I find this thread almost as amusing as the articles it links.
Anyway, it's unlikely that the supreme court will strike this law down, though it is highly likely that it will hear a suit on it rather soon, and might force an amendment clarifying the fact that it cannot override an American Citizen's constitutional rights (Which it doesn't.) I would expect the suit to be brought forth by the ACLU or a similiar organization. It will probably orgininate in california or the pacific north west; those districts are the most amendable to the 'Bush is evil' way of thinking.
There seems to be a misconception that a bill can give the president power the constitution does not. They can't; the constitution gives the president only expressed powers. All matters not addressed directly by the constitution remain within the power of the state, not federal government. All a bill does is clarify and stipulate the power of the executive branch, and set up beuracracy for the administration of that power. The supreme court is the check against this power. It, and only it, has the power to veto any law. Unfortunatly, the process by which that is done requires the citizen to know his rights. This is terribly niave. Political correctness says there are no stupid people - if only that were the case, the world would be a much better place!
Now, some people take the constitution, and the bill of rights in particular, to apply to all people. It would perhaps be nice if they did, but they only apply to American citizens and persons on American soil. Yes, that's right, a person - even a known terrorist - picked up on American soil is protected by the constitution, and would still receive the full rights therein.
How many Japanese and Germans did America hold indefinitly without charge during World War II? The country didn't crumble then - in fact, it came out of the war a superpower. It won't crumble this time.
If you want proof that America is free, all you have to do is watch it's late night television, or visit message boards like this. I doubt very much that you can stand on a street corner in Iran and call Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the devil without getting picked up and shot in the head.
I always object to same thing in these sorts of debates. The immediate assumption that Bush is evil and out to grab power, or some other such nonsense. The people who think this way have formed an opinion based on emotion, and allowed it to cloud any rational thought they might have had. They can't debate the bill; all they can do is scream that "Bush is stealing our rights!". Well, know what? You have the right to fight for them; why don't you try that instead of *****ing about it?
All in all, it doesn't matter. There is only one way to make the human race stop killing itself: Kill all of them.