You guys are forgetting the most awesome thing in Washington State.
...ok, I'm a bit egotistical. Anyway, WA's pretty cool. We've got all kinds of different ecosystems, from deserts to plains to mountains, etc. We've got the Seahawks (who are awesome, but sadly got their butts kicked quite sorely tonight), we had a worlds fair back in '72 (here in Spokane) (you can thank that for the IMax), we've got a Big Easy concert house (Queensryche will be playing there in a few weeks, and tickets are only $33), and we've got the Gorge (one of the coolest places for concerts in the nation). We've got the Space Needle, and the Science Center (in Seattle near the Space Needle, really awesome). We have very few natural distasters (an earthquake here and there, and occaisionally an ice storm).
But, the worst thing about WA... The police. They've got nothing better to do all day then sit on the freeway and pull you over for going 5 over (not nearly as bad in Seattle/Tacoma area, but anywhere East of the Gorge is rediculous). In one 10 hour round trip to Seattle, I've actually been pulled over 3 times (but didn't get a ticket any time, as I was barely speeding. Even so, the cop was looking for something each time, like he thought I had drugs or something). A buddy of mine got pulled over one evening (around 11:30pm) for "going around a corner too fast." That was pretty pathetic. He made a left turn from a light in a Ford Escape, accelerated at a moderate speed (perhaps a bit fast, but he certainly wasn't gunning it) and got pulled over (didn't get a ticket that though). Seriously though, the cops are constantly fishing for stuff to bust you for. Another friend of mine got pulled over once for "leaving a suspicious area." The cops were arresting a couple kids for stealing a few guns, and my friend happened to be driving through the neighborhood and was pulled over.
Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the police force in Eastern WA. Other than that, it rocks.
[oh, and I missed a couple things. First I find it hard to believe that no one said anything about PennyArcade. I mean seriously... And also, I'm hurt that no one even mentioned me, since I live in Spokane. And lastly, if any of you are ever traveling through or in Spokane or surrounding area, let me know, and we can hook up so I can take you up into the mountains and perform violent sexua- err.. I mean... So we can hang out... and stuff.]
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.