Will nintendo outsell sony? Yes, most certainly.
But I don't give a crap about that. That's like saying "Oh man, I'm getting Vans shoes instead of those other ones because Vans TOTALLY sells more shoes than company #2".
I care about my quality of experience with the console, the games, the features, etc etc. I don't care if said console is selling well or not. If I cared about that, hell, I'd be an Xbox 360 fanboy all the way. I'm looking forward to a lot of the titles that are being released on the PS3 (continuations of previous titles, plus new games like Warhawk which seem to be exploiting everything they can out of the PS3). I think the PS3 has a solid future--if Sony can keep from going under before the thing hits a decent price (300-400 dollars). That's a big if. But everything to make a great console is there--easy development, multi-featured, online, a bit of innovation splashed with a lot of the same old stuff improved. I also hope that devvers don't shy away from it "in fear it will collapse" because, to be honest, that's the kind of mentality that will put Sony out of business.
And as much stupidity and lameness as Sony has brought to the table as of late, I realize they've been at the forefront of pretty much every revolution out there. If it weren't for them, we may still be using flash media to store our games. If it weren't for them, things such as portable tape players and cd players may have been much longer in the making. The created a lot of markets and pioneered in directions most people were too afraid to go. Despite their stupidity now, they've been on the cutting edge for years, and I hope they stick around for that very reason.
That said, I think that if Sony just keeps afloat with this next console (at least) then we'll definitely see something great from them on their next one. Mistake after mistake after mistake has cost them money, business, and public face. If they fail to learn from their mistakes these past couple years, then they deserve to go under. But I think they're smartening up, as a company. We'll see though.
However, all of that has nothing to do with the fact that this has nothing to do with the PS3. It has everything to do with how I'm kinda pissed at Nintendo for trying to make a quick buck on their controllers and how f***ing expensive they are. Quit being a fanboy Rob.
Well it's good to know that. And don't get me wrong, I won't be buying a PS3 on release day because I have more important things to spend money on--like saving it for college and a place and whatnot. I do, however, plan on getting it eventually, probably early next year. I also don't plan on getting a PS3 at launch because, historically, launch consoles from Sony blow ***.
And yeah, I do plan on getting a Revolution, but I'm toying with whether or not I want one on launch day or not. I'm not sure about the launch titles, and have to look into it more.