Michael MacFarlane
Unwitting troll accomplice
Posts: 8,272
Okay, I have a dilemma.
When I posted earlier, I was pretty sure I was going to vote for Judy Baar Topinka (R) for Illinois governor. (Kirby, ragna, and a couple others may know what I'm talking about.) Then I turned on the news, and I saw her blasting people who plan to vote for Green Party candidate Rich Whitney for "throwing away" their votes, arguing that people ought to vote for her because current governor Rod Blagojevich (D) is so corrupt/stupid that he needs to be voted out even if people don't agree with her.
Now, Blagojevich is awful, I have no interest in voting for Whitney, and I actually think that Topinka would make an acceptable governor. But that kind of argument really offends me; I think it's anti-democratic in the extreme. Anyone who thinks Whitney is the best candidate ought to vote for him regardless of whether he has a shot to win or not.
So do I punish her for these comments and withhold my vote, or do I write them off as the desperate acts of a candidate who's down eight points in the polls and vote for her anyway?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.