HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks Darkjedibob for 386 damage!
Darkjedibob attacks Dj Yoshi for 3 damage!
Dj Yoshi attacks Darkjedibob for 5061 damage!
Darkjedibob has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15618 HP remaining!
FastGamerr <9743HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15618HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks FastGamerr for 11327 damage!
FastGamerr has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15618 HP remaining!
Deadman <1108HP> is facing off against Zloc_Vergo <3776HP>!
Deadman attacks first!
Deadman attacks Zloc_Vergo for 219 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Deadman for 3639 damage!
Zloc_Vergo has won the fight and has 3557 HP remaining!
Zecks <1069HP> is facing off against Spork <14424HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Zecks attacks first!
Zecks attacks Spork for 1078 damage!
Spork attacks Zecks for 8971 damage!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
DracoZandros <125HP> is facing off against JediKirby <10562HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! JediKirby wields considerable power and influence!
DracoZandros attacks first!
DracoZandros attacks JediKirby for 37 damage!
JediKirby attacks DracoZandros for 3840 damage!
JediKirby has won the fight and has 10525 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <7415HP> is facing off against JediGandalf <6765HP>!
JediGandalf attacks first!
JediGandalf attacks Mr. Stafford for 657 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks JediGandalf for 2528 damage!
JediGandalf attacks Mr. Stafford for 104 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks JediGandalf for 2706 damage!
JediGandalf attacks Mr. Stafford for 2152 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks JediGandalf for 2867 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 4502 HP remaining!
DrkJedi82 <8202HP> is facing off against Freelancer <13324HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Freelancer wields considerable power and influence!
Freelancer attacks first!
Freelancer attacks DrkJedi82 for 9546 damage!
DrkJedi82 has been destroyed!
Freelancer has won the fight and has 13324 HP remaining!
BobTheMasher <3898HP> is facing off against IRG SithLord <1017HP>!
IRG SithLord attacks first!
IRG SithLord attacks BobTheMasher for 599 damage!
BobTheMasher attacks IRG SithLord for 2652 damage!
BobTheMasher has won the fight and has 3299 HP remaining!
Simbachu <874HP> is facing off against Zloc_Vergo <3557HP>!
Zloc_Vergo attacks first!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Simbachu for 998 damage!
Simbachu has been destroyed!
Zloc_Vergo has won the fight and has 3557 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against Impi <3245HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks Impi for 6432 damage!
Impi has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
BobTheMasher <3299HP> is facing off against Jon`C <2908HP>!
BobTheMasher attacks first!
BobTheMasher attacks Jon`C for 1982 damage!
Jon`C attacks BobTheMasher for 6570 damage!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 926 HP remaining!
Martyn <4538HP> is facing off against Zloc_Vergo <3557HP>!
Martyn attacks first!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 2665 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Martyn for 2493 damage!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 15 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Martyn for 15 damage!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 723 damage!
Zloc_Vergo attacks Martyn for 1444 damage!
Martyn attacks Zloc_Vergo for 3582 damage!
Zloc_Vergo has been destroyed!
Martyn has won the fight and has 586 HP remaining!
cybrid81 <475HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks cybrid81 for 1079 damage!
cybrid81 has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
paladinZ <229HP> is facing off against Dj Yoshi <15618HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Dj Yoshi wields considerable power and influence!
Dj Yoshi attacks first!
Dj Yoshi attacks paladinZ for 6517 damage!
paladinZ has been destroyed!
Dj Yoshi has won the fight and has 15618 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against lassev <2258HP>!
genk attacks first!
genk attacks lassev for 3337 damage!
lassev has been destroyed!
genk has won the fight and has 7531 HP remaining!
Baconfish <5751HP> is facing off against Avenger <25019HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
Avenger attacks first!
Avenger attacks Baconfish for 12632 damage!
Baconfish has been destroyed!
Avenger has won the fight and has 25019 HP remaining!
Michael MacFarlane <3248HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks Michael MacFarlane for 13410 damage!
Michael MacFarlane has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
Alan <849HP> is facing off against JediKirby <10525HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! JediKirby wields considerable power and influence!
JediKirby attacks first!
JediKirby attacks Alan for 5527 damage!
Alan has been destroyed!
JediKirby has won the fight and has 10525 HP remaining!
kyle90 <1229HP> is facing off against Acharjay <2287HP>!
Acharjay attacks first!
