That's exactly where the problem lies, Recusant. People (any people. not just Christians) do not lke having to follow someone else's rules if they do not agree with them. I do not like driving 65 mph. I like driving 95 mph, and do it as often as I can. The beauty of communities such as ours is that people we have the opportunity create or change rules to fit their views. The problem is when our views conflict with someone else's views, someone is bound to get upset, especially when neither side has compelling evidence for their cause, or one side doesn't believe or validate another's evidence. That's where the problem lies in the homosexuality issue; Christians feel that their religion is correct, and it's rules are correct, and they try to influence others to follow and enforce their rules. That is their perrogative. Homosexuals also have the same idea; they want to allow and enforce their lifestyle, even though they have no profound evidence for the support of their cause.
Note that I am neither arguing for, nor against any particular issue, I am just arguing about arguing, if that makes much sense, and the issue at hand just happens to be homosexuality.
Note that I am neither arguing for, nor against any particular issue, I am just arguing about arguing, if that makes much sense, and the issue at hand just happens to be homosexuality.