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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Accidently cut myself...
Accidently cut myself...
2006-10-24, 7:14 PM #41
I've broken 9 out of 10 fingers (some multiple times), shattered an ankle, broke 2 ribs, cracked my clavicle and skull, and broke my nose at least twice, and numerous events requiring stitches. Usually I skip the stitches, though, and use Super Glue or tape.

I've done a lot of risky, and often stupid, things, but I don't regret any of them. It was fun, and there is no permanant damage.
2006-10-24, 7:39 PM #42
You tape your wounds?
You could be good soldier!
"No, Just some duct tape will do fine!"
2006-10-24, 7:45 PM #43
super glue is actually quite good for sealing cuts
2006-10-24, 7:58 PM #44
Cyanoacrylate glues have saved many lives due to their effectiveness of sealing wounds.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-10-24, 9:23 PM #45
Originally posted by kyle90:
super glue is actually quite good for sealing cuts

I don't know how true this is, but I remember at some point in time hearing that this is the purpose that superglue was originally made for (sealing wounds on the battlefield).
2006-10-24, 9:37 PM #46
That's not quite true. Cyanoacrylate glues were made originally in an attempt to make gun-sight lenses. After that, I believe it was Kodak began using it as a glue. In Vietnam, there were some super glues that were used on combat wounded (oddly enough before the FDA gave the military approval for this...). Since then it's slowly (very slowly) gained popularity in the medical community as a less-scarring alternative to stitches and staples.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-10-24, 11:05 PM #47
Originally posted by Roach:
That's not quite true. Cyanoacrylate glues were made originally in an attempt to make gun-sight lenses. After that, I believe it was Kodak began using it as a glue. In Vietnam, there were some super glues that were used on combat wounded (oddly enough before the FDA gave the military approval for this...). Since then it's slowly (very slowly) gained popularity in the medical community as a less-scarring alternative to stitches and staples.

Interesting.. and kind of freaky that you know so much about it. ;)
2006-10-25, 8:59 AM #48
I have only two really good stories i can think of now, but at least the first one is pretty good.

when i was quite young, at pretty much the limits of my memory, so 2 or 3ish, probably, my parents went bowling and took me with them. i was watching and i saw the machine where the bowling balls come out of. In my young mind, i decided that it was a gaint gum ball dispenser! intrigued, i went over and watched it for a bit, and then when anouther "gumball" showed up, i reached in to grab it.

Shortly afterwards, i was raced to the ER with most of the skin of the back of my hand gone. My hand had gotten smashed between the bowling ball and the lip of the machine, and the track that spits the ball had, of cource, kept going, and so it took a long time to finally get my hand out. i still have a big scar on the back of my hand that is about an inch diameter on the top of the back of my hand and then runs up to my first joint on my middle finger. people still ask what happened when they see it. >.<

Secondly, and not nearly as impressive, i broke my little toe last year. i was doing TKD techniques last semester with a friend of mine in the lounge. Yellow techniques include an outside cresent kick. I go to make the kick, and on the upward swing my toe caught an armchair next to us and broke it. I thought at first it was jsut jambed, but eventually i went to the student health palce and they told me it was broken. and, since it was a little toe, they couldn't actually do anythign about the break. AND, jsut to compund matters, i had a belt test in less then a week >.<. I tested, too, and passed, but damn did it hurt afterwards. So, i was limping for about a month, and incapable of wearing closed-toed shoes for more then that. Freakin' little toe
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis


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