Has anyone heard of Jack Chick or his work "Birds and the Bees?" I hadn't. I read through it thinking it was a parody of the more ravenous Christian beliefs. When I was done, I had this primal feeling of fear. "What if this work intends to spread a serious message?", I thought in horror. I found a statement regarding this work by the author.
[quote=Jack Chick]After 1965 the Ten Commandments were gone and kids were taught that evolution was true. Across the country, pastors in thousands of churches stopped preaching about God’s fiery judgment. They feared even to mention the word hell – it was the H-word, to be avoided at all costs, lest someone be offended!
So with hardly any opposition, the sodomites and their aggressive gay machine became a force to control politicians, judges, the media and finally our school systems. Their weapon was a single word, tolerance, and all opponents were put to flight.
Our television is an open sewer, glorifying the homosexual lifestyle, making the “straights” (non-gays) look like a bunch of idiots.
Satan has the backing of the courts, trying to shut the mouths of God-fearing pastors, who still have the courage to preach about it from the book of Romans, who show what God thinks of homosexuality and what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe the time will soon come when godless judges will close churches that call being gay a sin.
But what about our children being brainwashed and force-fed the lie that “gay is good?” What can be done to block this gay wave rolling into our classrooms?[/quote]
My favorite panel in this work was this one.
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How can anyone read that with a straight face?
Has anyone heard of Jack Chick or his work "Birds and the Bees?" I hadn't. I read through it thinking it was a parody of the more ravenous Christian beliefs. When I was done, I had this primal feeling of fear. "What if this work intends to spread a serious message?", I thought in horror. I found a statement regarding this work by the author.
[quote=Jack Chick]After 1965 the Ten Commandments were gone and kids were taught that evolution was true. Across the country, pastors in thousands of churches stopped preaching about God’s fiery judgment. They feared even to mention the word hell – it was the H-word, to be avoided at all costs, lest someone be offended!
So with hardly any opposition, the sodomites and their aggressive gay machine became a force to control politicians, judges, the media and finally our school systems. Their weapon was a single word, tolerance, and all opponents were put to flight.
Our television is an open sewer, glorifying the homosexual lifestyle, making the “straights” (non-gays) look like a bunch of idiots.
Satan has the backing of the courts, trying to shut the mouths of God-fearing pastors, who still have the courage to preach about it from the book of Romans, who show what God thinks of homosexuality and what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe the time will soon come when godless judges will close churches that call being gay a sin.
But what about our children being brainwashed and force-fed the lie that “gay is good?” What can be done to block this gay wave rolling into our classrooms?[/quote]
My favorite panel in this work was this one.
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How can anyone read that with a straight face?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009