CEOs aren't the only people in the world who are rich. Like I've said before, my uncle is a very well-off self-made man. He started from nothing (not even having graduated high school), went into the military, then worked his way up from a fast food employee to owning his own construction business which has sold, now, over 20 houses each valuing from 180,000 dollars to over 300,000.
Not every rich person is some "capitalist CEO pig" who trods upon the lower class.
Also, JG said "what you're going to make for the next 5-10 years", not what you pay for food and gas for. Honestly, working at JC Pennies part time is not a real paycheck--I work fast food full time and even I acknowledge that it's sttill bull**** pay (only 400-500 every couple weeks). When you get your career you're going to see a quarter of your money, if not more, go to stupid **** like "No Child Left Behind" and the maintaining of all the wonderful departments that Bush has created. Then you're going to get "tax breaks" which end up being a grand, maybe, that the government gives back to you. And that only happens once every four years.
Most of your tax dollars go to stupid **** because the US Government is becoming bloated and inefficient.
But not everyone tries to become rich. Many people are happy with wealthy, and even more don't care enough to go past working class. You, and most other socialists, work under the assumption that capitalism means everyone tries to become rich. What you forget is that not everyone's going to try, and many who will try will fail and live a life of mediocrity working in some burger joint on K street.
Seriously, you make assumptions about the way people live instead of observations.
Derka derka derka.
Seriously, no one ever said "don't pay taxes", just that there's no need to pay for Rico Suave's (yeah, I know) welfare check, a person who doesn't even live in America getting money from our goveernment. Nor is there any reason to pay Billy Bob Smith's child support for 5 children while he's in jail, etc etc etc.
There's a LOT of stupid **** your tax money goes to--I'm definitely an advocater of some government sponsored/ran programs, but there's a line to draw at some point.
PS--as an aside, governments have to hire contractors to do jobs such as make roads and whatnot. Sometimes, yeah, they use inside men, but often times they just hire some company and have them do the job. So where do your tax dollars go? Instead of paying the contractor directly you pay for stupid committees, meetings, you pay a multitude of people just so they can spend your money for you. Also, most toll booths are made and run by the government.