Acharjay attacks kyle90 for 1646 damage!
kyle90 has been destroyed!
Acharjay has won the fight and has 2287 HP remaining!
Martyn <586HP> is facing off against Jon`C <926HP>!
Jon`C attacks first!
Jon`C attacks Martyn for 6074 damage!
Martyn has been destroyed!
Jon`C has won the fight and has 926 HP remaining!
Wolfy <15610HP> is facing off against JediKirby <10525HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! JediKirby wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
JediKirby attacks first!
JediKirby attacks Wolfy for 9396 damage!
Wolfy attacks JediKirby for 14538 damage!
Wolfy has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
genk <7531HP> is facing off against Jon`C <926HP>!
Jon`C attacks first!
Jon`C attacks genk for 2377 damage!
genk attacks Jon`C for 3446 damage!
genk has won the fight and has 5154 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <4502HP> is facing off against Sats <2196HP>!
Sats attacks first!
Sats attacks Mr. Stafford for 647 damage!
Mr. Stafford attacks Sats for 7405 damage!
Mr. Stafford has won the fight and has 3855 HP remaining!
happydud <6214HP> is facing off against Admiral Zarn <272HP>!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks Admiral Zarn for 6211 damage!
Admiral Zarn has been destroyed!
happydud has won the fight and has 6214 HP remaining!
happydud <6214HP> is facing off against Avenger <25019HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
happydud attacks first!
happydud attacks Avenger for 4391 damage!
Avenger attacks happydud for 11445 damage!
Avenger has won the fight and has 20628 HP remaining!
Wolfy <6214HP> is facing off against Emon <16895HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Emon wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! Wolfy wields considerable power and influence!
Wolfy attacks first!
Wolfy attacks Emon for 5110 damage!
Emon attacks Wolfy for 7189 damage!
Emon has won the fight and has 11785 HP remaining!
Vincent Valentine <7844HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks Vincent Valentine for 12809 damage!
Vincent Valentine has been destroyed!
Spork has won the fight and has 13346 HP remaining!
gbk <13804HP> is facing off against Emon <11785HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Emon wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
gbk attacks first!
gbk attacks Emon for 14705 damage!
Emon has been destroyed!
gbk has won the fight and has 13804 HP remaining!
Detty <6377HP> is facing off against TimeWolfOfThePast <4025HP>!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks first!
TimeWolfOfThePast attacks Detty for 3122 damage!
Detty attacks TimeWolfOfThePast for 5605 damage!
Detty has won the fight and has 3255 HP remaining!
Detty <3255HP> is facing off against Avenger <20628HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
Detty attacks first!
Detty attacks Avenger for 1826 damage!
Avenger attacks Detty for 10512 damage!
Avenger has won the fight and has 18802 HP remaining!
Mr. Stafford <3855HP> is facing off against Freelancer <13324HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Freelancer wields considerable power and influence!
Mr. Stafford attacks first!
Mr. Stafford attacks Freelancer for 2471 damage!
Freelancer attacks Mr. Stafford for 5969 damage!
Freelancer has won the fight and has 10853 HP remaining!
genk <5154HP> is facing off against Acharjay <2287HP>!
Acharjay attacks first!
Acharjay attacks genk for 1280 damage!
genk attacks Acharjay for 6070 damage!
genk has won the fight and has 3874 HP remaining!
gbk <13804HP> is facing off against Spork <13346HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Spork wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
Spork attacks first!
Spork attacks gbk for 7326 damage!
gbk attacks Spork for 9664 damage!
Spork attacks gbk for 1174 damage!
gbk attacks Spork for 4507 damage!
gbk has won the fight and has 5304 HP remaining!
gbk <5304HP> is facing off against Avenger <18802HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Avenger wields considerable power and influence!
We have a heavy-hitter! gbk wields considerable power and influence!
Avenger attacks first!
Avenger attacks gbk for 24080 damage!
gbk has been destroyed!
Avenger has won the fight and has 18802 HP remaining!
genk <3874HP> is facing off against Freelancer <10853HP>!
We have a heavy-hitter! Freelancer wields considerable power and influence!
Freelancer attacks first!
Freelancer attacks genk for 8252 damage!
genk has been destroyed!
Freelancer has won the fight and has 10853 HP remaining!
|||JediGandalf's troops win!|||
Total of JediGandalf's army's hp: 190282.
Total of MBeggar's army's hp: 159001.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009